8.4 周五【Doozy Jazz Quintet】爵士女歌手豆子 Doozy五重奏
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北京音乐厅新年音乐会 现代爵士大乐队鼓手。北京保利剧院,由凤凰卫视创办的五彩系列之“五彩喀什卡尔”大型歌舞晚会任"艾尔肯"现场乐队鼓手。第五,第六届九门国际爵士音乐节 “秦四风三重奏” 鼓手。参与拍摄姜文导演《一步之遥》,饰演剧中鼓手。带领CMS行进打击乐团参加《超级歌单》现场录制。录制中央六台《来吧,灰姑娘》综艺节目主题曲。新疆吉他王子“艾尔肯” 新专辑录音鼓手。参加《现代乐手》杂志发行100期纪念活动,作为特邀嘉宾与世界顶级鼓手Virgil Donati 同台献艺。
上海陆航青鸟音乐节, “詹小栎爵士小组”。北京长阳音乐节 《北京森林爵士大乐团》鼓手。作为开幕嘉宾 赴澳门文学节 ,《当诗歌遇上爵士乐》音乐会鼓手。上海“帕玛强尼”爵士音乐周,中国好声音王韵壹专场鼓手。受《中国好声音》亚军 帕尔哈提 先生之邀,为环塔拉力赛创作录制大赛主题曲,并进行全国巡演。为中央音乐学院特聘教授,长号演奏家杨明先生,录制纯长号爵士乐新专辑《0》。
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商务/演出联系 | Enquiries
Tel: 15901396070 / 13910187389
✮Bricks booking please get in touch with us by phone or WeChat (15901396070), please confirm the arrival date, the number of people, and contact information with us in advance;
✮Booking customer service online hours: 15:00~21:00;
✮Free tickets with low consumption of alcohol, 200/seat for sofa chair area, and 150/seat for high table area (low consumption is not enough to be charged by low consumption).✮周末和节假日鸡尾酒出品较慢,建议纯饮或者红酒;✮预约座位保留至21:30分,我们建议20:30入场;✮现场部分边座视线会有部分阻挡,座位采取“先到先选”的方式;✮店内长期禁烟,门口设有吸烟区;✮为保证良好的演出环境,演出期间请您保持低声细语;✮所有售出票均为预售票,且不支持退票,如不能正常到场观看,请自行处理。
✮Slow production of cocktails on weekends and holidays, so pure drinks or straight drinks is recommended;✮Reservations are held until 21:30, we recommend entry at 20:30;✮Some side seats may be partially blocked, so seating is on a "first come, first served" basis;✮Smoking is permanently prohibited in the bar, and a smoking area is at the entrance;✮To ensure a good performance environment, please keep your voice low during the performance;✮All tickets sold are advance tickets and do not support refunds, so please deal with them yourself if you can't make it to the show properly.
地址|Address【 点击进入地图 】北京市朝阳区三里屯新东路首开铂郡北区院内广场地下一层007号B1-007,North Area Plaza of Shou Kai Bo Jun, Sanlitun,Xindong Road,ChaoYang District Beijing