
Experiential Learning 体验式学习(英语教学法原著选读58)

2016-05-23 武太白 武太白英语教学

下文选自任务型语言教学法泰斗David Nunan的经典著作《Task-Based Language Teaching》,注释、解读:武太白。

Experiential learning

An important conceptual basis for task-based language teaching is experiential learning. This approach takes the learner’s immediate personal experience as the point of departure for the learning experience. Intellectual growth occurs when learners engage in and reflect on sequences of tasks. The active involvement of the learner is therefore central to the approach, and a rubric that conveniently captures the active, experiential nature of the process is ‘learning by doing’. In this, it contrasts with a ‘transmission’ approach to education in which the learner acquires knowledge passively from the teacher.


Experiential learning has diverse roots in a range of disciplines from social psychology, humanistic education, developmental education and cognitive theory. The person who pulled these diverse, though related, strands together was the psychologist David Kolb, who argued for an integration of action and reflection. In his model (Kolb 1984), learners move from what they already know and can do to the incorporation of new knowledge and skills. They do this by making sense of some immediate experience, and then going beyond the immediate experience through a process of reflection and transformation.

体验式学习植根于多个不同学科,包括社会心理学、人文主义教育学、发展主义教学、认知理论等。把这些五花八门、却有着联系的因素整合到一起的人是心理学家大卫·克尔伯,他提出要整合行为和反思。在他的(学习)模型(克尔伯 1984)中,学习者从他们的“已知”和“已能”进展到新的知识和技能的掌握。要做到这一点,他们要利用某种亲身体验,然后从这种亲身体验出发,进行反思和转换,从而超越亲身体验(,迈向更高层次)。

The most articulate application of experiential learning to language teaching is provided by Kohonen (1992). In many respects, his model can be seen as a theoretical blueprint for TBLT, as can be seen from the following list of precepts for action derived from his work.


• Encourage the transformation of knowledge within the learner rather than the transmission of knowledge from the teacher to the learner.

• Encourage learners to participate actively in small, collaborative groups (I see group and pair work as important, although I recognise that there are many contexts where class size makes pair and group work difficult).

• Embrace a holistic attitude towards subject matter rather than a static, atomistic and hierarchical attitude.

• Emphasize process rather than product, learning how to learn, self inquiry, social and communication skills.

• Encourage self-directed rather than teacher-directed learning.

• Promote intrinsic rather than extrinsic motivation.

  • 鼓励学习者自身的知识转换,而非从教师到学习者的知识传递。

  • 鼓励学习者积极参与到小型合作组中去(我认为团体和结对活动是重要的,尽管我也认识到在许多情况下大班额使得结对、组团活动难以开展)。

  • 对主题(学习内容)采取整体性(认知)态度,而非静态的、无限分割的、分层分级的态度。

  • 强调过程而非结果,学会学习,学会自我叩问,掌握交往和沟通技能。

  • 鼓励学习中的自我引导,而非教师引导。

  • 促进内生动力而非外部施加的动力。

Kohonen highlights the fit between experiential learning and other key concepts introduced in this chapter, particularly those of learnercentredness and autonomy:


Experiential learning theory provides the basic philosophical view of learning as part of personal growth. The goal is to enable the learner to become increasingly self-directed and responsible for his or her own learning. This process means a gradual shift of the initiative to the learner, encouraging him or her to bring in personal contributions and experiences. Instead of the teacher setting the tasks and standards of acceptable performance, the learner is increasingly in charge of his or her own learning. (Kohonen 1992: 37)


