
口译练习打卡 Day 7:Big Government Kills Small Businesses

2018-02-15 译匠







1 集中注意力仔细听一遍英文音频,有意识地抓句子主干、概括大意;


3 再听一遍音频,边听边做口译笔记;

4 对照文本记下文中没听懂和没看懂的术语(通过在线搜索,积累专业术语储备)。

5 选一段你认为代表整个文本核心内容的句子进行笔译练习,以双语对照的形式贴在评论区。




1 集中注意力仔细听一遍英文音频,基础好的可以直接边听边练习记笔记;

2 看视频进行跟读影子练习;

3 再听一遍做口译笔记或补充之前的笔记,可根据具体情况适当停顿,希望比第一遍多抓住信息点;

4 打开音频或视频,对照文本进行实时视译,之后记下文中没听懂和没看懂的术语,通过在线搜索,积累专业术语储备。

5 选一段你认为代表整个文本核心内容的句子进行笔译练习,以双语对照的形式贴在评论区。想练习交传和同传的小伙伴可以自己录音,自己听后评估或找partner反馈。




Big Government Kills Small Businesses

We hear a lot about large companies in the news, but small business is the engine of the U.S. economy.

America is home to more than 28 million small businesses that employ 57 million workers. And when you add owners and employees together, that’s a community of roughly 85 million hardworking Americans dependent on the success of small business – most of the private-sector workforce.

Small business owners are America’s most important job creators: U.S. small businesses accounted for almost two-thirds of the net new jobs created between 1993 and 2013 – a grand total of 11.8 million new career opportunities. In 2012, small businesses created more than 2.1 million net new jobs.

Small businesses are the country’s main job creators because they are often growing and looking for new markets to expand. To do so, they need additional employees along the way. Large businesses, on the other hand, generally stay the same size, hiring new employees to replace departing ones.

Unfortunately, high taxes and recent government regulations in health care, finance, and labor disproportionately hurt small businesses and prevent them from growing and adding new jobs to the economy. Big business with big profits can afford to comply with red tape in a way that small businesses just starting out cannot.

As a result, small businesses still haven’t recovered completely from the Great Recession – and it shows by the chronically weak labor market. More than 94 million Americans are not working or actively looking for jobs. T 51 28814 51 14939 0 0 3248 0 0:00:08 0:00:04 0:00:04 3248he labor force participation rate – which measures the percentage of employees and job-seekers in the U.S. – is less than 63 percent, the lowest figure since the late 1970s.

To bring small businesses back, and strengthen the job market, job-killing taxes and regulations must be rolled back. Job creators should be encouraged to hire more employees, not forced to reduce career opportunities. With 85 million people depending on the success of small business, it’s easy to see why small business is too big to fail.

口译练习打卡 Day 1:Start Exercising Regularly

口译练习打卡 Day 2:falling asleep quicker

口译练习打卡 Day 3:First Job Interview

口译练习打卡 Day 4:Build a Better City

口译练习打卡 Day 5:Being a Good Listener

口译练习打卡 Day 6:美联储,一键下载 7 份权威资料


