What do these stories have in common? Obviously they’re all tied to the character of the man occupying the White House, surely the worst human being ever to hold his position. But there’s also a larger context, and it’s not just about Donald Trump. What we’re witnessing is a systematic rejection of longstanding American values — the values that actually made America great.


America has long been a powerful nation. In particular, we emerged from World War II with a level of both economic and military dominance not seen since the heyday of ancient Rome. But our role in the world was always about more than money and guns. It was also about ideals: America stood for something larger than itself — for freedom, human rights and the rule of law as universal principles.


Of course, we often fell short of those ideals. But the ideals were real, and mattered. Many nations have pursued racist policies; but when the Swedish economist Gunnar Myrdal wrote his 1944 book about our “Negro problem,” he called it “An American Dilemma,” because he viewed us as a nation whose civilization had a “flavor of enlightenment” and whose citizens were aware at some level that our treatment of blacks was at odds with our principles.

当然,我们经常达不到这样的理想。但这些理想是真实的,并且非常重要。许多国家实行种族主义政策;但瑞典经济学家贡纳尔·默达尔(Gunnar Myrdal)把他1944年那本关于美国“黑人问题”的书命名为《美国的困境》(An American Dilemma),因为他认为我们国家的文明具有“启蒙气息”,我们的公民在某种程度上明白,我们对待黑人的态度与我们的原则不符。