

2017-12-06 译匠医疗口译班 译匠



Bronchitis is swelling of the lining of the large airways called bronchi in the lungs. The swelling causes more mucus than normal to be made. This can block the airflow through the lungs and may damage the lungs.

支气管炎是指称为支气管的肺内大气管内壁肿大。该肿大导致多痰。这可能阻塞肺部通气并可能损害肺。急性支气管炎持续 2-4 个星期,但可治愈。 

Acute bronchitis lasts 2 to 4 weeks and can be treated. Chronic bronchitis is a long-term disease of the lungs. It is one disease in a group of lung diseases called COPD or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The damage often gets worse over time and cannot be cured.

慢性支气管炎是一种长期肺病。它是一组称为 COPD 或慢性阻塞性 肺病的一种。肺损伤经常会恶化,且不能治愈。

Signs of Bronchitis

• A frequent cough

• Feeling tired

• Chest pain with coughing or deep breathing

• Noisy breathing

• Shortness of breath

• Body aches

• Fever or chills

• Sore throat

• Runny or stuffy nose



• 经常咳嗽

• 感觉疲劳

• 咳嗽或深呼吸时胸痛

• 呼吸有杂音

• 呼吸急促

• 身体疼痛

• 发烧或畏寒

• 喉咙痛

• 流鼻涕或鼻塞

Causes of Bronchitis

• Bacterial or viral infections

• Smoking

• Air pollution

• Allergy to something in the air such as pollen

• Lung disease such as asthma or emphysema



• 细菌或病毒感染

• 吸烟

• 空气污染

• 对花粉等空气悬浮物过敏

• 哮喘或肺气肿等肺病


Your Care

Your care may include medicines and breathing exercises to help you breathe easier. You may need oxygen if you have chronic bronchitis. Your care may also include:

• Avoiding colds and the flu.

• Drinking a lot of liquids to keep mucus thin.

• Using a humidifier or vaporizer.

• Using postural drainage and percussion to loosen mucus from your

lungs. You will be taught how to do this.



• 避免感冒和流感。

• 大量饮用液体以保持痰液不变浓。

• 使用增湿器或蒸发器。

• 使用体位引流和叩诊以帮助咳出肺部的痰液。有人会教您怎么做。


To Breathe Easier

• Quit smoking. The only way to slow the damage of chronic bronchitis is to quit smoking. It is never too late to quit.

• Do not drink alcohol. It dulls the urge to cough and sneeze to clear your air passages. It also causes your body to lose fluid, making the mucus in your lungs thicker and harder to cough up.

• Avoid things that irritate your lungs such as air pollution, dusts and


• Sleep with your upper body raised. Use foam wedges or raise the

head of your bed.



• 戒烟。减缓慢性支气管炎损害的唯一方法是戒烟。什么时候戒烟都不晚。

• 不要喝酒。咳嗽和打喷嚏可清除气道,而喝酒会钝化咳嗽和打喷嚏的欲望。喝酒也导致您的身体丧失液体,从而使肺部的痰液更粘稠、更难咳出。

• 避免肺的刺激物,如空气污染、灰尘和各类气体。

• 睡觉时将上身抬高。使用泡沫楔枕头或抬高您的床头。

Call your doctor right away if you:

• Have chills or a fever over 101 degrees F or 38 degrees C

• Need to use your inhalers or breathing treatments more often

• Have more mucus, the color changes, or it becomes too hard to cough


• Have a new or worsening gray or blue tint of your nails or the skin of your fingers or mouth

• Have trouble talking or doing your normal activities

• Have to use more pillows when sleeping or start having to sleep in a

chair to breathe at night



• 畏寒或高于华氏101度或摄氏38度的发烧

• 需要更多地使用吸入器或呼吸治疗

• 痰增加、痰色有变化或更难咳出痰液

• 指甲或手指皮肤或嘴上新增添灰蓝色或原有的情况恶化

• 说话或进行正常活动有困难

• 睡觉时必须用更多枕头或晚间开始必须在一张椅子上睡觉才能呼吸

Call 911 right away if you:

• Cannot get your breath

• Become confused, dizzy or feel faint

• Have new chest pain or tightness


如有下列情形,立即拨打 911:

• 呼吸困难

• 意识模糊、眩晕或感觉头晕

• 新近的胸痛或胸部发紧


Talk to your doctor or nurse if you have any questions or concerns.


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