

2017-12-16 纽约时报中文网 NYT教育频道

《纽约时报》现任出版人小阿瑟·苏兹伯格和即将在1月1日接任的儿子A·G·苏兹伯格。 DAMON WINTER/THE NEW YORK TIMES

NEW YORK — In a generational changing of the guard, Arthur Gregg Sulzberger, 37, will become the publisher of The New York Times on Jan. 1. His father, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr., announced Thursday that he was turning over the post to his son.

纽约——守护《纽约时报》的工作将在两代人之间交接。37岁的阿瑟·格雷格·苏兹伯格(Arthur Gregg Sulzberger)将于1月1日起担任时报的出版人。他的父亲小阿瑟·奥克斯·苏兹伯格(Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr.)周四宣布,将把出版人的职位交给他的儿子。

The ascension of the younger Sulzberger, who is known as A.G., comes just over a year after he was named deputy publisher of The Times. The New York Times Co.'s board voted in favor of the move during a meeting Thursday. The elder Sulzberger, 66, who will stay on as chairman of The New York Times Co., has been the publisher since 1992.


“This isn’t a goodbye,” Sulzberger said in a note to Times employees Thursday. “But, beginning in the new year, the grand ship that is The Times will be A.G.'s to steer.”


Best known for heading the team that produced The Times’ “innovation report” in 2014, A.G. Sulzberger will be the sixth member of the Ochs-Sulzberger family to serve as publisher since its patriarch, Adolph S. Ochs, purchased the paper in a bankruptcy sale in 1896.

A·G·苏兹伯格最为人所知的事迹是领导了编制2014年《创新报告》的团队。他将是自奥克斯-苏兹伯格(Ochs-Sulzberger)家族创始人阿道夫·S·奥克斯(Adolph S. Ochs)在1896年的一场破产抛售中购买下该报纸以来,家族中第六位担任出版人的成员。

“I am an unapologetic champion for this institution and its journalistic mission,” A.G. Sulzberger said. “And I’ll continue to be that as publisher.”


Despite his in-house reputation as an innovator, the incoming publisher said that he did not expect to shake things up early in his tenure.


“I don’t expect there to be some flurry of change,” he said.


时报三代出版人:小阿瑟·苏兹伯格坐在他祖父阿瑟·海斯·苏兹伯格的腿上,身穿制服的父亲阿瑟·奥克斯·苏兹伯格在看着他。 THE NEW YORK TIMES COMPANY ARCHIVES/FROM "THE TRUST"

During his quarter-century tenure as publisher, the elder Sulzberger presided over the paper’s national expansion and guided it through the advent of the internet. In 1996, he moved The Times online. In 2011, he instituted a pay wall that risked pushing away readers but has since become the centerpiece of the company’s growth model.

在作为出版人的四分之一世纪中,老 40 37498 40 15262 0 0 2460 0 0:00:15 0:00:06 0:00:09 2960苏兹伯格主持了时报的全国扩张,并领导报社迎接了互联网时代的到来。1996年,他将时报搬上网。2011年,他冒着造成读者流失的风险设立了付费墙,但这一举措后来成为了公司增长模式的核心。

In recent years, as print advertising revenue declined sharply, The Times has focused on adding subscribers and accelerating its digital expansion. With 3.5 million paid subscribers (2.5 million of them are digital-only), is one of the few newspaper companies whose newsroom is growing at a time when the industry is struggling.


The elder Sulzberger assumed the job of publisher when George H.W. Bush was president and Max Frankel was the newspaper’s executive editor. To prepare for the role, he served in a variety of jobs at The Times, including as a correspondent in Washington and night production manager overseeing the newspaper’s printing press at its former location on West 43rd Street.

老苏兹伯格成为出版人时,美国总统是乔治·H·W·布什(George H.W. Bush),时报执行主编是马克斯·弗兰克尔(Max Frankel)。为了做好承担这一角色的准备,他从事过时报的各个岗位,包括作为驻华盛顿记者,以及在原位于西43街的印刷厂负责报纸印刷的夜间生产经理。

With Arthur Sulzberger in control, The Times weathered not only the sometimes rocky early days of its digital transformation, but also an economic recession that claimed dozens of newspapers nationwide.


His term was not without financial missteps and newsroom turmoil, including the Jayson Blair plagiarism scandal in 2003 and the firing of a chief executive and two executive editors.

