

科林·马歇尔 摩登语言学 2023-06-17

Noam Chomsky评论hatGPT:“基本上是高科技抄袭”和“一种避免学习的方式”


ChatGPT, the system that understands natural language and responds in kind, has caused a sensation since its launch less than three months ago. If you’ve tried it out, you’ll surely have wondered what it will soon revolutionize — or, as the case may be, what it will destroy. Among ChatGPT’s first victims, holds one now-common view, will be a form of writing that generations have grown up practicing throughout their education. “The essay, in particular the undergraduate essay, has been the center of humanistic pedagogy for generations,” writes Stephen Marche in The Atlantic. “It is the way we teach children how to research, think, and write. That entire tradition is about to be disrupted from the ground up.”

如果 ChatGPT 能够立即就任何给定主题撰写一篇听起来合理的学术论文,那么学术论文本身的未来会是什么?YouTube频道EduKitchen的主持人在上面的新采访中或多或少地向诺姆·乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky)提出了这个问题 - 一位可以信赖的教育观点的思想家。“多年来,一直有一些项目帮助教授检测抄袭论文,”乔姆斯基说。“现在会更加困难,因为抄袭更容易。但这是我能想到的对教育的唯一贡献。他确实承认ChatGPT风格的系统“可能对某些东西有一定的价值”,但“这并不明显”。

If ChatGPT becomes able instantaneously to whip up a plausible-sounding academic essay on any given topic, what future could there be for the academic essay itself? The host of YouTube channel EduKitchen puts more or less that very question to Noam Chomsky — a thinker who can be relied upon for views on education — in the new interview above. “For years there have been programs that have helped professors detect plagiarized essays,” Chomsky says. “Now it’s going to be more difficult, because it’s easier to plagiarize. But that’s about the only contribution to education that I can think of.” He does admit that ChatGPT-style systems “may have some value for something,” but “it’s not obvious what.”


As the relevant technology now stands, Chomsky sees the use of ChatGPT as “basically high-tech plagiarism” and “a way of avoiding learning.” He likens its rise to that of the smartphone: many students “sit there having a chat with somebody on their iPhone. One way to deal with that is to ban iPhones; another way to do it is to make the class interesting.” That students instinctively employ high technology to avoid learning is “a sign that the educational system is failing.” If it “has no appeal to students, doesn’t interest them, doesn’t challenge them, doesn’t make them want to learn, they’ll find ways out,” just as he himself did when he borrowed a friend’s notes to pass a dull college chemistry class without attending it back in 1945.

在麻省理工学院度过了大部分职业生涯后,乔姆斯基于2002年退休,成为一名全职公共知识分子。休斯顿大学的罗伯特·扎雷茨基(Robert Zaretsky)最近提出了他自己对ChatGPT和教育的看法。“大学论文几年前就死了,”他争辩道。“这是一个杯子的游戏,一个学生给我发一个电子文件,打开后会溢出一堆单词,发件人提出这是一篇完成的论文”——据推测,机器学习系统的输出实际上要好得多。大多数技术“中断”都会留下积极和消极的影响。如果大学论文确实无法挽救,也许 ChatGPT 最终会用更有趣的东西来取代它。

After spending most of his career teaching at MIT, Chomsky retired in 2002 to become a full-time public intellectual. The University of Houston’s Robert Zaretsky, who still teaches, recently offered his own, grimmer take on ChatGPT and education. “The college essay died years ago,” he argues. “It’s a mug’s game in which a student sends me an electronic file that, when open, spills out a jumble of words that the sender propounds to be a finished paper” — to which, presumably, the output of a machine-learning system would actually be far preferable. Most technological “disruptions” leave both positive and negative effects in their wake. If the college essay is indeed unsalvageable, perhaps ChatGPT will finally bring about its replacement with something more interesting.


科林·马歇尔(Colin Marshall)常驻首尔,撰写和广播有关城市,语言和文化的文章。他的项目包括Substack通讯《城市书籍》《无国籍城市:漫步21世纪洛杉矶》一书和视频系列《电影中的城市》。在Twitter上关注他@colinmarshall或Facebook。

Based in Seoul, Colin Marshall writes and broadcasts on cities, language, and culture. His projects include the Substack newsletter Books on Cities, the book The Stateless City: a Walk through 21st-Century Los Angeles and the video series The City in Cinema. Follow him on Twitter at @colinmarshall or on Facebook.



