
WeChat ID Shanrenwutaibai Intro 服务基础英语教与学,精研儿童教育,提供与此相关的电脑、手机操作指南。 本篇选自克拉申《第二语言习得的原则与实践(Principles and Practice in SLA)》第二章“第二语言习得理论”A节“有关第二语言习得的五个假说”第三个假说,武太白翻译。定期不定期翻译英语教学法原著,也希望能够得到朋友们的认可。如您觉得这样的文章有用,敬请转载到您的QQ空间、分享到您的朋友圈吧!也欢迎朋友们和你们的朋友们都来关注我的公众账号“武太白金星人”,这是对我最大的鼓励和奖赏! -----------------------------------------------It appears to be the case that unnatural orders are the result of a rise in rank of certain morphemes, the late-acquired, more "learnable" items. In English as a second language, when performers are put in situations where they can and do Monitor, we see a rise in rank of the third person singular morpheme and the regular past, both late-acquired, low on the list in Table 2.1, and both relatively straightforward, both syntactically and semantically. (See studies by Larsen-Freeman, 1975, described in Chapter IV, Table 4.1; and Brown, described in Note 4, Chapter IV.) Use of the conscious Monitor thus has the effect of allowing performers to supply items that are not yet acquired. As we shall see in Chapter IV, however, only certain items can be supplied by most Monitor users; the Monitor does a better job with some parts of grammar than with others. Specifically, it seems to do better with rules that can be characterized as "simple" in two different ways. First, rules that do not require elaborate movements or permutations; rules that are syntactically simple. Easy rules in this sense include bound morphology, such as the third person singular in English, or the de + le = du contraction in French. Difficult rules in this sense include the English wh-question rule, which requires moving the questioned word to the front of the sentence, a subject-auxiliary inversion, and in some cases the insertion of do in the right place. Rules can also be easy and difficult due to their semantic properties. The English article system is easy to describe formally--one simply inserts the or a or sometimes nothing before the noun. But its semantics are very difficult to describe (see, for example, Hawkins, 1978). To summarize thus far, Monitor use results in the rise in rank of items that are "late-acquired" in the natural order, items that the performer has learned but has not acquired. Only certain items can rise in rank, however. When Monitor use is heavy, this rise in rank is enough to disturb the natural order. (As discussed in Chapter IV, it is possible to see small changes in certain late-acquired morphemes that are not enough to disturb the natural order; this may be termed light Monitor use. See especially Note 5, Chapter IV.) As we shall see in Chapter IV, it is not easy to encourage noticeable Monitor use. Experimentation has shown that anything less than a real grammar test will not bring out the conscious grammar in any force. Keyfetz (1978) found natural orders for both oral and written versions on the SLOPE test, showing that simply using the written modality is not enough to cause an unnatural order. Houck, Robertson and Krashen (1978a) had adult subjects (university level international students) correct their own written output, and still found a natural order for the corrected version. Krashen, Butler, Birnbaum, and Robertson (1978) found that even when ESL students write compositions with plenty of time and under instructions to be very "careful", the effect of Monitor use was surprisingly light. The best hypothesis now is that for most people, even university students, it takes a real discrete-point grammar-type test to meet all three conditions for Monitor use and encourage significant use of the conscious grammar. 看来非自然顺序是特定词素在排序中的位置升高的结果,是那些晚些才能学到的、更“可学”的项目。英语二语习得中,运用者被置于可以、并的确进行“监控”的情境之下时,我们就看到属于晚期习得、在表2.1中排位较低的第三人称单数词素和一般过去式在排序中上升,而且都相对直接,不管是句法上还是语义上都是如此。(参见拉尔森-弗里曼1975,第四章表4.1有描述;及布朗,在第四章注释4中有描述。) 如此,则有意识地使用“监控”就会产生这样的效果:运用者得以拿出尚未习得的语言内容。然而,我们在第四章中将看到,绝大部分“监控”使用者只能拿出特定项目;“监控”对一些语法内容的作用要比对另一些内容更强。特别是,“监控”看来对两种“简单”的规则更加有效。一者,那些不需要复杂位移和置换的规则;二者,句法角度比较简单的项目。按照这两个标准,简单规则包括粘着语素,比如英语中的第三人称单数形式,或者法语中de+le=du缩略。困难规则包括英语中的wh问句规则,其需要把疑问词置于句首,主语和助动词要换位,一些地方还需要在正确的地方插入do。根据不同的语义属性,规则也可能变易或变难。英语的冠词系统从形式上说不难说明——就是在名词之前加个the或a。但其语义是非常难以说清楚的(如,可参见霍金斯1978)。 到此可综述:使用“监控”会导致自然顺序中“后习得”的项目在排序中前移,也会出现运用者学得但尚未习得的项目。然而,只有特定项目能够排序上升。当重度使用监控时,这种排序上的上升足以破坏自然顺序。(如同在第四章所讨论的,也有可能看到特定“后习得”词素的微小改变,并不足以破坏自然顺序;这可以称为轻度监控使用。参见第四章注释5。) 我们在第四章中将会看到,要鼓励监控的使用到可见的程度,并不容易。实验表明,除非进行真刀实枪的语法测试,否则就无法充分利用有意识学得语法。凯菲茨(1978)利用SLOPE测试发现了口语和书面测试中的自然顺序,表明仅使用书面测试的形式并不足以造成非自然顺序。侯克,罗伯特森和克拉申(1978上)让成人受试者(大学水平的国际学生)批改自己的书面输出,但仍能在批改后的版本中发现自然顺序。克拉申,巴特勒,伯恩鲍姆和罗伯特森(1978)发现,即便是ESL学生在有充分时间、并被要求非常“细心”地写作文时,“监控”的使用效果也轻得令人吃惊。这样一来,最好的假说就是对绝大部分人,即便是大学学生,需要有真正的离散点语法类型测试,才能达到三个使用监控的条件,并鼓励有意识语法的显著使用。 Scan QR Code via WeChat to follow Official Account

