
7.30 周日【Christine&Chen Zeran Duet】爵士女歌手徐晨曦 Christine与爵士吉他陈泽然二重奏

徐晨曦 Christine Xu | 人声 VOCAL
旅美爵士歌手,获得美国纽约市立大学皇后学院Aaron Copland School of Music爵士声乐表演硕士学位,师从于美国爵士音乐家Chareneè Wade。
曾赴德国学习古典钢琴艺术指导,师从德国柏林汉 斯艾斯勒 音乐学院(柏林国立音乐学院)艺术指导Claar ter Horst、 莱比锡音乐与戏剧学院指挥系艺术指导教授Alexander Schmalcz。
留美期间,与Chareneè Wade, David Berkman, Jeb Patton, Dennis Mackrel, Antonio Hart,格莱美奖提名教授 Michael Mossman等音乐家全面学习演唱,即兴,爵士理 论,作曲,编曲等。

陈泽然  | 吉他 GUITAR
旅欧旅美爵士吉他手,有着丰富的演出经历。毕业于荷兰克劳斯亲王音乐学院并获得New York Jazz Master 硕士学位。师从于 Frank Wingold,Kurt Weiss,Jasper Soffers。Frank 评价他的演奏有很深的作曲才能,并有很浓重浪漫主义古典时期的影子。他亦受过多位纽约大师的指导,如 Steve Nelson,Johannes Welianmuller,Mellisa Aldana,Don Bradon,Ethan Iverson。2019 年,前往纽约做半年的访问学者交流,活跃于纽约各大 jam session 舞台,获得格莱美提名音乐家吉他手 Lage Lund,Mellisa Aldana,Miho Hazana(编曲及指挥)以及 Steve Nelson,Johannes Welianmuller,Ethan Iverson等人的指导。在欧洲期间,旅居法国,荷兰等地并获得了丰富的演出经验。他也是吉他音箱 Rock Ranger 的代言人,CatsJazz 主理人。

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商务/演出联系 | Enquiries

Tel: 15901396070 / 13910187389

✮Bricks预订请电话或微信(15901396070)联系,请提前与我们确认以下信息: 日期/区域人数/联系方式,交付定金后完成预订;✮预定客服在线时间:15:00~21:00;✮免票入场,酒水低消,沙发椅区域 200/位(2位起订),高桌区域 150/位(2位起订)(低消消费不够按低消费用收取)。
✮Bricks booking please get in touch with us by phone or WeChat (15901396070), please confirm the arrival date, the number of people, and contact information with us in advance;

✮Booking customer service online hours: 15:00~21:00;

✮Free tickets with low consumption of alcohol, 200/seat for sofa chair area, and 150/seat for high table area (low consumption is not enough to be charged by low consumption).

✮Slow production of cocktails on weekends and holidays, so pure drinks or straight drinks is recommended;✮Reservations are held until 21:30, we recommend entry at 20:30;✮Some side seats may be partially blocked, so seating is on a "first come, first served" basis;✮Smoking is permanently prohibited in the bar, and a smoking area is at the entrance;✮To ensure a good performance environment, please keep your voice low during the performance;✮All tickets sold are advance tickets and do not support refunds, so please deal with them yourself if you can't make it to the show properly.

地址|Address【 点击进入地图 北京市朝阳区三里屯新东路首开铂郡北区院内广场地下一层007号B1-007,North Area Plaza of Shou Kai Bo Jun, Sanlitun,Xindong Road,ChaoYang District Beijing

