征集公告|深圳城市规划馆策展及设计团队 Call for Curators of SZ Planning Museum
© Duccio Malagamba
Shenzhen is the first special economic zone of China and the windowof reform and opening-up. It has achieved a giant leap in urban economy andconstruction over the past 30 years, and been developed from a border town toan influential international metropolis, creating the remarkable “Shenzhenspeed”.
The urban planning in Shenzhen has beencommitted to reform and exploration. Many achievements are pioneering and demonstrative,especially in the fields of planning structure, innovative standard,technological research and management. The Shenzhen experience contributes to the urban development and planning management inChina and the rest of the world. The master planning of Shenzhen, a model for fast-developingcities, was honorable mentioned in Sir Patrick Abercrombie Prize – the topaward for urban planning issued by International Union of Architects.
Shenzhen Planning Museum is one of the two parts at Museum ofContemporary Art & Planning Exhibition (MOCAPE). It is a window to presentthe urban development history and achievements, a center for researching urbanproblems, rethinking planning management and discussing design innovation, andalso a public place for citizens to study, learn from and participate inplanning. The multiple functions define its special positioning as a “spiritualpublic space” with academic and cutting-edge knowledge and a cultural centerfor cultivating the public awareness.
© Duccio Malagamba
© Duccio Malagamba
2.Project Overview
MOCAPE is the most recent build in Futian CBD, Shenzhen. It sits at theeast side of the CBD north axis and is designed by the well-known Austrianarchitectural firm Coop Himmelb (l) au. MOCAPE covers a total area of 30,000㎡,with a total floor area of 91,000㎡ including 60,000㎡aboveground and 31,000㎡ underground. The building height is 40m.The Planning Museum is located in the north part of the building, with a totalfloor area of 15,000㎡. The main exhibition spaces are located on the 3rd, 4th and 5th Floor. See the attacheddrawings for detailed layout.
© Duccio Malagamba
© Julien Lanoo
© Duccio Malagamba
3. 策展目标
3.Curatorial Goal
To create a world-class planning museum through innovativeexhibitions, and to reflect its pioneering, academic and public nature.
4. 工作内容
4.1 策展:策划展览的整体叙事,安排固定展、临时展的空间布局,统筹展品内容,指导展品制作和展览施工,监督展览实施效果,结合展览策划相应的学术研讨和公共活动,对展览整体学术性和艺术性负责;
4.2 场馆空间设计:根据策展方案设计观展动线、展览呈现方式和观众互动形式,把控视觉效果。突破现有规划展览馆的普遍模式,利用前沿的多媒体技术创新手段展示展览内容;
4.3 展示内容设计:根据展览叙事设计展示内容,需体现对城市及城市规划的深入研究,邀请艺术家和城市研究者参与展示内容的创作。
4. Work Content
The work of the curatorial anddesign team includes curation, exhibition space design and content design.
4.1 Curation: plan the overall exhibitionnarrative, arrange the spatial layout for the permanent and temporaryexhibitions, coordinate the exhibit content, guide the exhibit production and installation,supervise the exhibition implementation, plan academic seminars and publicactivities and be responsible for the overall academic and artistry nature;
4.2 Exhibition space design: designthe visiting circulation, exhibition presentation and interaction according tothe curatorial proposal, and control the visual effect. Create a unique planningexhibition by using cutting-edge and innovative multimedia technologies;
4.3 Exhibition content design:design theexhibit content according to the curatorial narrative, reflect an in-depth studyon the city and urban planning, invite artists and urban researchers toparticipate in the creation of exhibit content.
5. 团队要求
5.1 人员构成
5.2 团队经验及能力
5.2.1 了解中国尤其是深圳的城市发展;对城市及城市规划具有独到的见解。
5.2.4 具备一定的与政府沟通协调的经验。
5.3 服务要求
5.Team Requirements
5.1 Personnel composition
The curatorial team should consist of the curator, the exhibitionspace designer and cross-disciplinary experts to provide the exhibit contentsuch as urban researchers, architects, designers and artists. The curator isthe team leader who is responsible for the entire exhibition under thesupervision of the organizer, and coordinate with the exhibition space designerand other team members.
5.2 Team experience and capability
5.2.1 Familiar with the urbandevelopment in Shenzhen and China. Have unique insights in the area of citiesand urban planning.
5.2.2 Have a sophisticated understandingin curation, and the vast experience of planning and implementing exhibitionson the theme of city or urban planning. Familiar with the operation andmanagement of cultural venues.
5.2.3 Have highly recognized academic accomplishmentand resources. Familiar with the trends in the design profession.
5.2.4 Have project experience in communicatingwith government agencies.
5.3 Service requirements
The Planning Museum is tentatively open at the end of August 2018. Thecuratorial team should make the work plan based on the deadline and theschedule of staying in Shenzhen during the curation period. It is required to attendthe project meetings at the different stages to ensure the exhibition quality.
