

2014-12-04 选译 武太白 武太白英语教学

本篇选自克拉申《第二语言习得的原则与实践(Principles and Practice in SLA)》第二章“第二语言习得理论”A节“有关第二语言习得的五个假说”第四个假说,武太白翻译。



(v) Applied linguistics research. The input hypothesis is also consistent with the results of what can be called "method comparison" experiments. Several scholars and groups of scholars have attempted to determine directly which teaching methods are best by simple comparison. Groups of students studying second and foreign languages using two different methods are compared, both in long-term and short-term studies. We will have a detailed look at this research in Chapter V, but I will state my own conclusions in advance. My reading of studies comparing the more commonly used methods (audio-lingual as compared to grammar-translation or cognitive-code) is as follows:

(1) "Deductive" methods (rule first, then practice, e.g. grammar-translation and cognitive-code) are slightly more efficient than audio-lingual teaching for adults. The differences are often statistically significant, but are not huge. Students clearly make some progress using any of these approaches.

(2) For adolescents, there is no measurable difference.

I interpret this failure to find large differences in this way: none of the methods compared in these studies provides much in the way of comprehensible input! The input hypothesis predicts, moreover, that an approach that provides substantial quantities of comprehensible input will do much better than any of the older approaches.

There are several newer methods that do this, such as Asher's Total Physical Response Method (Asher, 1966, 1969) and Terrell's Natural Approach (Terrell, 1977). In these methods, class time is devoted to providing comprehensible input, where the focus is on the message and not the form, and students are not expected to produce in the second language until they themselves decide they are "ready". Reports confirming the superiority of such "input methods" have been appearing in the professional literature over the last ten years (e.g. Asher, 1972; Gary, 1975; Postovsky, 1974; more detail is provided in Chapter V). (The focus on comprehensible input is not the only reason for the success of the newer methods, however; see discussion below of affect, and Chapters III and V.)

Since the bulk of this book is intended to deal with implications of second language acquisition theory (Chapters III, IV, and V), this section should really be delayed until later. I cannot resist, however, briefly stating one implication here, since, in my opinion, the implications of the input hypothesis are truly exciting for all of us interested in language acquisition. Most important, the input hypothesis predicts that the classroom may be an excellent place for second language acquisition, at least up to the "intermediate" level. For beginners, the classroom can be much better than the outside world, since the outside usually provides the beginner with very little comprehensible input, especially for older acquirers (Wagner-Gough and Hatch, 1975). In the classroom, we can provide an hour a day of comprehensible input, which is probably much better than the outside can do for the beginner.








