
2017-06-04 言回恶评 言回恶评

平壤科技大学的学生,2011年。学校的教师是基督徒志愿者,其中很多是美国人。David Guttenfelder/Associated Press

SEOUL, South Korea — Set on 250 sprawling acres in North Korea’s capital, the Pyongyang University of Science and Technology abides by the cult of the Kim family.


Atop its main building, large red characters praise “General Kim Jong-un,” the country’s provocative young leader. At the front of lecture halls hang smiling portraits of his father and grandfather, who led the nation before him.


Yet the school is different in one striking way. In a country that bans religion, it is run by evangelical Christians.


Founded seven years ago by a South Korea-born American, the school has thrived because of a deal with the leadership. It provides children of the North Korean elite with an education they cannot get elsewhere — computer science, agriculture, international finance and management, all conducted in English by an international faculty. Its teachers, half of them American, are forbidden to preach.


But the school may offer the North Korean government something else as well: leverage. Since last month the government has arrested two of the school’s volunteers, both American citizens.


While the university’s chancellor, Park Chan-mo, said the arrests were not related to the teachers’ work at the school, the men were accused of “hostile acts,” a charge that is often used against people accused of spying or proselytizing.

该校校长朴赞谟(Park Chan-mo)表示,这两次逮捕行动与老师在学校的工作无关,被捕的人被指控有“敌对行为”,这种指控常用于有间谍行为或传教布道者。

That effectively makes them bargaining chips in the high-stakes conflict between Pyongyang and Washington. As Mr. Kim pursues a destabilizing nuclear weapons program and the Trump administration warns that the time for “strategic patience” is over, the school gives the regime access to a rare commodity in their country: American citizens.


The volunteers’ arrests have also cast a light on the school and the ways in which critics say it has, perhaps inadvertently, aided the regime.


Some of those critics say the school is training the future elite of a dictatorial regime that abuses human rights and threatens its neighbors with nuclear weapons. Right-wing activists in South Korea accuse the school of educating future hackers.


The school “cannot operate in North Korea without making compromises to the regime — either in money or information — and I am uncomfortable with the extent of such a compromise,” said Suki Kim, who taught English at the university in 2011 as an journalist working undercover. She later described her experience in the book “Without You, There Is No Us.”

这个学校“如果没有向朝鲜政权妥协,无论是在资金还是信息方面,它是无法在该国做任何事情的——而且我对这种妥协的程度感到不安”,金素姬(Suki Kim)说道。她2011年在这所大学教英语,其实是一名卧底记者,后来她在《没有您,就没有我们》(Without You, There Is No Us.)中描述了这段经历。

Many of those compromises are apparent on campus.


Students march to the cafeteria singing songs swearing loyalty to Mr. Kim. Course materials have to be approved by the North Korean authorities, who have their own staff members installed on campus. Faculty members must have “guides” with them when they venture off campus.


While the foreign faculty has unfiltered access to the internet, most students do not. Teachers have to watch what they say — students are required to report any subversive comments.


该校校长朴赞谟2012年在首尔的照片。他说,近期两名美国志愿者被捕的案子与学校无关,该校并没有遭到调查。Lee Jae-Won/Reuters

One American professor was deported for trying to give a student a Bible.


An obelisk at the university, erected by the North Korean authorities and dedicated to Mr. Kim’s grandfather and father, has drawn scorn from outside observers.


“Korean churches have ended up building a temple of idol worship there,” said the Rev. Lee Ho, the leader of the anti-Communist Holy Korea Network.

反共产主义的圣韩网(Holy Korea Network)领导人李浩(Lee Ho,音)牧师说:“搞了半天,韩国教会在这里建了一个崇拜偶像的神庙。”

The university said the monument and other state propaganda were “obligatory,” and “normal” elements of all schools and other official establishments in North Korea.


For the staff of about 90 foreign volunteers from a dozen or so countries, teaching at the university is a chance to gain a foothold in an atheistic country by befriending future North Korean leaders and teaching them an international mind-set.


The volunteers mingle and eat with the 500 or so handpicked students, who live on the campus. Together with their families, the staff members constitute the single largest foreign community in North Korea.


The teachers, many of whom are Korean-American missionaries, are allowed to practice their faith among themselves. But the one inviolable rule is that they are not allowed to proselytize.


“We want to teach the North Koreans how to catch fish, rather than giving them fish,” said Mr. Park, also a Korean-American and a former president of South Korea’s prestigious Pohang University of Science and Technology. “This will help narrow the economic gap between the two Koreas and the cost of the eventual reunification.”

