
瑞士驻留艺术家 POL x MoCA演出 | DryHope x 敦煌图 现场配乐

瑞士驻留艺术家 POL x MoCA演出

DryHope x 敦煌图 现场配乐


演出时间:19:00 -20:30,2016年12月03日

演出地点:上海当代艺术馆 3F(请从侧面电梯上三楼)



可直接回复公众号MoCA-shanghai,发送 “POL+姓名+手机号码+预约人数” 完成预约。预约席位或了解详情也可致电或电子邮件联系MoCA公众教育部,电话63279900-106,电子邮件:


瑞士艺术家 POL 现在正在上海当代艺术馆进行驻留创作;驻留结束后他将与本次“山水间”参展艺术家班磊共同为大家献上一场声音演出!烛光微晕,叮咚叮铃,黑白默片交织的夜晚,中瑞艺术家联手为你带来一个月黑风高的艺术馆奇妙夜,将是怎样的体验?


即将在 MoCA 的演出,将由瑞士声音艺术家POL和中国音乐家Ban(班磊)共同呈现电子音乐现场。同时,POL 设计了一个特殊乐器,名为“农府春编钟”灵感来自中国寺庙中的编钟,但这里将是几个水箱,而不是编钟。


作为日内瓦艺术领域的风云人物,POL 是一个多才多艺的音乐家。音乐装置“DryHope”使得极简主义音乐带上了电子意味,他曾先后重新演绎Steve Reich的“Drumming”和John Adams的“Hoodoo Zephyr”,在音乐演出现场通过声音变位播放让观众浸没其中。


DUNHUANG CHART是由 POL 设计的多扩散声音装置。它由30个不同的声音源分布在展览空间周围。灵感来自于敦煌天体图,这是世界上发现的最古老的地图。于8世纪写在中国。这个装置作品是对古代天文学的长期项目“古印度天文台” Jantar Mantar(视频/声音)和“世界之轴” Axis Mundi(当代舞蹈)的延续。


瑞士艺术家 POL 从90年代初便开始从事电子音乐制作,穿梭于电子舞蹈和后工业文明时代黑暗的后台之间。不管是在DJ台或者现场表演,他的足迹将他带到了不同的听众面前:从日内瓦地下电子音乐吧到巴黎、巴塞罗那、柏林和纽约以及世界其他各地的各式俱乐部。POL同时也创作原声装置,如互动的禅意感知花园和超声花园。他最新的创作名为Axis Mundi,是受印度天文观测台的启发创作而成。POL于2016年9月17日至12月12日参加由瑞士文化基金会上海办公室支持,在上海当代艺术馆MoCA举办的“艺术家驻留项目”,于驻留最后期间在MoCA举办演出,呈现驻留成果。



艺术家驻留项目是瑞士文化基金会上海办公室项目的重要组成部分,驻留项目旨在促进中瑞两国艺术家的交流及创新,鼓励艺术家在文化多样性的环境背景下实践创作。瑞士文化基金会上海办公室从2015年开始与上海当代艺术馆MoCA合作,进行瑞士艺术家驻留项目。今年在上海驻留并于MoCA艺术亭台展示的艺术家有Beat LippertBenoît Billotte (点击艺术家名字查看过往微信)。

MoCA x Pro Helvetia: POL & Ban Live Soundtrack

DryHope x Dunhuang Chart

Artists: POL,Ban Lei

Time: 19:00-20:30, Dec.3, 2016

Venue: 3F Museum of Contemporary Art Shanghai

Admission & Booking

The seats are limited, 40 RMB/person. 20 RMB/per student. Free/MoCA Membership. Reservations are required in advance

Swiss artist POL is now following his fall residency at the Museum of Contemporary Art Shanghai (MoCA), POL is now prepared to present Dunhuang Chart and a live sound performance with Chinese artist Ban Lei, who is participating in the “Shan Shui Within” exhibition at MoCA Shanghai. Get lost in the dizzy candle light slightly, the bell rings which interweaves the silent night.


NONGFU SPRING BIANZHONG will be accompanied by an electronic live soundtrack performed by Chinese musician Ban and swiss sound artist POL. For the occasion POL designed a special instrument called NONGFU SPRING BIANZHONG inspired by iron bells instruments found in every temples of China but with 4 liters water tanks instead of bells.


DryHope, conceived as an electro-minimalistic sculpture with an unprecedented configuration hoisted above the audience, will produce a sound an agram in live. Pillar of the Geneva arts scene, POL is a versatile musician. After reinterpreting Steve Reich's Drumming at La Batie in 2012, POL returns with DryHope, an interpretation of John Adams' Hoodoo Zephyr, which has been designed as a minimalist electro sculpture. Immersion guaranteed!


DUNHUANG CHART is a multi-diffusion sonic installation designed by swiss sound artist POL. It consists of 30 different sources of sound distributed around the exhibition space. It is inspired by the Dunhuang Celestial Chart, the oldest map of the stars discovered in the world. It was written in China during the 8th century. This piece is the continuation of a long-term project around ancient astronomy, the previous works where Jantar Mantar (video/sound) and Axis Mundi (contemporary dance).

About POL

POL has been an electronic music producer since the early 1990s, nesting between the persistent electro dance and the dark backstage of the post-industrial civilization. At the decks or performing live, his footprints bring him to audiences either in the techno underworld of Geneva or clubs in Paris, Barcelona, Berlin, New York, and else where around the world. POL also creates sonic installations, such as the interactive Zen garden Tactile and The Sonic Garden. His latest work is Axis Mundi, which is inspired by astronomical observatories in India.

Artist in Residency Project  

Artist in Residency project is an important part of Pro Helvetia Shanghai, Swiss Art Council’s projects. The objective of the residencies is to stimulate creative and mutual exchange between artists from Switzerland and China. The artists are encouraged to develop their practice in a climate of cultural diversity. Pro Helvetia Shanghai lauched its Swiss artist residency project with MoCA Shanghai since 2015. This year, two Swiss artists Beat LippertBenoît Billotte conducted residency in Shanghai and showcased at MoCA Shanghai Pavilion.





