
英语词汇学习七种武器之三:有规划反复重现 (英语教学法原著选读76)

2016-09-23 武太白 武太白英语教学




上周我们读了《词汇学习七武器二:新旧词汇整合 (英语教学法原著选读75,译文、家长指南回归!)》,文中指出,新旧词汇整合是一种很好的词汇学习方法,我还在“家长指南”部分提出了若干建设性意见,供朋友们参考。












Thesis Title: Current Trends in Vocabulary Teaching

Author: Anita J. Sokmen

Provide a number of encounters with a word

According to Richards (1976), knowing a word means knowing how often it occurs, the company it keeps, its appropriateness in different situations, its syntactic behavior, its underlying form and derivations, its word associations, and its semantic features. It is highly unlikely that an L2 student will be able to grasp even one meaning sense of a word in one encounter, let alone all of the degrees of knowledge inherent in learning a word (see Nagy, 1.4). But as the student meets the word through a variety of activities and in different contexts, a more accurate understanding of its meaning and use will develop. Various studies create a range of 5-16 encounters with a word in order for a student to truly acquire it (Nation, 1990: 43-5). Therefore, an important aspect of this gradual learning is that the instructor consciously cue reactivation of the vocabulary.

Re-encountering the new word has another significant reward. According to theories of human memory (Baddeley):

...the act of successfully recalling an item increases the chance that that item will be remembered. This is not simply because it acts as another learning trial, since recalling the item leads to better retention than presenting it again; it appears that the retrieval route to that item is in some way strengthened by being successfully used. (op. cit.: 156)

When a word is recalled, the learner subconsciously evaluates it and decides how it is different from others s/he could have chosen. He continues to change his interpretation until he reaches the range of meanings that a native speaker has (Beheydt, 1987). Every time this assessment process takes place, retention is enhanced.

In addition, if the encounters with a word are arranged in increasingly longer intervals, e.g. at the end of the class session, then 24 hours later, and then a week later, there is a greater likelihood of long-term storage than if the word had been presented at regular intervals. According to this concept of graduated interval recall, the length of the word, its frequency, and whether it is a cognate for the learner will affect the number of recalls necessary; however, instructors can generally rely on the 'ideal' schedule (Pimsleur, 1967). Therefore, the teacher needs to provide initial encoding of new words and then subsequent retrieval experiences. A number of common games can be employed in classrooms to recycle vocabulary, e.g. Scrabble, Bingo, Concentration, Password, Jeopardy. As they provide yet another encounter with the target words, they have the advantage of being fun, competitive, and consequently, memorable.






