
WeChat ID Shanrenwutaibai Intro 服务基础英语教与学,精研儿童教育,提供与此相关的电脑、手机操作指南。 本文转载自《Professional Development for Language Teachers-Strategies for Teacher Learning(2005)》,作者 Jack C. Richards (SEAMEO Regional Language Centre) Thomas S. C. Farrell (Brock University) 注释:武太白 导读:本篇列举了教师学习这一概念的不同角度阐释,包括技能学习、认知过程、个人建构、反思实践等视角。 提示:文末有一个问题,欢迎回复答案给本微信公众号(“武太白金星人”),积累参与分(1分)、答对分(3分),如帮我们转发本篇文章,还可获得分享分(1分),长期累积,可获得该订阅号及关联微信(37081321)举办的图书赠阅活动、抽奖活动和求职招聘活动的优先权。 ------------------------ Understanding teacher learning Teacher-education processes derive their rationale 存在与发展的基础 from assumptions about the nature of teacher development and how it takes place. This field has been called teacher learning (Freeman & Richards, 1996) and is concerned with exploring questions such as the following: What is the nature of teacher knowledge and how is it acquired 习得? What cognitive processes do we employ while teaching and while learning to teach? How do experienced and novice (green hand) teachers differ? These questions are themselves dependent on our conceptualization 形成概念、提炼 of the nature of language teaching and our understanding of the knowledge, attitudes, skills, and processes we employ while teaching. Conceptualizations 概念形成、提炼 of teacher learning A number of conceptualizations of teacher learning can be found underlying recent and less recent teacher-education processes, and although such conceptualizations sometimes overlap 有重合之处 and may be understood differently by different theoreticians, they can lead to different approaches to teacher education. Teacher learning as skill learning This view sees teacher learning as the development of a range of different skills or competencies, mastery of which underlies successful teaching. Teaching can be broken down into discrete skills that can be mastered one at a time. The skills targeted with this approach (e.g., questioning, giving explanations, presenting new language) are those identified with a model of effective teaching. Teacher training involves presenting and modeling the skills and providing opportunities for teachers to master them. Teacher learning as a cognitive process This approach views teaching as a complex cognitive activity and focuses on the nature of teachers’ beliefs and thinking and how these influence their teaching and learning. It emphasizes that “teachers are active, thinking decision-makers who make instructional choices by drawing on complex practically-oriented, personalized, and context-sensitive networks of knowledge, thoughts, and beliefs 依靠复杂的、实践导向的、个人化的、语境敏感的知识、想法与信念网络做出教学中的选择” (Borg, 2003, p. 81). In teacher education, it encourages teachers to explore their own beliefs and thinking processes and to examine how these influence their classroom practice. Processes used include self-monitoring, journal writing, and analysis of critical incidents. Teacher learning as personal construction This educational philosophy is based on the belief that knowledge is actively constructed by learners and not passively received. Learning is seen as involving reorganization and reconstruction and it is through these processes that knowledge is internalized. New learning is fitted into the learner’s personal framework (Roberts, 1998). In teacher education, this has led to an emphasis on teachers’ individual and personal contributions to learning and to understanding of their classrooms, and it uses activities that focus on the development of self-awareness and personal interpretation through such activities as journal writing and self-monitoring. Teacher learning as reflective practice This view of learning is based on the assumption that teachers learn from experience through focused reflection on the nature and meaning of teaching experiences (Schon, 1983; Wallace, 1991; Richards & Lockhart, 1994). Reflection is viewed as the process of critical examination of experiences, a process that can lead to a better understanding of one’s teaching practices and routines. In teacher education, this has led to the notion of reflective teaching, that is, teaching accompanied by collecting information on one’s teaching as the basis for critical reflection, through such procedures as self monitoring, observation, and case studies. The teacher-development activities discussed in this book are not linked to a single theory of teacher learning because we believe that teachers can usefully learn from procedures drawn from different educational philosophies. However, the majority of the activities discussed throughout the book can be seen as reflecting a view of teacher learning as a cognitive process, as personal construction, and as reflection on action. ------------------------- 积分问题:What does the bold "these processes" refer to? ------------------------- 如果您是中小学英语教师(包括幼儿园、职校、培训机构老师和英语专业师范生),欢迎您添加微信37081321(武太白 金星人),这里有服务于英语教师的英语学习、教学、教研、图文欣赏、儿童教育小故事等有趣内容,并不定期举办中小学英语教材、教辅、读物(包括电子书)、教学法讲座、示范课相关材料的赠送、分享、抽奖和各项兼职招聘信息发布等活动。欢迎您参加! Scan QR Code via WeChat to follow Official Account

