
Learner Roles 学习者角色,兼谈备课中如何“备学生”(英语教学法原著选读59)

2016-06-06 武太白 武太白英语教学

下文选自任务型语言教学法泰斗David Nunan的经典著作《Task-Based Language Teaching》,注释、解读:武太白。

Learner-centredness has been an influential concept in language pedagogy for many years, and, like TBLT, it has strong links with communicative language teaching. While the learner-centred curriculum will contain similar elements to traditional curricula, a key difference is that information about learners and, where feasible 可行的 , from learners will be built into all stages in the curriculum process, from initial planning, through implementation 具体实施 , to assessment and evaluation. Curriculum development becomes a collaborative effort between teachers and learners, since learners will be involved in decisions on content selection, methodology and evaluation (Nunan 1988). The philosophical reasons for adopting a learner-centred approach to instruction have been informed 从……得到启发 by research into learning styles and strategies (Willing 1988; Oxford 1990), as well as conceptual and empirical work in the area of learner autonomy (Benson 2002).

Breen – a frequent contributor to the literature 文献 on learner-centred teaching – has pointed out the advantages of linking learner-centredness with learning tasks. He draws attention to the frequent disparity 经常性的不匹配 between what the teacher intends as the outcome of a task, and what the learners actually derive from it. (We may parallel this with a similar disparity between what curriculum documents say ought to happen and what actually happens in the classroom). Learning outcomes will be influenced by learners’ perceptions about what constitutes legitimate classroom activity. If the learners have been conditioned 在……条件下 by years of instruction through a synthetic approach (see the section ‘Alternative approaches to syllabus design’), they may question the legitimacy of a program based on an analytical view of language learning.

As Breen notes, outcomes will also be affected by learners’ perceptions about what they should contribute to task completion, their views about the nature and demands of the task, and their definitions of the situation in which the task takes place. Additionally, we cannot know for certain how different learners are likely to carry out a task. We tend to assume that the way we look at a task will be the way learners look at it. However, there is evidence to suggest that, while we as teachers are focusing on one thing, learners are focusing on other things. We cannot be sure, then, that learners will not look for grammatical patterns when taking part in activities designed to focus them on meaning, and look for meaning in tasks designed to focus them on grammatical form.

One way of dealing with this tendency is to sensitize learners to their own learning processes by adding to the curriculum a learning strategies dimension. Eventually, it should be possible for learners to make choices about what to do and how to do it. This of course implies a major change in the roles assigned to learners and teachers. By using ‘task’ as a basic unit of learning, and by incorporating a focus on strategies, we open to the students the possibility of planning and monitoring their own learning, and begin to break down some of the traditional hierarchies. This is not to say that the teacher and learner will view the same task in the same way and attach the same ‘meanings’ to it. Nor does it absolve the teacher from the responsibility of ensuring that through an appropriate sequencing of tasks the appropriate ‘formal curricula’ are covered.








一般认为“备学生”主要是指教师在备课的时候,需要深入分析学生、真正了解学生,进而有针对性地设计出切实有效的教学方案(该定义来自“马献英教育故事”博客)。举个简单的例子,一节课上老师要提许多问题,难度大些的如what、why、how等,小些的如Is it right? Have you seen any such things? 等yes-no问题。这些不同难度的问题,显然不能随机提问,而应该是在了解学生英语基础的情况下有针对性地提问,比如对那些不怎么参与课堂活动的、比较内向的,可以先用相对比较简单的yes-no问题调动他们参与进来的积极性,而那些总是举手回答问题、基础也比较扎实的学生,就要用较难的wh问题向他们发出挑战。这就是“备学生”的一种形式。另外,班级学生的整体学习情况如何、有哪些优势、劣势,学生个体的学习风格都是怎样的,如哪些是视觉型的——主要看板书,哪些是听觉型的——不看板书听课效果也不错,哪些是运动型的——上课时不断有肢体动作,靠这个来加强学习效果,等等,都是“备学生”的内容。








Few curricula will ever be totally subject-centred or totally learnercentred. However, even in institutions in which teachers and learners have minimal input into the curriculum development process, it is possible to introduce elements of learner-centred instruction. Think about your own program, and list ways in which it could be made more learner-centred.