朴赞谟也是韩裔美国人,曾是韩国著名的浦项科技大学(Pohang University of Science and Technology)的校长,他说:“授人以鱼,不如授之以渔。这将有助于缩小朝韩的经济差距,减小最终统一的代价。”

Thae Yong-ho, a North Korean diplomat who defected to the South last year, said the university was popular among the children of the elite and taught them market principles in a country desperate to modernize its economy. Mr. Thae also dismissed the allegation that the school was training future hackers.

去年叛逃到韩国的朝鲜外交官太永浩(Thae Yong-ho)说,这所大学在权贵阶层的孩子中很受欢迎,朝鲜正在大力推动本国经济现代化,这所学校教会他们市场原则。太永浩驳斥了该学校正在培养未来黑客的传言。

And the university continues to grow, with plans to add a new medical school to the campus in southern Pyongyang.


Despite being in the spotlight, the school is trying to play down the significance of the volunteers’ arrests.


One of the detainees, Kim Sang-duk, an accounting teacher who is also known as Tony Kim, had frequently visited the northeast, where he distributed humanitarian aid to children’s homes and recently delivered 20,000 blankets to flood victims, school officials said.

其中一名被捕的志愿者名叫金盛德(Kim Sang-duk,也叫托尼·金[Tony Kim]),是会计老师,经常前往朝鲜的东北部,向那里的儿童之家分发人道主义救援物资,最近还向洪水灾民发放了2万张毯子。

The other, Kim Hak-song, a Christian pastor, supervised an experimental farm on campus, visiting for a month at a time from China, where he worked as a missionary for a Los Angeles church, according to school officials and the church’s website.

另一位是基督教牧师金学松(Kim Hak-song),他在校园内管理着一个实验农场。据学校官员和洛杉矶一个教会的网站说,他每个月去一趟中国,在那里以该教会传教士的身份工作。

2014年一个视频的截图。大楼上的标语在颂扬“金正恩将军”。Associated Press Television News

Both were detained as they were trying to leave the country. The government has provided no further details on their cases, including whether they are linked.


“We were told that their detentions had nothing to do with what they did at the school and that otherwise they would have been arrested on the school ground,” Mr. Park said during an interview in Seoul, the South Korean capital. “We are praying for them.”


The school has reminded its faculty of local rules, but otherwise life there continues in a “perfectly normal manner,” the school said in a statement for this article. Several volunteers from the school have left North Korea in recent days, as planned and without incident, it said.


The university also says it takes care not to violate United Nations sanctions.


“We are in regular dialogue with officials in the U.S. and other administrations on this point, including sharing details of our curriculum,” the statement said.


When the university’s founder, Kim Chin-kyung, who is also known as James Kim, visits South Korean churches to raise money, he asks congregants to “pay a price” for reunification and for their fellow Koreans suffering in the North, an appeal that resonates with many Christians in the South.

当该大学的创始人金镇庆(Chin-kyung Kim,也称为詹姆斯·金[James Kim])到韩国的教会筹集资金时,要求会众为了朝韩统一,为了他们在北方受苦的同胞而“出钱”,这种呼吁引发了很多韩国基督徒的共鸣。

He argues that reconciliation is the only way to achieve reunification of the divided Korea, and that Christian love can help nurture it.


“I am not a capitalist, I am not a Communist, I am a love-ist,” he likes to say.


Whether or not that works, the school has surely opened the minds of some students a bit simply by allowing them contact with foreigners.


Will Scott, an American computer scientist who taught there from 2013 to 2015, said some of his students admitted to “having nightmares” when they first met teachers from the United States, a country they had learned to demonize from childhood.

美国计算机科学家威尔·斯科特(Will Scott)2013年至2015年间曾在那里教书,他说,一些学生承认,最初遇到美国老师的时候“会做噩梦”,因为他们从小就学会妖魔化美国。

But the students were eventually able to channel their hatred toward the American government and came to accept the individuals they met there.


“Many of the students were at the university more for the chance to get to interact with foreigners than for the specific major they were in,” Mr. Scott wrote in a question-and-answer session on Reddit.


But the government tries to reinforce loyalty, requiring the students to take a class on the state ideology of juche, or self-reliance, every Saturday.


When Chancellor Park complained that the class would not give students enough time to do their homework, he said, a North Korean administrator had a pointed retort.


“Mr. Chancellor,” he said, “you yourself go to church every week, don’t you?”


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