

2017-12-15 译匠


Safety with Car Seats and Booster Seats

Car crashes are the main cause of accidental death and serious injury of children. Correctly using a car or booster seat can save your child’s life.


Throughout the United States, there are laws that require car seat and booster seat use for children. Laws in most states require that parents or guardians use a:


• Rear-facing car seat for infants under 20 pounds and until at least 2 years old 

• Front-facing car seat for children under 40 pounds and under 4 years old 

• Booster seat for children under 80 pounds and under 8 years old

• 后向儿童车座(9.1公斤和2岁以下的婴儿) 

• 前向儿童车座(18公斤以下和4岁以下的儿童) 

• 加高车座(36.3公斤以下和8岁以下的 儿童)

Car seat and booster seat laws may differ by state. When you are traveling with children, follow the laws of the state in which you are driving.


Rear facing car seat


Your child must ride facing the rear in a car seat until at least 2 years old or until they reach the height or weight limit on the car seat for rear facing use.

婴儿2岁以下或身高或体重达到车座的后 向使用限制之前,乘车时必须使用朝向后 方的儿童车座。

Front facing car seat


Children between 20 and 40 pounds and under 4 years old must ride in a car seat facing forward. 

Attach the car seat’s tether strap to the tether anchors in the back seat of the car.



Booster seat


Children under 80 pounds (4 to 8 years old) must ride in booster seats, which make the lap and shoulder belts fit correctly.


Safety tips


Laws require that drivers and front-seat passengers wear a seat belt. Children must wear a seat belt and use a car seat when riding in vehicles.


Children do not fit in seat belts until they are over 58 inches tall and their knees bend over the edge of the seat. 

• The back seat is the safest place for children under 13 years old to ride. 

• Never place a child in the front seat of a car or truck unless there is no other seat. Then be sure the passenger air bag is turned off and the seat is back as far as it can go. 

• If a child is old enough to use an adult seat belt and must ride in the front seat, secure the child correctly in the lap and shoulder seat belt. Move the front seat as far back as you can from the dashboard.


• 13岁以下儿童最安全的座位是后座。 

• 除非没有其他座位,否则绝不要让孩子坐在轿车或卡车的前座。在这种情况下,务必关闭副驾座位的安全气囊,并将座位调到尽可能靠后的位置。 

• 如果孩子的年龄足够使用成人安全带而且必须坐在前座,应该让孩子系好腿带和肩 带,并将前座尽量远离仪表板。

Car seats


Not all car seats fit in all vehicles. When installed correctly, the car seat should not move more than one inch from side to side. 

Attend a car seat safety check in your community. These may be offered by your local health department. 

Keep harness straps snug and fasten the harness clip at armpit level. Harness straps should be at or below the shoulder level. 

When using a rear-facing infant seat, recline the car seat to keep the baby’s head from dropping forward. Put the infant car seat carrying handle down. 

Infants and children should not wear heavy coats under the straps of the car seat’s harness. If extra warmth is needed, use a blanket over the seat.

不是所有儿童车座都适合所有的车辆。若正确安置,儿童车座不应左右移动超过 2.5公分(一英寸)。 


将安全带舒适贴紧并在腋窝高度的地方扣上。安全带应在与肩部齐或低于肩部的位 置。 

使用向后婴儿车座时,放置时将车座靠后仰一点,使婴儿的头部不会前倾。将婴 儿车座的提手往下放一点。 

婴儿和儿童在儿童车座的安全带下不应穿 厚重外衣。如需暖和一些,请在车座上盖 一张毯子。

If your child has special needs, talk to your doctor about the safest way to travel with your child. 




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