
WeChat ID Shanrenwutaibai Intro 服务基础英语教与学,精研儿童教育,提供与此相关的电脑、手机操作指南。 在金庸名著《笑傲江湖》中,令狐冲在华山后山关紧闭的时候遇到了隐居的派中长辈风清扬,听说“只要”学会三招剑法,就能打败大敌田伯光,小令那是开心得不得了。可是等到真正开始学的时候,令狐才发现不是那么回事:原来第一招就有360种变化,那三招下来1080种,还不把人学死? 点进本文的朋友们!我知道你们是冲着“解锁14000到10万英语单词”这个目标进来的,先说上这么一段,是为让你们冷静冷静,不要有太高的期望值。话又说回来了,“独孤九剑”这种虚构出来的东西,毕竟不能和现实中研究出来的结论相提并论。今天要给大家说的“独孤14词”只是借一下这个名号,这实际上是语言学家Thompson于1958年提出的一套词根分析工具: 中间一栏黑体的单词就是我们的“独孤14词”,这些词包含着解释、解锁《韦氏大学词典》、《韦氏词典》14000词、10万词的前缀和词根。当然,要解锁那么多单词,光是14个词哪里能够,这张表格里几乎每一个前缀、词根都有相应的变体,但不管怎么变,主干总是那样的。手机上看图可能不清晰,朋友们可以把本文收藏起来,登陆电脑版微信后在电脑上打开,图片就清晰了。当然也可以在手机上直接点进图片,也能放大。 这张表格取自上海外语教育出版社出版的“教学法丛书”中的《词汇:描述、习得与教学》分册: 这里要特别说的一点是,用词缀词根分析法学习单词,重点不在于拓展词汇范围、掌握新词,而在于验证已掌握单词的词义,巩固现有词。文冤阁大学士师兄曾经有言:可以析词见根,不可依根解词。也即,如果你学会了一个单词,后来又了解了其词根、词缀的意思,“哦,原来这个词的意思是这么来的”,这样就能够巩固所学过的词;而如果是把词根和词缀往起一拼,然后说,喏,就应该是这个意思!那可能就大错特错了,因为随着时代的发展,语言的变迁,拼合成的单词的意思往往已经和词根、词缀的简单相加相去甚远了。 下面的教学法原著选读中谈到了这个表格及其基本用法,供大家参考。译文是我匆匆所做,有错漏之处请大家指正。 原文  Thesis Title: Current Trends in Vocabulary Teaching Author: Anita J. Sokmen Use a variety of techniques 2. Word unit analysis. The number of words to be acquired in a new language can be overwhelming. The estimates of the number of words in English range from half a million to over two million (Crystal, 1988, chapter 3), but native speakers have a much smaller number of words in their receptive or productive vocabularies, depending on their age and educational background. For example, an undergraduate might only have a vocabulary of 20,000 words (Nagy and Anderson, 1984; Goulden et al., 1990; but also see Nagy, 1.4). This is still a huge number of words to acquire, but L1 learners can depend on their background knowledge of word parts to attack new vocabulary (Nation, 1990; Haynes, 1993). Teachers could choose to systematically teach the important affixes and word roots in the target language although the list would be daunting. Keen's (1985) Developing Vocabulary Skills is a good example of a textbook designed to teach the essential affixes and roots in English using a variety of exercises. A less time-consuming approach would be to use Thompson’s (1958) list of 14 master words which unlocked 14,000 words in the Webster's Collegiate Dictionary at that time and possibly 100,000 in an unabridged dictionary. Students learn the parts of the 14 master words and their variants and the door is unlocked. These key words could be used as the basis for a vocabulary journal, with students adding new encounters with these roots and prefixes. A less-structured approach to word parts is to sporadically ask students to analyze words. For example, in one course I have taught for several years, the word innate routinely comes up and students rarely know the meaning of the word or its root, ‘nat’. However, once we review what the prefix 'in' means, and I elicit other words containing the root ‘nat’ (native, natural, nation, nationality, prenatal), someone in the class can infer the meaning, birth, from their understanding of the brainstormed words. In this way, word unit analysis asks learners to compare the new word with known words in order to get to their core meaning. Because it demands a deeper level of processing and reactivation of old, known words with the new, it has the potential of enhancing long-term storage. 译文 词元分析。学习一门新语言,要学会的新词数目之大可能是令人崩溃的。对英语单词数的估计,有的说50万,有的说200万(克里斯特尔,1988,第三章),而母语者的输入、输出词汇量则比这要小得多,具体还要看他们的年龄和教育背景。比如,本科生可能只有两万的词汇量(纳吉和安德森,1984;古尔顿,主编,1990;也见于纳吉,1.4)。这个数目仍然是庞大的,不过母语学习者能够利用对构词成分的背景知识来学习新词汇(纳辛,1990;海恩斯,1993)。 教师可以选择系统地进行目标语言重要词缀成分和词根的教学,尽管其列表可能令人望而却步。基恩的(1985)《发展词汇技能》一书是一本很好的样本教材,其设计目的就是用各种各样的练习来教学英语的词缀和词根。相对比较不那么耗费时间的办法是使用汤普森的(1958)能够解锁当时《韦氏大学词典》里的14000词、完整版韦氏词典10万词的14个主干词列表。学生学习了这14个主干词及其变体,词汇学习的大门就打开了。这些关键词能够用作词汇学习日志的基础,学生可以把新学到的与这些词有关的词汇都记录进去。 不那么结构化的构词成分学习法是时不时地要求学生分析单词。比如,在一种我已经教了好几年的课程中,innate这个词不断复现,学生却不怎么知道这个词及其词根“nat”的意思。不过,在我们复习了前缀“in”的意思,我又引出其他包含词根“nat”的单词(native,natural,nation,nationality,prenatal)之后,班里就有人能够从他们对于头脑风暴出来的这些词当中推断出“nat”的意思,“出生”。这样,词元分析就要求学习者把新词和已学过的词相比较,以获取其核心意思。因为这要求结合新词对学过的词进行更深层次的处理和重新激活,词元分析法就具备了促进长期存储的潜力。 Author requires users to follow Official Account before leaving a comment Write a comment Write a comment Loading Most upvoted comments above Learn about writing a valuable comment Scan QR Code via WeChat to follow Official Account

