

2015-07-10 武太白 选注 武太白英语教学


本文转载自《Professional Development for Language Teachers-Strategies for Teacher Learning(2005)》,作者

Jack C. Richards (SEAMEO Regional Language Centre)

Thomas S. C. Farrell (Brock University)




The institutional perspective

In many situations, teacher training provides adequate preparation for a teacher’s initial teaching assignments during the first few years in a school. New teachers tend to have a fairly heavy teaching load 教学任务 and tend to get the more “basic” and less problematic courses. However, it is also generally the case that the preservice courses they took were of a fairly general nature 属于通用性质, somewhat theoretical, and not directly relevant to their teaching assignments 与他们的教学任务并不直接相关, and thus much of what they need to know has to be learned on the job, as is seen in the vignettes above. After teachers have been teaching for some time, however, their knowledge and skills sometimes become outdated or there may be a lack of fit between the knowledge and skills the teacher possesses and what the school needs. For example, a teacher may have to take on more difficult tasks for which he or she has not received any formal training, such as the preparation or supervision of entrance tests; or, as a result of staff changes 人事变动, the teacher may have to take on new assignments that were not previously part of his or her teaching; or a key staff member may leave and his or her teaching may have to be taken over by others, none of whom share the teacher’s specialization 没有谁具备此人的专业.

Qualifications too soon become outdated as a result of changes in the field. The most practical response to this situation is for the school to provide the means by which teachers can acquire 获得 the knowledge and skills they need. Here, teacher development is primarily conceived of 构思 in terms of the needs of the institution. Because it refers to developmental activities within a school or institution, it is usually referred to as staff development 员工发展 and often takes the form of in-service training. It is intended to directly or indirectly enhance the performance of the institution as a whole, as well as to contribute incidentally 顺带 to the teacher’s individual development. Hence it has the following goals:

Institutional development.

Improvement of the performance of the school as a whole, that is, to make it more successful, attract more students, and achieve better learning outcomes. Most successful organizations regard the training and development of their staff as a matter of high priority.

Career development.

It also facilitates 促进 the professional advancement of teachers to more senior positions in the institution (e.g., senior teacher, coordinator 协调员) by providing them with the necessary knowledge and skills. Increased job satisfaction that results will lead to better teacher performance and better teacher retention 教师留岗率.

Enhanced levels of student learning.

An important goal is to raise the achievement levels of students in the institution, a goal that is not only important for its own sake but that also adds to the reputation of the institution and its teachers. From the institutional perspective, professional development activities are intended not merely to improve the performance of teachers but to benefit the school as a whole. Consequently, opportunities for professional development should be provided for all staff. A program coordinator may well need to complete a master’s degree in TESOL, but a newly hired teacher may also need training in how to use video effectively as a teaching resource. Both needs are equally important because the success of a school program may well depend on both the strengths of its curriculum and the teaching skills of its junior staff. Improvement of teaching skills and acquisition of new information, theories, and understanding are not goals in themselves: They are part of the process of institutional development. The fact that a teacher has, on his or her own initiative 从自身的努力出发, acquired a specialization in New Zealand literature, for example, may be commendable 值得称赞的, but it may be irrelevant to the school’s goals.


积分问题:Is it possible that some of the teacher's efforts as an individual in professional improvement are not relevant to the betterment of the institution? If so, find an example in the passage. If not, why?


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