他任内不是没有出现过金融方面的失策和新闻编辑室的动荡,其中包括2003年杰森·布莱尔(Jayson Blair)抄袭丑闻及对一位首席执行官及两位主编的解雇。

Yet even as U.S. newspapers fell increasingly into the hands of corporations and billionaires, Sulzberger remained committed to The Times, investing in its journalism and keeping bureaus open around the world.


The newsroom, with 1,450 journalists, is larger now than it was when he started his term. Under his leadership, The Times has won 60 Pulitzer Prizes, nearly double the number the paper was awarded under his father, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, who served as publisher for 29 years.

时报的新闻编辑室现在拥有1450名记者,比他刚上任时更多。在他的领导下,时报获得了60项普利策奖(Pulitzer Prizes),几乎是他的父亲阿瑟·奥克斯·苏兹伯格(Arthur Ochs Sulzberger)担任时报出版人29年里的两倍。

Like his predecessors, A.G. Sulzberger will oversee all aspects of the company’s news, editorial and business operations. In taking the helm, he will become a crucial steward of journalism at a time of widespread mistrust in the media, fueled by a president who delights in attacking the press.


He established himself as a newsroom leader in a different role — a leader of the team behind the so-called innovation report, a document that became a guide for the company’s digital transformation and a template for the rest of the industry. From there, Sulzberger was named an associate editor. He was also part of the group that outlined the plan to double The Times’ digital revenue by 2020.


“He’s not a vocal, stand on the desk, beat-his-chest kind of leader — but that’s not the only kind of leadership,” Dean Baquet, executive editor of The Times, said. “He is very thoughtful. He is very forceful.”

“他不是那种大吼大叫,站在桌子上捶胸顿足的领导人——不是只有那一种领导方式,”时报主编迪恩·巴奎(Dean Baquet)说。“他很缜密。他很有说服力。”

下一任时报出版人A·G·苏兹伯格与两位堂兄弟兼同事——山姆·多尼克(左)和大卫·珀皮奇(右),摄于2016年。 TONY CENICOLA/THE NEW YORK TIMES

Since he was appointed deputy publisher last year, Sulzberger has spent time learning other parts of the company, including advertising, marketing, technology and human resources. He also said he had “spent a lot of time getting to know the opinion folks,” which included working with James Bennet, the editorial page editor.

自去年被任命为副出版人以来,苏兹伯格一直在了解本公司的其他部分,包括广告、营销、技术和人力资源。他还说,他“花了很多时间去了解观点版块的员工”,包括与社论版编辑詹姆斯·贝内特(James Bennet)一起工作。

Although the elder Sulzberger will continue as the company’s chairman — a title he has held since 1997 — his decision to step aside as publisher puts an end to a long reign atop one of the world’s most influential, and most scrutinized, media companies.


His supporters highlight the fact that he has brought The Times to a position of relative financial strength, particularly given the hurdles he faced. On his watch, the company found new sources of revenue to offset the decline in print advertising, including mobile apps for cooking and crossword puzzles. Still, The Times has had to figure out how to do more with less. The company last year brought in about $1.6 billion in revenue, down roughly 2 percent compared with the previous year.


“The paper was in a very good position when I took over, given where we were,” Arthur Sulzberger said in an interview Wednesday. “We are in a better position now, because we are much more accustomed to embracing change.”


When the elder Sulzberger became publisher, The Times was in many ways a vastly different company, with regional newspapers, magazines and local television stations. One of his first initiatives was to take the paper national. A year into his tenure, in 1993, The Times acquired The Boston Globe.

老苏兹伯格成为出版人时的纽约时报,从许多方面看都和现在有很大不同,当时有地区性的报纸、杂志和本地电视台。他最早的举措之一就是将报纸推向全国。在1993年,他上任的第一年,时报收购了《波士顿环球报》(Boston Globe)。

“It really took some heavy lifting, honestly, because it wasn’t clear that the business model would work,” Arthur Sulzberger said of the national expansion.


He was also quick to embrace the internet’s potential, forming a partnership in 1994 with America Online to introduce @times, a digital news and information service. Two years later, The Times started a daily website, The New York Times on the Web.

他也很快承认了互联网的潜力,于1994年与美国在线(America Online)形成合作关系,推出了电子新闻和信息服务@times。两年后,时报启动了一个日报网站——网络版纽约时报(The New York Times on the Web)。

Going online was not an easy sell. “Many of our colleagues way back then thought that digital was getting in the way of the mission,” Sulzberger said. “And it was only when they started to see that, in fact, it was enhancing their ability to get their journalism out that they started to truly embrace it.”


