

2014-08-04 武太白英语教学

本系列内容英文原文取自BBC Thought for the Day节目网站,朋友们也可以下载节目录音收听。


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Thought for the Day 20140730 Rhidian Brook

As we remember a terrible World War it’s interesting to see how our former enemies are remembering it. I recently listened to Prince Philip Kiril – the great, great grandson of the Kaiser 德国皇帝 - speaking about reconciliation 和解 between England and Germany. At the end of a moving speech he apologised for what his country had done in both World Wars. Seventy years after the Second there are still Germans asking for forgiveness.


In 1945, when forgiving Germans was anathema 诅咒,禁忌, my grandfather Walter Brook was governor of a district outside Hamburg 汉堡(德国城市) and responsible for its reconstruction and the feeding, re-housing and de-nazification 去纳粹化(消除纳粹思潮影响力的过程) of thousands of displaced (被迫搬迁的) people. It was a formidable task. Of the zones, the British was the most devastated. It was said that ‘the American’s got the view, the French the wine, and the Brits the ruins.’ More bombs were dropped on Hamburg in a weekend than on London in the entire war.

A shortage of housing led the British to requisition 征用 what buildings remained standing to accommodate their own families. Germans were put in billets 营房,帐篷. But when my grandfather went to requisition a house for himself, he did something radical 激进的,大胆的 and unique: rather than have the family ejected 逐出 he let them stay, declaring the house big enough to share. Just one year on from the war, a British and German family lived under the same roof and continued to do so for the next five years.

My grandfather’s decision was counter 相反的 to the mood of the times. Europe was still raw 未平息的 with a desire for revenge and Germans seen as guilty and deserving of punishment. The appalling 骇人听闻的 discovery of the concentration camps only compounded 使变复杂 this. My grandfather was perceived as soft-pedalling 大事化小 not only by his fellow servicemen but, initially, by grandmother who had adopted Atlee’s directive to maintain ‘a cold and dignified aloofness 高人一等,拒人千里之外 towards Germans at all times.’

Forgiveness always costs something. It might mean accepting a personal loss, or forgetting our right to be paid back. It can also open us up to the anger of those who demand their pound of flesh (一磅肉,语出《威尼斯商人》——译注). But, as the gospels demonstrate, reconciliation is a much riskier business than retribution 报复. Revenge brings instant results and momentary gratification; forgiveness requires faith in an outcome we can’t always see. Yet as much of history and present strife prove, we are trapped in an endless cycle of destruction without it. It’s right to remember those lost in war but let’s not forget those who’ve helped build a lasting peace.


Two years ago, I went back to Germany with my father to see the house and meet the German brother and sister he’d shared it with. He was unusually nervous, worried that they wouldn’t remember things with the same benevolence 宽仁之心. Within minutes of the reunion his fears lifted. Their fondness towards him was obvious. Later that evening they told us how grateful they had been to stay in the house. They even had a nickname for my grandfather. They called him ‘Dei Brucke.’ In German, the surname Brook means bridge.




祖父的决定违反了当时的普遍情绪。欧洲国家还有着强烈的复仇之心,德国人被看作罪人,应该受到惩罚。集中营的发现骇人听闻,也加重了这种心理。认为祖父想要大事化小的人不但有他的同僚,一开始还有祖母,她认同阿特利(Clement Atlee,英国首相——译注)的指示,要“对德国人”保持“冷漠、有威严的距离”。


两年前,我和父亲回到德国,去看看那所房子,也看看与他共住的德国兄弟姐妹。父亲特别紧张,怕他们看待事情会跟他不一样,不会心存仁爱。再相见几分钟后他的紧张就烟消云散了。他们对待他的亲爱显而易见。那一晚他们告诉我们,对于能呆在房子里不被赶走,他们是何等的感激。他们甚至还给祖父起了个外号,叫他“Dei Brucke”,德语指“桥梁”。

