
英文自修170:偶尔打盹又如何(Test for Listening)

2015-07-16 武太白英语教学





导读:在这篇“三分钟思考”中,演讲者Roy Jenkins提出,有时媒体和公众对大人物在公开场合或重要活动时打盹的态度过于严苛,其实偶尔打盹又如何。







BBC Thought for the Day 20150711 Roy Jenkins

Centre Court at Wimbledon might have been buzzing as a rising star powered her way to the women’s singles final, but one guest in the royal box missed some of the excitement. While those around him were in rapt concentration, the minister for culture media and sport appeared to be taking forty winks, and there were plenty of cameras on hand to record it. Wakey! Wakey! screamed one headline - somewhat unkindly, I thought: the man looked so contented, so much at peace with the world: why disturb him?

I speak with some fellow-feeling. A few years ago a photographer caught me in similar mode during one of the main addresses at a conference: somewhat embarrassing, since I was another of the speakers. But, I’ve been nodding off since my student days in darkened overheated lecture theatres; and yes, I do relax my eyelids in church from time to time…but who can tell whether I’m not meditating or praying? (not me, sometimes); and I’ve never been bothered when people do the same when I’m in the pulpit…though I haven’t yet needed to follow the country preacher, said to have watched every head falling in his small congregation; when the last eye had closed, he tiptoed gently out of the church, leaving them to their afternoon slumbers.

The culture secretary was only doing at Wimbledon what some of his colleagues can be observed practising regularly in Parliament. Dignitaries fall asleep during state visits, while they’re sitting through the fifteenth speech, or the fourth hour of a colourful welcome ceremony; and any of us may experience an illicit joy in nodding off when we’re not supposed to, allowing the stresses of demanding lives simply to float away.

It’s natural, innocent, refreshing - unless, of course, we happen to be a judge hearing an important case, a guard on security duty, a driver whose moment’s drowsiness can lead to disaster. Good sleep isn’t personal indulgence it’s part of living responsibly, and a distant dream, of course, for some with all kinds of anxieties and medical conditions which can make them unintended daytime snoozers.

The Bible sees the need for rest built into the fabric of the universe - even the creator chooses to take a break from labour. But the relaxing can be stretched too far. The prophets had harsh words for leaders who revelled in their ease and prosperity while ignoring injustice and the oppression of the poor. And a constant later refrain is that the followers of Jesus must stay alert to greet him on his return by living in ways which reflect him. The call is insistent: Keep Awake. (But even that, I suspect, can leave allowance for an occasional forty winks for any of us.)



