

2014-09-23 武太白英语教学

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Thought for the Day 20140919 Rt Rev John Chalmers


Who does the speak put his hope in?

A.People who love Scotland and care about its future

B.People who stand on different sides having constrastive feelings


Today marks an important moment in the life of a nation; but today will also be about individuals responding to a result which will lead to contrasting feelings: some will be elated (very happy) and some will be desperately (wanting to die) disappointed.

Today’s result will be a triumph (victory) for some and a defeat for others, and it will take a force of magnanimity and graciousness to find a way of harnessing (controlling) the energy of opposing sides and bringing it to bear on a shared future.

There is, however, an extraordinary opportunity here; for, when the parties to any dispute decide that it’s time to move on; and particularly when those who have been opponents decide to pool their resources and work together - then something extremely powerful can happen.

In the Bible there is a potent (powerful) story about twin boys named Jacob and Esau; early in the story the first born, Esau, sells his birth-right to Jacob for some bread and soup and then some years later Jacob snatches his father’s blessing from under his brother’s nose. When Esau finds out he is described as “seething (bubbling) with anger against his brother”. But Jacob is warned by his mother that Esau is out for vengeance (fight or attack back), and so he flees. These two brothers begin a life of distant estrangement (distance between them becomes greater and greater).

There is little in the story that follows to prepare you for what happens next; for while we may be familiar with the parting of the ways of Jacob and Esau, we are less familiar with the story of their reconciliation.

Fate was to bring the two of them back together. Now, in anticipation of their meeting Jacob was deeply fearful; but when the meeting with Esau actually took place, Jacob discovers a magnanimity (宽宏大量) which allows difference to be set aside and a grace that puts vengeance away; remarkably - Esau runs to meet him, throws his arms around his neck and they weep.

And then - Esau says, ‘Let us journey on our way, and I will go alongside you”.

There may be very little in the story of this campaign to prepare us for the idea that opponents might now agree to embrace and travel alongside one another, but I sincerely believe that today, whatever the result, fellow Scots to fellow Scots will offer such grace to one another.

The untold energy of people who love Scotland and care about its future has been used on both sides of this debate. Neither side has promised ‘utopia’ or ‘unity’ but when it is settled we will have to find a way of harnessing all of that energy. And, make no mistake about it, such magnanimity will release enormous creativity. And Scotland’s future will be safe.


Answer: A

