
英语教学法原著选读12:自然顺序假说 上

2014-10-11 选译 武太白 武太白英语教学

本篇选自克拉申《第二语言习得的原则与实践(Principles and Practice in SLA)》第二章“第二语言习得理论”A节“有关第二语言习得的五个假说”第二个假说,武太白翻译。




One of the most exciting discoveries in language acquisition research in recent years has been the finding that the acquisition of grammatical structures proceeds in a predictable order. Acquirers of a given language tend to acquire certain grammatical structures early, and others later. The agreement among individual acquirers is not always 100%, but there are clear, statistically significant, similarities.

English is perhaps the most studied language as far as the natural order hypothesis is concerned, and of all structures of English, morphology is the most studied. Brown (1973) reported that children acquiring English as a first language tended to acquire certain grammatical morphemes, or functions words, earlier than others. For example, the progressive marker ing (as in "He is playing baseball".) and the plural marker /s/ ("two dogs") were among the first morphemes acquired, while the third person singular marker /s/ (as in "He lives in New York") and the possessive /s/ ("John's hat") were typically acquired much later, coming anywhere from six months to one year later. de Villiers and de Villiers (1973) confirmed Brown's longitudinal results cross-sectionally, showing that items that Brown found to be acquired earliest in time were also the ones that children tended to get right more often. In other words, for those morphemes studied, the difficulty order was similar to the acquisition order.

Shortly after Brown's results were published, Dulay and Burt (1974, 1975) reported that children acquiring English as a second language also show a "natural order" for grammatical morphemes, regardless of their first language. The child second language order of acquisition was different from the first language order, but different groups of second language acquirers showed striking similarities. Dulay and Burt's results have been confirmed by a number of investigators (Kessler and Idar, 1977; Fabris, 1978; Makino, 1980). Dulay and Burt used a subset of the 14 morphemes Brown originally investigated. Fathman (1975) confirmed the reality of the natural order in child second language acquisition with her test of oral production, the SLOPE test, which probed 20 different structures.

Following Dulay and Burt's work, Bailey, Madden, and Krashen (1974) reported a natural order for adult subjects, an order quite similar to that seen in child second language acquisition. As we shall see later, this natural order appears only under certain conditions (or rather, it disappears only under certain conditions!). Some of the studies confirming the natural order in adults for grammatical morphemes include Andersen (1976), who used composition, Krashen, Houck, Giunchi, Bode, Birnbaum, and Strei (1977), using free speech, and Christison (1979), also using free speech. Adult research using the SLOPE test also confirms the natural order and widens the data base. Krashen, Sferlazza, Feldman, and Fathman (1976) found an order similar to Fathman's (1975) child second language order, and Kayfetz-Fuller (1978) also reported a natural order using the SLOPE test.

As noted above, the order of acquisition for second language is not the same as the order of acquisition for first language, but there are some similarities. Table 2.1, from Krashen (1977), presents an average order for second language, and shows how the first language order differs. This average order is the result of a comparison of many empirical studies of grammatical morpheme acquisition.

TABLE 2.1. "Average" order of acquisition of grammatical morphemes for English




关于自然顺序假说,英语也许是研究最多的语言,而英语的各种结构中,词形变化是研究最多的。布朗(1973)提出,儿童习得英语母语的倾向是,先习得一些语法词素,再习得其他。例如,进行时态的标志ing(如He is playing baseball)及复数标志s(如two dogs)就是最先习得的,而第三人称单数标志s(如He lives in New York)和所有格标志s(如John’s hat)就是典型的许久之后才习得,大概要半年到一年之后。德威里尔斯和德威里尔斯(1973)确证了布朗的纵向研究成果,用的是横向法,表明布朗发现最早习得的项目也是儿童更容易正确使用的那些。换句话说,对于那些所研究的词素而言,难度的等级与习得的顺序是类似的。




