
测算词汇量大小的那些曲折、调整 - 英语教学法原著选读87

2016-12-16 武太白 武太白英语教学









Thesis Title: Vocabulary and Testing

Author: John Read

Measuring Vocabulary Size


Nation and Waring (1.1) have discussed the difficulty of obtaining satisfactory estimates of native speaker vocabulary size, with particular emphasis on the sampling problem. Sampling is less of an issue in making estimates of L2 vocabulary knowledge if a word frequency list is used as the sampling frame. From a testing viewpoint, the question is more one of deciding on the appropriate test format to determine whether each word in the sample is known or not. If a reliable estimate is to be made, the sample of words tested   (=which are tested) needs to be quite substantial: Nation (1993) calculates that a sample based on Collins English Dictionary should ideally contain about 600 items. This requirement places a severe constraint =limit on the kinds of test format that can be used. Typically a simple and relatively decontextualized (=going without context) item type has been chosen for vocabulary size tests, so that the test-takers can respond to the required number of words within a reasonable period of time.


The simplest possible format is the checklist (or yes/no test), which has a lengthy history in L1 research (e.g. Sims, 1929; Tilley, 1936). In its original form, the checklist presents (=shows... to) the test-takers with a set of words and requires them to indicate with a tick (/) whether they know each one. Since the format depends purely on self-report, there is an obvious problem with differing (=different from person to person) interpretations of what 'knowing a word’ means, as well as a lack of any means (=手段) to check whether the learners are overestimating (=think too highly of) their vocabulary knowledge. To address this latter shortcoming, Anderson and Freebody (1983) devised a new version of the checklist which contains a certain proportion of plausible (=likely true) non-words that follow the norms of English word formation. Claiming knowledge of some of the non-words is taken as evidence that test-takers are overstating their vocabulary knowledge, so the scores of such learners are adjusted downwards to give a more valid estimate of their knowledge of the real words.


Meara and his colleagues (Meara and Buxton, 1987; Meara and Jones, 1988) developed a computerized (=that which can be run on a computer) checklist test for second language learners of English, one that incorporates (=includes) non-words and samples (=take as indicators) real words from various frequency levels of the Thorndike and Lorge (1944) list. The programme operates on a computer-adaptive principle, presenting words selectively to the test-taker until an adjusted estimate of the individual’s vocabulary size can be made, up to a ceiling level (=topmost) of 10,000 words. The test was published as the Eurocentres’ Vocabulary Size Test (Meara and Jones, 1990). It was seen as a useful tool for language schools, providing an index of the students' overall knowledge of the language to assist in placing them in the appropriate class.


Although the test initially (=at first) seemed very promising, Meara (1996c) notes (=points out) some problems that have emerged from continuing experience with this and other checklist tests. First, they do not work well with low-level learners, who respond unpredictably to the non-words. Secondly, they do not perform satisfactorily as measures of the English language ability of learners whose L1 is French, apparently because of the close relationship between the lexicons of the two languages. The third problem is that certain learners obtain very low scores as a result of their over-willingness to claim knowledge of the non-words. Thus, further work is required to refine (=make better) the test format and gain a fuller picture of its potential as well as its limitations.




