

2015-01-27 选译 武太白 武太白英语教学

本篇为上海外语教育出版社引进出版的《教学法丛书:英语教学成功之道》(Success in English Teaching,作者Eric Pearse,Paul Davies)第二章第一节,武太白选译。本系列文章首发于外教社基教部实验性微信公众账号“武太白金星人”,欢迎朋友们搜索添加关注,接收本系列文章以及“英文自修”、“英语图文趣事”等多个精彩系列的更新内容。


New language items will probably be prominent, even dominant, in your syllabus or coursebook, and of course learners must learn new grammar and vocabulary in order to make progress in English. However, it is important to remember that learners need to be able to do more than just remember and repeat new items; they must be able to use them actively to communicate.


Most of the new items you are expected to teach will normally be indicated in your syllabus or coursebook. Here, for example, is part of the contents page of a typical book:


Not all coursebooks or syllabuses indicate the items to be taught in the same way, but this kind of division is typical of most modern materials. Functions are the communicative things we do with language. New functional items may be indicated only with a description of the function, for example:


Introducing yourself Expressing likes and dislikes

or models of language commonly used to carry out the functions may also be given, for example:


Introductions: Hello. I'm Michael.

Likes/dislikes: I like cats. I don t like dogs. Mary likes dogs. She doesn't like cats.

New grammatical items may be indicated with grammatical terminology, for example:


Present Continuous Comparisons with adjectives

or models of the structures may be given:


What’s Mary doing? She’s swimming.

Glasgow is bigger than Edinburgh. Edinburgh is more famous than Glasgow.

No matter how new items are indicated, you will almost certainly be dealing with new functions and new grammar. Both types of item, and new vocabulary, are usually connected in a unit or lesson. For example, a lesson may deal with the function 'Talking about routine activities5. This will probably mean teaching the grammatical structure 'The Simple Present Tense* and vocabulary such as get up, 'take a shower, 'have breakfast' and go to school'.

不管新内容如何标明,都必须教学新功能、新语法。这两种内容以及新词汇通常是相联系的,出现在同一单元或同一课。例如,某一课可能处理“谈论日常活动”这一功能。这很可能就是要教学语法结构“一般现在时”,以及诸如get up、take a shower、have breakfast、go to school这样的词汇。



Examine your syllabus or coursebook (or, if you are not teaching at present, one you might use) and see how new items are indicated. Do you feel clear about what you would have to teach? How would you clarify any doubts?