In the late 1990s and early 2000s, The Times appeared to be firing on all cylinders. The front page featured its first color photograph in October 1997. Sulzberger also created or revamped sections, including Thursday Styles, Business Day, Culture and Travel.

在1990年代末和2000年代初,时报似乎开足了马力。1997年10月,头版刊登了时报的第一张彩色照片。苏兹伯格还创建或翻新了一些版块,包括“周四风尚”(Thursday Styles),“工作日”(Business Day)和“文化与旅游”(Culture and Travel)版面。

In 2003, The Times introduced T Magazine, a fashion and style publication that was a magnet for advertising dollars. The Times also became the sole owner of The International Herald Tribune, which it would later use as a springboard for international expansion.

2003年,纽约时报推出了《纽约时报国际生活》(T Magazine),这份时装与风尚出版物可谓是吸引广告费的磁石。《国际先驱论坛报》(The International Herald Tribune)也成为了纽约时报全资拥有的报纸,后来这成为了纽约时报国际化扩张的跳板。

Five years later, amid the financial crisis and a continuing erosion of print advertising, the momentum came to a halt. The company significantly cut its dividend in 2008, reversing years of increases. Though dividends were a substantial source of income for the Ochs-Sulzberger family, the family trustees supported the decision, a move that Arthur Sulzberger said highlighted their commitment to the newspaper’s mission.


During Arthur Sulzberger’s tenure, the paper published some of its most towering reports, including series on Chinese princelings, Ebola and comprehensive coverage of the Sept. 11 attacks that earned the paper six Pulitzer Prizes. This year, its reporting on allegations of sexual misconduct against former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly and movie mogul Harvey Weinstein have set off a national reckoning over inappropriate behavior by powerful men and sexism in the workplace.

在阿瑟·苏兹伯格任内,报纸发表了一些最具分量的报道,包括一系列对中国“太子党”、埃博拉疫情的报道,以及为时报赢得了6项普利策奖的9·11事件全面报道。今年,时报对福克斯新闻(Fox News)前主持人比尔·奥莱利(Bill O'Reilly)以及影业大亨哈维·韦恩斯坦(Harvey Weinstein)被控不当性行为的报道,在全国范围内引发了对权势人物不当行为和职场性别歧视的反思。

But The Times also ran plagiarized and fabricated stories by Blair — a stain on the newspaper’s reputation that Sulzberger cited as a low point of his tenure. The Times published a lengthy article describing Blair’s “trail of deception” in 2003. During a town hall meeting, Sulzberger pulled a stuffed toy moose out of a bag in an effort to encourage those present to discuss an uncomfortable issue. The tactic, however, did not go over well in a room full of anxious, and angry, journalists.

但时报同样也发表过杰森·布莱尔(Jayson Blair)抄袭与编造的报道——这是报纸名誉的一个污点,苏兹伯格称之为他任期内的低谷。2003年,时报发表了一篇长篇报道,描述布莱尔留下的“欺骗的痕迹”。在公司大会上,苏兹伯格从包里拿出了一个毛绒驼鹿玩偶,希望以此鼓励到场员工去讨论一个令人不自在的问题。然而,在这个坐满了焦虑而愤怒的记者的大厅内,这个手法并未得到很好的反响。

Howell Raines, the executive editor at the time, was soon forced out.

时任主编豪厄尔·雷恩斯(Howell Raines)很快被迫离职。

The next year, The Times shone a spotlight on a series of flawed articles about the United States’ entry into the Iraq War, publishing a lengthy editor’s note acknowledging that, in many instances, the coverage was “not as rigorous as it should have been.'’


There were other periods of Sulzberger’s term as publisher that were marked by leadership turmoil. Janet Robinson, the chief executive of The Times, left abruptly in late 2011. And in 2014, Sulzberger hastily gathered the newsroom and informed those in attendance that The Times had dismissed Jill Abramson, the first woman to serve as executive editor.

苏兹伯格任内还有一些时期被认为是出现了领导混乱。时报前首席执行官珍妮特·罗宾逊(Janet Robinson)于2011年末突然离职。2014年,苏兹伯格匆忙召集新闻编辑部,对到场的员工宣布吉尔·阿布拉姆松(Jill Abramson)已被时报解雇,她是报纸第一位女性主编。

With Abramson’s ouster, Sulzberger elevated Baquet, the first African-American executive editor at The Times.


作者:Sydney Ember



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