
Jesse James 美国西部传奇杰西·詹姆斯 - September 5:美国历史上的今天

2017-09-05 武太白 武太白英语教学


On September 5, 1847, in Clay County, Missouri, the famous outlaw 惯犯,逃犯 Jesse James was born. 

Jesse James and his older brother, Frank, were so famous that songs were written, stories were told, and movies were made about their lives. 

Jesse James became a bank robber. He gained the reputation 名声 of being a "Robin Hood," a person who robbed the rich to give to the poor. There is a famous story about this. 

One day, Frank and Jesse stopped at a farm in search of food. The lady of the farm invited them in. She gave them something to eat. The James brothers noticed how sad and worried the woman looked. They asked if there was anything wrong. The woman told the brothers that the sheriff 县治安官 was coming later that afternoon. He wanted to force her and her five children off their farm. The woman didn't have the money to pay the rent. 

The James brothers had just robbed a bank, and they gave the woman enough money to pay the rent. 

Later that afternoon, the sheriff arrived at the farm. The woman gave the sheriff the money Jesse and Frank had given her. 

Jesse and Frank met the sheriff on the road after he had left the farm. The James brothers robbed the sheriff of all his money, including the money they had given the woman. Whether the story is true or not is unknown. What is true is that the James brothers were outlaws, bank and train robbers, and cold-blooded 冷血无情的 killers. 

In 1881, the governor of Missouri offered a $ 10,000 reward for the capture 抓捕 of either Jesse or Frank James. On April 3, 1882, while Jesse James was adjusting 调整 a picture on the wall at his home, he was shot. Jesse died instantly 立刻 but his reputation still lives on 继续存在 today.


