
微信号 GlobalThinkTank 功能介绍 中国与全球化智库(CCG)致力于中国的全球化战略、人才国际化、企业国际化等领域的研究,秉承“国际化、影响力、建设性”的专业定位,坚持“用全球视野,为中国建言;以中国智慧,为全球献策”,打造具有全球影响力的中国国际化智库。 Chinese students studying overseas have returned to the motherland in record numbers, according to a report on Chinese returnees' employment and entrepreneurship in 2017 released by the Beijing-based Center for China and Globalization (CCG) on Aug. 12. A total of 432,500 students returned to China after graduating from overseas universities in 2016, up 36.26 percent compared to 2012, according to a joint conference focusing on Chinese overseas students. The report added that by the end 2016, China has had a total of 2.65 million returnees. The record number indicates that the rapid speed of China's economic and social development is becoming a "talent magnet." Guo Jun, deputy director of the State Council Office for Overseas Chinese Affairs, encouraged the returnees to seize opportunities such as the Belt and Road to act as the main force for the country's industrial transformation and upgrade. Since China launched the "Thousand Talent" program for top global talent in 2008, more than 7,000 experts have been introduced and 53,900 high-level overseas Chinese have returned, said Li Jing, deputy director of the Overseas Returnee and Expert Services Center under the Department of Human Resources. According to the report, the number of domestic university graduates in 2017 is estimated to reach a total of 7.95 million, an increase of 300,000 over the previous year. The overseas returnees adopt a positive attitude toward the benefits of overseas study, the report said. More than half of them are confident they can recover cost of overseas study. More returnees are engaged in the IT industry and a rising number of them are employed by private-owned enterprises. The report noted that the rise in the number of returnees will bring more pressure on employment, which should be noted by the government and the society. From People's Daily Online,2017-8-15 ⊙第12届中国留学人员创新创业论坛成功举办 ⊙中国“绿卡”为啥成了“香饽饽”? ⊙CCG发布 《2017中国海归就业创业调查报告》 ⊙CCG研究报告荣获“全国优秀皮书奖”一等奖 ⊙著名国际关系学者赵穗生CCG演讲:中美之间并非零和游戏 ⊙中国企业“走出去”50人论坛2017年会 在京举行 ⊙CCG发布《2016-2017年中国企业对外投资十大趋势》 ⊙中美全面经济对话 莫再做与风车作战的堂吉诃德! ⊙谁是盟友?G20峰会上中美欧大国关系的新选项 ⊙“那三届”考生共话恢复高考四十年的个体与时代 ⊙王辉耀:从全面经济对话看中美合作广阔前景 ⊙王辉耀:中国留学状况牵动全球留学态势 ⊙王辉耀:人生就是一个不断开放创新的过程 ⊙王辉耀:提高新型智库的决策咨询能力 | 人民日报 ⊙ CCG新著 《世界华商发展报告(2017)》发布 ⊙  王辉耀:选才基数,从“13亿”变“70亿” ⊙《全球智库报告2016》发布 CCG 在多项榜单中位列中国智库第一 ⊙20国70余家智库齐聚青岛 新旧动能转换看智库如何“出招” ⊙中国出境游持续高热  入境游赤字亟待改善 ⊙  CCG报告:抓住美国移民收紧机遇 更加开放国际人才政策 ⊙  王辉耀:打造具有国际影响力的中国社会智库 ⊙  CCG发布报告《中国企业全球化报告(2016)》 ⊙  CCG发布《中国留学发展报告(2016)》蓝皮书 ⊙  第三届中国企业全球化论坛于海南三亚盛大开幕 ⊙  第二届中国人才50人圆桌论坛 赞赏 长按二维码向我转账 受苹果公司新规定影响,微信 iOS 版的赞赏功能被关闭,可通过二维码转账支持公众号。 微信扫一扫关注该公众号

