

2015-07-16 武太白 选注 武太白英语教学


本文转载自《Professional Development for Language Teachers-Strategies for Teacher Learning(2005)》,作者

Jack C. Richards (SEAMEO Regional Language Centre)

Thomas S. C. Farrell (Brock University)




Self-directed learning 自主学习

An important direction in teacher development in recent years has been a movement away from “outsider” approaches to “insider” ones 从“旁观型”向“自觉型”教师发展措施的方向转变. The former are often based on expert knowledge as well as general theories and principles that teachers apply to their own situations; the latter are locally based approaches 基于具体情况的措施 that encourage teachers to explore their own contexts and construct their own knowledge and understanding of what takes place in their classrooms. In self-directed learning, teachers assume responsibility for setting goals for self-development and for managing and controlling their own learning.

Among the reasons for the shift toward self-directed approaches to teacher development are a move from an authoritarian organizational structure in schools toward more democratic and participatory forms 参与性形式 of teacher development; a shifting of responsibility for professional development from managers and supervisors to teachers themselves教师职业发展的责任由校方向教师自身转移; and a recognition of the power of experiential and action-based learning经验型、基于行动的学习.

Central to self-directed learning are the following processes:

Inquiry. Asking questions about one’s own teaching practices and seeking the information needed to answer these questions

Self-appraisal 自我评价. Assessing one’s teaching and development on the basis of evidence from oneself and others and the ability to critically reflect and a desire to analyze oneself to determine one’s strengths and weaknesses

Experience. Personal experience becomes the basis and stimulus 动因 for learning.

Personal construction. Meaning is personally constructed by the learner.

Contextualized learning 学习的语境化. Learning takes place in a particular context and social setting and is socially constructed.

Planning and managing. Learning is dependent on the ability to set short and long-term goals and to select strategies for their achievement.

Many of the development activities discussed in this book attribute a crucial role to self-direction 都认为教师自主学习扮演着至关重要的角色. A wide variety of methods and procedures are available for in-service teacher development, and in the remaining chapters of this book we will examine the various options available, consider what they are useful for, and describe procedures for implementing 实施 them. We will consider activities that can be carried out at the individual level, those that involve working with a colleague, those that are group-based, and those that are often a response to an institutional directive 对上级指令的响应. Both the individual teacher’s perspective and that of the supervisor or administrator are addressed 教师个体和校方、管理机关的角度都有考虑, where appropriate. Some can be carried out in more than one mode, as Table 1 illustrates.


Credit Question: Which of the processes listed in this passage do you think is the most central to self-directed learning on the part of the teachers themselves?



