
WeChat ID Shanrenwutaibai Intro 服务基础英语教与学,精研儿童教育,提供与此相关的电脑、手机操作指南。 以下“导读”、“家长指南”、“译文”均为武太白原创内容,英文原文节选、整理自上海外语教育出版社出版的《教学法丛书:词汇:描述、习得与教学》一书。   导读 下文讲的是词汇学习中的若干使用技巧,主要是“词典工作”,即围绕词义、释义而进行的一系列工作,甚至包括抄写。 家长指南 在英语学习的初期,让孩子抄写单词是必不可少的工作,但这种简单的重复往往让老师、家长犯难。实际上,有多种办法让这种工作变得稍微轻松愉快些。 《魔戒》前传《霍比特人》中,以索林·欧肯希尔德(Thorin Oakenshield)为首的十三个矮人在白巫师甘道夫的指引下前来拜访比尔博·柏金斯(Bilbo Baggins)。十三个人,如果一个一个进来,那还不要把人烦死。那么,作者是怎样安排这十三个人出场的呢?并不难,作者是采用了一个、两个、一个、三个、五个、一个的方式分期分批进行介绍的,这样一来大家的出场就各不相同了。 抄写英语单词,同样可以在多样化上下一番功夫。比如,可以想办法把不同位置的四线三格设置成不同的颜色,可以让孩子用不同的大小、倾斜度抄写单词。总之,有所变化,才能让孩子在简单的抄写中不感觉到枯燥。 原文  Thesis Title: Current Trends in Vocabulary Teaching Author: Anita J. Sokmen Use a variety of techniques In 1982, Nation argued that those students who were most successful used several vocabulary learning strategies and this mixed approach continues to be advocated (McKeown and Beck, 1988; Stoller and Grabe, op. cit.). A mixed approach is particularly appealing to students because it breaks up the class routine while building a variety of associational links. It also has a greater chance of harmonizing with the various verbal and non-verbal learning styles which different students may have. There are a great number of instructional ideas for teachers to choose from, some more traditional than others. I have divided them into six categories: 'dictionary work', word unit analysis, mnemonic devices, semantic elaboration, collocations and lexical phrases, and oral production. 1 'Dictionary work'. Most collecting and maintaining of vocabulary can be termed as 'dictionary work', i.e. routines which focus on the word and its definition. The definition may be in L1 or L2. 'Dictionary work’, especially the copying of words (Thomas and Dieter, 1987), provides an opportunity to set up memory links from visual as well as motor traces. Some examples of 'dictionary work' are: a) highlighting the word where found and glossing its meaning in the margin b) copying the word a number of times while saying it or while visualizing its meaning c) copying the word and then looking up the definition d) copying the word, looking up the definition, and then paraphrasing it e) creating a set of index cards of the words or morphemes and their definitions or words with pictures f) matching words with definitions, in conventional exercises or on computer vocabulary programs 'Dictionary work', including practising good dictionary skills, is useful as an independent vocabulary acquisition strategy. Since students may come to the language classroom without these study skills, it is helpful to expose them to a variety of ways to practise words and their definitions and let them choose the manner which is comfortable for them. 译文 1982年,纳辛提出,最成功的学生会使用多种词汇学习技能,这种多手段的学习方法一直得到提倡(麦克尤恩和贝克,1988;斯托勒和格拉布,同上)。多手段学习法对学生来说尤其有吸引力,因为它打破了课堂常规,同时建立了多种关系联系。并且,还有大得多的几率与学生的各种语言、非语言学习风格相吻合。 有许多种教学的点子供教师选择,一些相对比较传统。我把这些分成六种:“词典工作”,词根分析,助记工具,语义详述,连用关系和词汇词组,以及口头输出。 1 “词典工作”。绝大部分用于收集、维护词汇的工作都可以说是“词典工作”,比如以词及其定义为核心的常规活动。词义可能是英文表达,也可能是中文表达。“词典工作”,特别是抄写单词(托马斯和狄特尔,1987),提供了建立记忆联系的机会,能够从视觉和动作两方面留下痕迹。 下面是“词典工作”的一些例子: a)在发现生词的地方加以高亮,并将其意思写在页面空白处 b)抄写单词若干遍,口中默念,想象其意思的画面 c)抄写该词,然后查词典、找词义 d)抄写单词,查找词义,用英文解释该词 e)制作一套词汇或词根索引卡片,需附有对应的图片 f)把单词与释义配对,可以用传统练习,也可用电脑词汇学习软件 “词典工作”,包括练习有效的查词典技能,是一种有用的独立词汇习得策略。因为学生开始语言学习时可能不具备这些学习技能,所以让他们多学习一些练习词汇及其释义的方法、并让他们选择自己觉得舒服的方式是有好处的。 Scan QR Code via WeChat to follow Official Account

