

2014-06-15 武太白英语教学

本系列内容英文原文取自BBC Thought for the Day节目网站,朋友们也可以下载节目录音收听。




Thought for the Day 20140529 - Canon Angela Tilby



Today is one of the great days of the Christian calendar. Ascension Day 耶稣升天节(复活节后第四十日). When I was a child you could get off school if you could prove you were going to church. I remember trying this wheeze but it didn’t work because my parents wouldn’t perjure themselves by writing for permission. In those days school authorities accommodated the rhythms of faith, allowing worship and rest to interrupt the timetable.


Even then we were losing the link between time off and faith, forgetting that our word holiday derives from holy day. With that loss is a loss of perspective. Secular life often seems to lack unpressured time. Even our holidays get filled up with worthwhile and ‘fun’ activities.

即便在那时,我们仍未抓住休假与信仰之间的联系,不知道“holiday”(假日)一词是来自“holy day”(宗教节日)的。这种损失体现的是一种视角的缺失。俗世的生活似乎总缺少无压力的时间。甚至连假日也排满了有价值、“有趣”的活动。

Since the elections a week ago I have felt carried along by the waves of bad temper, cheeky triumph and anxious complaint that the results have stirred up. There is a stand off between the political establishment and those who feel aggrieved which is set to run and run until the next elections and the next. Fascinating though all this is to news junkies like myself it can become tiring – as though we are driving ourselves round and round like hamsters in a treadmill. We can’t stop because of course it all matters. It matters whether we are in or out of Europe. It matters whether Scotland votes for independence or not. It matters whether people can move freely across borders or not.


But from another point of view it matters less than we think. Our intensity cloaks our ignorance. Because we can’t read the future we don’t exactly know why the big issues which divide us matter at all. All we can see is the present and the past, and so however passionately pro- or anti-Europe we may be; whatever our views on immigration we can’t ultimately prove our point by showing that we are right; we can only back our hunches and make our case as best as we can. We control less than we think we do. And our politicians are guessing too, backing their hunches, making their case in the face of uncertainty.


Sometimes sanity requires a different perspective. On Ascension Day we are called to attend not to earth but to heaven. There is a distance between earth and heaven, between what we know and what we long for. The hymns and prayers set for today describe the risen Jesus entering the presence of God, standing for the whole human race and its destiny. Heaven does not control or divide or ask for votes. But as Charles Wesley’s hymn puts it: ‘There we shall with thee remain, partners of thine endless reign’. When I go to Church this evening I will be reminded that our human dignity is given by God, and that though working for human good is the most important thing we do, we have no blueprint for human happiness. Rest and contemplation matter. Everything else is guesswork.


