
口译练习打卡 Day 4:Build a Better City

2018-02-12 译匠







1 集中注意力仔细听一遍英文音频,有意识地抓句子主干、概括大意;

2 对照英文字幕看视频;

3 再听一遍音频,边听边做口译笔记;

4 对照文本记下文中没听懂和没看懂的术语(通过在线搜索,积累专业术语储备)。

5 选一段你认为代表整个文本核心内容的句子进行笔译练习,以双语对照的形式贴在评论区。




1 集中注意力仔细听一遍英文音频,基础好的可以直接边听边练习记笔记;

2 看视频对着英文字幕进行跟读影子练习;

3 再听一遍做口译笔记或补充之前的笔记,可根据具体情况适当停顿,希望比第一遍多抓住信息点;

4 打开音频或视频,对照文本进行实时视译,之后记下文中没听懂和没看懂的术语,通过在线搜索,积累专业术语储备。

5 选一段你认为代表整个文本核心内容的句子进行笔译练习,以双语对照的形式贴在评论区。想练习交传和同传的小伙伴可以自己录音,自己听后评估或找partner反馈。



比如:标配打卡12345完成。After one year of regular exercise, your bones will be denser, which reduces your risk of osteoporosis. 坚持一年的定期锻炼, 你的骨骼会变得更致密,患骨质疏松症的风险也会降低。


How to Build a Better City


Every day for the next 35 years, an average of 170,000 people will move to, or be born in cities in the developing world – mostly in fast-growing areas in Asia and Africa. And there’s a lot to love about cities: they’re chock-full of jobs, art, jobs, community, a small fortune in coins tossed into public fountains – and jobs! Cities can be good for the planet, too – their compact nature means that water, power, building materials, transportation, and land can be used super-efficiently.

Except cities aren’t always the super-compact islands of utopian awesome we sometimes imagine. That’s because they’re usually made up of urban cores surrounded by less dense residential, commercial, and industrial zones that sprawl on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on….

Many of us may think of the suburbs as leafy-green lanes lined with picket fences and giant slobbery dogs, but suburbia comes in many forms. And people in suburbs of all types gobble up more energy, water and other resources and emit more pollutants than those people in taller, denser urban neighborhoods. They travel further to work and school, have more cars and drive them further, heat and cool bigger homes, and maintain bigger yards, negating the compact efficiency of the dense urban cores they surround.

So, suburb-ringed cities with low overall densities are much less efficient than those that are tightly-packed. And unfortunately, cities around the world are expanding twice as fast in area as they are in population, using up more land, more energy and more stuff per person. We could reverse this trend by getting rid of resource-hungry suburban sprawl altogether. But that just isn’t how cities tend to develop organically. In reality, wide highways and cheap gas tend to encourage more cars and commuters, and height limits on buildings or zoning of homes and businesses push growth outward.

So, policies allow us to influence the shape of our cities, for bad or good. Investing in mass transit and boosting gas prices encourages people to ditch their cars and live closer to each other, while mixed zoning laws allow them to work and play closer to home. And when people live densely, they use resources less intensely. So in cities, as in life, we have a choice: sprawl or grow tall.

口译练习打卡 Day 1:Start Exercising Regularly

口译练习打卡 Day 2:falling asleep quicker

口译练习打卡 Day 3:First Job Interview


