

2015-07-08 武太白 武太白英语教学


本文转载自《Professional Development for Language Teachers-Strategies for Teacher Learning(2005)》,作者

Jack C. Richards (SEAMEO Regional Language Centre)

Thomas S. C. Farrell (Brock University)





Novices 新手 and experts

Another important dimension 角度 of understanding what is meant by teacher development is the difference between a novice teacher and an expert teacher. Although the nature of expertise 专业水平 in language teaching is an underexplored research field (however, see Tsui, 2003), some of the differences between novice and experienced language teachers seem to lie in “the different ways in which they relate to their contexts of work, and hence their conceptions and understanding of teaching, which is developed in these contexts 新教师和名师处理工作境况的不同方式,以及他们在这样的工作境况中形成的、对教学的概念和理解” (Tsui, 2003, p. 245). Expert teachers thus exhibit 表现出 differences in the way they perceive 感知 and understand what they do. Some of these differences include the following (Tsui, 2003):

A richer and more elaborate 丰富多彩 knowledge base

Ability to integrate 整合 and use different kinds of knowledge

Ability to make sound intuitive judgments 做出恰当的直觉判断 based on past experience

A desire to investigate 调查 and solve a wide range of teaching problems

A deeper understanding of students and student learning

Awareness of instructional objectives 对教学目标的掌握 to support teaching

Better understanding and use of language learning strategies

Greater awareness of the learning context

Greater fluidity and automaticity 流畅自如 in teaching

Experienced teachers approach 对待 their work differently from novices because they know what typical classroom activities and expected problems 预计会有的问题 and solutions 解决方案 are like (Berliner, 1987). By comparison, novice teachers typically are less familiar with subject matter, teaching strategies, and teaching contexts and lack an adequate repertoire 充分的储备库 of “mental scripts and behavioral routines 脑海中的脚本,行为中的惯例” (Berliner, 1987, p. 72). The following vignette, from a teacher in the United States, shows not only the influence of a Master of Arts (M.A.) in teaching ESL but also the inspiration of working with expert teachers on this teacher’s professional development.


I got a Master of Arts in teaching ESL from the University of Minnesota. But more important, I worked in a variety of well-organized ESL/EFL programs right from the start of my career. I’ve been fortunate because I’ve always been in contact with people who were experts in some aspects of the field, so I’ve been able to have lunchtime conversations that helped keep me up to date. The most helpful things in my professional development were those informal contacts with smart people 与聪明人的非正式接触. That’s how I developed my interests in vocabulary teaching, in using corpora 语料库(复数,单数是corpus) to enhance teaching, and in writing materials. Also very helpful were courses I took in linguistic analysis 语言学分析 and English syntax 句法 at the University of Minnesota, although the methods courses I took, which were little more than surveys of the faddish 流行一时的 “methods” of the 1970s and 1980s, were not helpful—I have never applied any of that in my teaching life.

Larry Zwier


How have you been able to apply what you learned in your TESL/TEFL studies since you started teaching?

How can teachers and schools make best use of the expertise of experienced teachers?

Many of the teacher-development activities discussed throughout this book seek to enable teachers with different levels of expertise to work together through peer observation 同伴观察, team teaching, mentoring 师徒结对, group discussion, and joint planning and problem solving 集体备课、解决问题.


积分问题:How can a novice teacher make progress in their early career?


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