

2014-09-30 选译 武太白 武太白英语教学

本文英文原文选自《Success in English Teaching》(Paul Davis, Frank Pearse),第10、11页,上海外语教育出版社出版,武太白翻译。本文于微信公众账号“武太白金星人”首发,敬请转发、分享,并欢迎微信扫描如下二维码关注“武太白金星人”订阅号:


英语教学成功之道 学生参与



Groups of learners vary greatly. Some are all you could wish for, but others are hard to control or direct, or passive and difficult to inspire. Getting and keeping your learners’ attention and their positive participation may be one of your greatest challenges. And it is not always the most energetic teachers that create the most dynamic lessons. They may do a lot themselves, but get the learners to do very little. Even during an explanation phase in a lesson, you can involve the learners actively rather than making them listen passively. Here is an example of elicitation, in other words, asking the learners questions so that they actively discover English grammar rather than just being told about it:

Teacher [pointing to a group of adjectives on the board] Which of these adjectives use ‘more’?

Learner 1 ‘Expensive’,‘comfortable’,‘modern’...

Learner 2 ... ‘attractive’.

Teacher Right—‘expensive’,‘comfortable’,‘modern’,and ‘attractive’. And which use ‘-er’?

Learner 3 ‘Big’, ‘cheap’ .

Learner 4 ... ‘old’…

Learner 5 ... ‘small’.

Teacher Right. How are these two types of adjective different?

Learner 2 ‘Big’, ‘cheap’, ‘old’, ‘small’, are ... um ... small, one-syll—um ...

Teacher Exactly--one-syllable adjectives. And they form the comparative with... ?

Learner 6 ‘er’一'bigger, cheaper ...

Teacher That s right. And ‘more’ is used with ...

Learner 1 Long adjectives一‘more expensive’,‘more comfortable’...

Teacher Right. Let’s put that on the board in two columns— adjective plus ‘-er’ on the left, and ‘more’ plus adjective on the right.

In the above example, the interaction pattern is ‘teacher --> learner/s’. This is the commonest pattern of interaction in most classrooms. Often it takes the form of ‘teacher explanation --> learner silence’ or ‘teacher model --> learner choral repetition’. But these involve the learners much less than the ‘teacher question --> learner response’ pattern above. However, offering opportunities for learners to participate actively in lessons does not always get a positive response. Some teachers despair, saying ‘I’ve asked questions, I’ve set tasks, I’ve put the learners in pairs and groups—I’ve tried everything—but they just sit there and say and do nothing.’ If learners are to participate willingly in class they must understand what is expected of them. Questions, activities, and pair or groupwork should be carefully planned to enable learners to participate. You should ask yourself questions like 'Do the learners know the English needed for the activity?' and 'Have I explained clearly what they have to do?'

Even when the learners know the necessary English and what to do in an activity, they will not participate if they lack confidence. They must not be afraid to speak up in front of you and other learners. It takes time to build up confidence, and it comes initially from your example and leadership. You set the tone for all classroom behaviour through your own reactions to learner participation, the way you encourage the learners and deal with problems. Most learners will not want to participate if you say 'No! Wrong!' every time they make a mistake, or 'Come on! Come on!’ every time they hesitate. And weaker learners will not risk humiliation if you turn in exasperation to a better learner every time they falter.

When you start teaching a new group, you need to spend some time on helping them get used to your way of doing things. It is best, first of all, to use simple activities and then move on to more complex ones. Frequent activities in pairs and groups are good for building confidence. Especially for shy learners, they offer a less threatening environment than whole-class work.