6. 工作组织
6.Work Organization
The organizers for this open solicitation are Urban Planning, Land& Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality and China Overseas PropertyGroup. The organizers are responsible for organizing the review and approval ofcuratorial proposals, exhibition design and exhibit content according to theboard statutes of MOCAPE. The curatorial team should report to the organizers.
7. 征集流程
7.1 第一阶段为全球公开征集
7.2 第二阶段为入围方案深化
7.Selection Process
The selection of curatorial anddesign team for Shenzhen Planning Museum is divided into two phases:
7.1 First phase: global open call
Participants should submit the curatorial proposals according to therequirements (see 9.1 for details). It is not required to present in Shenzhen. Anevaluation panel will be organized to review the curatorial proposals, team experienceand execution plans. A maximum of 5 teams will be selected to the second phase.
7.2 Second phase: development ofshortlisted proposals
The shortlisted teams should develop the detailed proposalsaccording to the project brief for the second phase provided by the organizer.The shortlisted teams should attend the evaluation panel meeting in person topresent their proposals. The evaluation panel will review the proposals andmake the final selection. Each shortlisted team will receive 200,000 RMB(tax-inclusive) for the work at the second phase (including travels, printingsand other incidentals) if the detailed proposals meet the brief requirements.
8. 工作计划 Work Plan
时间 Time | 事项 Item |
2017年9月15日 September 15, 2017 | 发布征集公告 Announcement of the open call |
2017年10月15日 October 15, 2017 | 提交策展提案 Submission of the first phase proposal |
2017年10月中旬 Mid-October 2017 | 第一阶段评审 First phase review |
2017年10月中-11月中旬 Mid-October to Mid-November, 2017 | 方案深化阶段 Detailed Proposal development |
2017年11月下旬 Late November 2017 | 第二阶段评审 Second phase review |
2017年12月 December 2017 | 确定策展团队 Determination of the curatorial team |
2018年1月-8月 January-August 2018 | 展览设计、展览制作、布展实施 Exhibition design, exhibit production and installation |
2018年8月底(暂定) End of August 2018 (tentative) | 展览开幕 Exhibition opening |
9. 文件提交及场地踏勘
9.1 提交要求
9.1.1 申请表:需由策展人签字确认。
9.1.2 策展提案: 包括策展的主要思路、对展馆空间布置的回应以及展览内容的建议;
9.2 提交格式
申请人请在(北京时间)2017年10月15日24点前将申请材料以电子邮件提交至 深圳市城市设计促进中心。根据9.1要求提交A3电子文本,格式为PDF。所有文件以实际收到日期为准,逾期视为无效。
邮件主题:Curator Application
9.3 语言
9.4 现场踏勘及答疑
申请人可在提交材料前前往城市规划馆现场考察,但需提前预约。联系方式: jzsjc@szpl.gov.cn 或致电 +86 13715111924(廖小姐) +86 755 83010521(梁小姐)。
9.Submission and Site Visit
9.1 Submission requirements
9.1.1 Application form: to be signed bythe curator.
9.1.2 Curatorial proposal: including a preliminarycuratorial concept, the response to the building layout and the suggestion forthe exhibit content;
9.1.3 Team member: including responsibilities,team member profiles, experience and award certificates;
9.1.4 Work plan: including a work schedulefrom the beginning of curation to the exhibition opening, and a schedule of theteam staying in Shenzhen;
9.1.5 Budget plan: proposing an overallbudget according to the curatorial proposal, including but not limited to the expensesfor curation and exhibition design, exhibits making, venue construction,activity organization and media promotion.
9.2 Submission format
Applicants should submit the application materials by e-mail to ShenzhenCenter for Design by 24:00, October 15, 2017 (Beijing time). The applicationmaterials should be compiled according to the requirements of 9.1 in an A3 bookand in PDF format. Overdue submissions will be deemed invalid.
E-mail: jzsjc@szpl.gov.cn
E-mail subject: Curator Application
9.3 Language
The proposal must be in Chinese and English, and in the case of anyinconsistency between the Chinese and English versions, the Chinese versionshall prevail.
9.4 Site visit and Q & A
Applicantsmay visit the Planning Museum before submission. An appointment can be made inadvance by sending mail to jzsjc@szpl.gov.cn or calling +8613715111924 (Ms. Liao) or +86 755 83010521 (Ms. Liang).
Organizer :
Urban Planning, Land& Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality
China Overseas Property Group Co., Ltd.
Co-organizer : Shenzhen Center forDesign
(*The organizer and co-organizer reserve the right for the final explanationof the solicitation rules.)
1. 报名表
2. 城市规划馆相关资料图纸
1. Application form
2. Documents and drawings related tothe Planning Museum