
活动预告 | 外交政策智囊团在国际事务中的作用


Wednesday, October 23rd at 7:00 pm 

10月23日周三 晚上7:00

Doors Open at 6:30 pm 



CFLD Hall, Schwarzman College, Level B1  


About the event

As part of Schwarzman College’s new global affairs core course, we are hosting a panel discussion with leaders of three leading foreign policy think tanks.  Leaders from Chatham House, the Center for China and Globalization, and the Carnegie Tsinghua Center will share information about their mission and their work related to global affairs and answer questions.  The panel will be followed by a networking event and opportunity to meet and talk with the panelists and others from their institutions.

About the speaker

Dr. Leslie Vinjamuri 
is Head of the US & the Americas Programme and Dean of the Queen Elizabeth II Academy for Leadership in International Affairs at Chatham House, The Royal Institute of International Affairs. She is also Reader (Associate Professor) in International Relations at SOAS. From 2010-2018 she founded and was co-Director then Director of an international affairs Centre at SOAS. She is a life member of the Council on Foreign Relations. From 2015-2018, Dr. Vinjamuri was a member of the Council (a "trustee") of Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Affairs. She is also external examiner of the Oxford University MPhil in International Relations (2020-2023).

Dr. Huiyao (Henry) WANG is the Founder and President of Center for China and Globalization (CCG), the leading Chinese think tank that ranked among the top 100 think tanks in the word and No. 1 social think tank in China. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang appointed Dr. Wang as a Counselor of China State Council, China’s cabinet. Dr. Wang is also Vice Chairman of China Association for International Economic Cooperation Association of the Ministry of Commerce and Chairman of China global Talent Society under Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. In addition, he is the Dean of Institute of Development Studies of China Southwestern University of Finance and Economics. He is also a Vice Chairman of China Western (Overseas) Returned Scholars Association. 

Dr. Lan XUE is a Cheung Kong Chair Distinguished Professor and Dean of Schwarzman College. In Tsinghua University, he also serves as a Deputy Director of Strategic Research Institute for Engineering, Science and Technology, Director of China Institute for S&T Policy, Co-Director of Global Institute for SDGs. His teaching and research interests include STI policy, crisis management, and global governance.  From 2000-2018, He served as Associate Dean, Executive Associate Dean, and Dean of the School of Public Policy and Management at Tsinghua University.

Dr. Robin Niblett became Director of Chatham House in January 2007. Previously he was Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) from 2001 to 2006. During his last two years at CSIS, he also served as Director of the CSIS Europe Program and its Initiative for a Renewed Transatlantic Partnership. He is a frequent panellist at conferences and events around the world and has testified on a number of occasions to the House of Commons Defence Select Committee and Foreign Affairs Committee, as well as US Senate and House of Representatives committees on European Affairs.

Paul Haenle is the Maurice R. Greenberg Chair and Director of the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy in Beijing. He is also a Senior Advisor at Teneo Strategy and RiceHadleyGates LLC. Haenle served in the White House under U.S. Presidents Bush and Obama from 2007 to 2009 as China director on the National Security Council, and was the White House Representative to the Six-Party Talks nuclear negotiations with North Korea. Haenle also served for 3 years in the West Wing as executive assistant to the National Security Advisor from 2004 to 2007.  Haenle serves on the Board of Directors of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations and in 2002 was an inaugural fellow in its US-China Young Leaders Program.


Guests from both Tsinghua and other universities as well as professionals from relevant industries may register for this event by scanning the QR code. Attendees must show their confirmed reservation to access this event. Attendees admitted to Schwarzman College must adhere to all building and event policies. This event is not open to members of the media and will be held off the record. No attributions or descriptions of this event may be published or shared online without the written consent from both Tsinghua University and Schwarzman College. 

This panel discussion will be held in English.



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