
记不住单词?请这些助记手段来帮忙! - 英语教学法原著选读82

2016-11-04 武太白 武太白英语教学










Thesis Title: Current Trends in Vocabulary Teaching

Author: Anita J. Sokmen

3 Mnemonic devices.

Mnemonic devices are aids to memory. They may be verbal, visual or a combination of both. Advocates of mnemonic devices believe that they are so efficient in storing words that the mind is then freer to deal with comprehension (Cohen, 1987). The most common verbal mnemonic device is using the rhyming of poetry or song to enhance memory. According to Baddeley (1990), this combining of rhyme with meaning has a very powerful effect on retention. That many of us can still remember lines from songs taught in our first year in a foreign language class attests to the powerfulness of this memory aid. Regarding visual devices, in early stages, students can benefit from word/picture activities which set up mental links. Because of personal investment, student-generated visuals are even more memorable. A classroom version of the party game Pictionary is usually a lively, productive way to associate a picture with a word. Days later, holding up their hurried drawings, students will remember the target words they laboured to visualize for their team.

Of all the mnemonic devices, the most often studied with the most impressive results is a technique which employs both an acoustic and a visual image: Alkiason's (1975) keyword method. The keyword method has two steps: the student chooses a word in L1 which is acoustically similar to the one to be learned and then creates a visual image of that L1 word along with the L2 meaning. For example, to teach the Turkish word for door "kapi’ [kapa], an English speaker could choose the slang word for policeman, ‘cop’, as being acoustically similar and then imagines a policeman pounding on a door. Every time the student encounters the word ‘kapi’ the image of the policeman will be reinvoked, thus leading to the meaning of ‘door’. Although effective with all age groups, children find this technique to be an especially enjoyable way to learn vocabulary. Student-generated images have been found to be effective (Levin et al., 1992), but images can also be provided by the instructor. It can be assumed that while creating these images, stronger links are set up since they require the student to do deeper mental processing as they integrate the new word with a familiar one.

In Meara's (1980) survey article on vocabulary acquisition, he questioned the results of keyword studies since the focus was on receptive knowledge of discrete L2-L1 pairs, ignoring the complexity of meanings in the lexicon. However, in the years that have followed, a large body of research has been done on the effectiveness of this strategy. In Levin, et al.'s (1992) study, keyword students performed better than students using sentence-context or free study both on immediate and delayed recall of the word meanings. In Levin's (1993) 'twenty year report card’ on mnemonic strategies, he recommends that such strategies be accepted for what they can do, i.e. establish a factual base, which higher-order applications can be built on. He concludes that 'although mnemonic strategies may not be for all students all of the time, the research evidence overwhelmingly suggests that they are for many students some of the time’ (p. 242, emphasis mine). In much the same vein, Sternberg (1987) argues that this technique is limited, requiring too much effort for a learner to use over a period of time or independently. Students can benefit in two ways from experiences with mnemonic devices. Not only do they acquire the target language, but they also are taught aids to memory which can be applied to other areas of knowledge acquisition.





