

2014-04-08 Young 译 武太白英语教学


Thought for the Day 20140321 Rev Dr Sam Wells
Man United got a great result in Europethis week. They overturned a 2-0 deficit and sneaked into the quarter finals oftheChampionsLeague. The manager, David Moyes, has had a tough firstseason, filling the big shoes of Sir AlexFerguson. Since Christmas, a frenzy’s grown up outsidethe club anticipating his getting the sack. A great result in Europe, it seems,achieves no more than a stay of execution.


Not many football managers lastlong. At last count, only three managers out of the top 92clubs had been in post as long as four years. It’s a cut-throat world. Researchsuggests changing manager often produces a short-term boost, but seldom bringsabout any real transformation in fortunes. There’s 20 teams – only one can win theleague each season. Surely, you might say, it’s the players that win you thegame, not the manager. Yet still the ritual sacrifice ofaround a third of the managers is an indelible characteristic of thefootball year.


The desire for quick resultsand instant turnaround isn’t limited to football. It’s found all over ourculture. We uphold the myth of the charismatic, gifted leader, who clears outthe dead wood, applies new techniques, wins hearts and minds, unleashes talent,galvanises support, changes the game, and effortlessly performs miracles. Itdoesn’t matter if we’re talking about the country, a FTSE 英国富时指数 100 company, or a parish church; weexpect to see results in three months – six at the outside. And top businessesthrow in inflated salaries and bonuses to match expectations ofinstant achievement.


The Bible starts off like aPremier League season. Adam and Eve are fired, then the whole earth is floodedand Noah’s given the job of turning things round. But then God says, ‘Neveragain will I destroy the earth.’ In other words this isn’t going to be done bysackings and sudden changes of plan. God is never again going to trash thewhole project, however much it teeters toward the relegation zone. That’s thedynamic that sets up the whole Bible – the long and painstaking story of God’scostly commitment to walk with the whole creation as long and hard as it takesto help every creature on earth be what only it can be.


Changing the leader is often alazy and superficial strategy. It preserves the idle fantasy that all will bewell if we just make one simple adjustment. Only when we stop seeking theinstant change or the quick fix do we turn to the real challenge of leadership:which is making the best of what we’ve already got.


