
WeChat ID Shanrenwutaibai Intro 服务基础英语教与学,精研儿童教育,提供与此相关的电脑、手机操作指南。 任务型语言教学七原则(1):脚手架原则(英语教学法原著选读60,在家教孩子可参考) 下文选自任务型语言教学法泰斗David Nunan的经典著作《Task-Based Language Teaching》,翻译、解读:武太白。 Principle 2: Task dependency • Within a lesson, one task should grow out of, and build upon, the ones that have gone before. The task dependency principle is illustrated in the instructional sequence above which shows how each task exploits and builds on the one that has gone before. In a sense, the sequence tells a ‘pedagogical’ story, as learners are led step by step to the point where they are able to carry out the final pedagogical task in the sequence. Within the task-dependency framework, a number of other principles are in operation. One of these is the receptive-to-productive principle. Here, at the beginning of the instructional cycle, learners spend a greater proportion of time engaged in receptive (listening and reading) tasks than in productive (speaking and writing) tasks. Later in the cycle, the proportion changes, and learners spend more time in productive work. The reproductive-to-creative-language principle is also used in developing chains of tasks. This principle is summarized separately below. 译文 原则2:任务进展性 一课之内,一项任务应该从此前的一项引出,或以前一项为基础。 任务进展性原则在上文的教学序列中已有展示,该序列显示了每一项任务是如何利用前一项任务、并在其基础上加以扩展的。从某种意义上说,该序列讲了一个“教学”故事,学习者在(教师的)指引下一步一步地达到这样的水平:他们能够把序列中最后的一项任务完成。 在任务进展性框架下,有几条其他原则在起作用。其中之一是输入到输出原则。在序列的最开始,学习者花在输入性任务(听、读)上的时间要比花在输出性任务(说、写)上的时间多。在序列的后半截,时间的比例发生改变,学习者花更多的时间完成输出性任务。还有语言复现到创造原则,也用于设计一连串的任务之用。这一原则接下来会进行总结。 解读 这个“进展性原则”其实就说了一件事:一节课内的任务应该像一个完整的故事那样逐层展开,遵循发生——发展——高潮——结局的路线,达到教学的最终目的。并不是说这里搞一个任务、那里搞一个任务就算是任务型教学,而是要对人物的设计进行整体思考,遵循学生的认知规律和学习兴趣逐步展开。 英文原文中提到有一个教学序列,现引用如下: Step 1 Example Create a number of schema- Look at newspaper advertisements building tasks that introduce initial for renting accommodation. vocabulary, language and context Identify key words (some written for the task. as abbreviations), and match people with accommodation. Step 2 Example Give learners controlled practice Listen to a model conversation in the target language vocabulary, between two people discussing structures and functions. accommodation options and practise the conversation. Practise again using the same conversation model but information from the advertisements in step 1. In the final practise, try to move away from following the conversation model word for word. Step 3 Example Give learners authentic listening Listen to several native speakers practice. inquiring about accommodation and match the conversations with newspaper ads. Step 4 Example Focus learners on linguistic Listen again to conversations and elements, e.g. grammar and note intonation contours. Use cue vocabulary. words to write complete questions and answers involving comparatives and superlatives (cheaper, closer, most spacious, etc.). Step 5 Example Provide freer practice. Pair work: information gap role play. Student A plays the part of a potential tenant. Make a note of needs and then call rental agent. Student B plays the part of a rental agent. Use ads to offer partner suitable accommodation. Step 6 Example Pedagogical task Group work discussion and decision making task. Look at a set of advertisements and decide on the most suitable place to rent. 我们看到,其实这个教学序列就是把综合目标“decide on the most suitable place to rent”所需要的准备步骤一个个分解成小的任务,并按照先输入后输出、先复现后创造等原则安排这些小的任务,让学生依此循序渐进,直到学生具备完成综合性任务的能力为止。 “进展性原则”要求教师有这样几项能力:1、从整体上把握一节课、一单元的任务设计;2、根据教学目标确定综合性任务的指向,明确学生应该完成什么样的综合性任务(最终任务);3、把综合性任务所需的单项、复合技能拆分成局部任务,并按照特定原则(先输入后输出、先复现后创造等)把这些任务合理安排到学习过程中去,并使其环环相扣。 我们回到题图上来: 这就是一个一环扣一环的进展性任务序列。在设计任务的时候,就需要这样从现实中找出恰当的例子,用适当的语言去实现它。 Author requires users to follow Official Account before leaving a comment Write a comment Write a comment Loading Most upvoted comments above Learn about writing a valuable comment Scan QR Code via WeChat to follow Official Account

