
双语 | 大国领袖的人民情怀

周报君 美洲观察 2022-07-19





Another 125 poor counties and 10 million poverty-stricken rural residents were lifted out of poverty. We reduced the price of 17 cancer-fighting drugs, and included them on our medical insurance list. And we are continuing to tackle the financial strain that can accompany a family member falling ill.


Our comrades on the front lines of the fight against poverty are often in my thoughts, including over 2.8 million officials living and working in villages, and the local village leaders. They are devoted to their work and do an awesome job, and I wish them good health.


We must lend an ear to our officials at the grassroots, and bring energy and greater purpose to those who are ready to commit to making a difference. To achieve our task of lifting another 10 million-plus rural residents out of poverty as planned, we shall remain focused and work hard on this.


We shall take better care of our military veterans who have done much to keep the motherland safe. Even as we speak, there are deliverymen, street cleaners, taxi drivers, and countless others who are hard at work. We should thank these workers who contribute to the creation of our beautiful society. Their hard work is much appreciated.




The improvement of people’s well-being has been accelerated, and the ecological environment has gradually improved. The people have gained a stronger sense of fulfillment, happiness and security. 


People have adhered to patriotism and devotion with neither complaint nor regret, which makes me feel that the common people are the greatest and happiness is generated through hard work.


Our great development achievements have been made by the people, and should be shared by the people. I understand what concerns the people the most includes education, employment, income, social security, healthcare, elderly care, housing, and the environment. You have reaped the harvest from your hard work. You have also encountered quite some frustrations.


The Communist Party of China (CPC) committees, governments and officials at all levels shall always take into consideration the safety and necessities of the people whole-heartedly, and regard the work of benefitting the people as their top political achievement. They shall pay attention to and share the concerns of the people and create conditions for them to live a better and happier life. 



We will make sure that no one is left behind on our way to prosperity. 


The whole Party and the whole society should show continued care and offer help to those fellow citizens living in poverty and hardship. We will enable more people to enjoy the fruit of our reforms, and ultimately let all the people in this country live in happiness.


So long as the 1.3 billion people pull together in forging ahead, the Party stands identified with the people, and the nation remains mobilized for brand new endeavors, we will surely accomplish the Long March of our generation.



The CPC and the Chinese Government will continue the efforts to ensure that the safety of people’s lives and properties are protected, and people’s rights to improved livelihood and physical health are guaranteed.


It remains a moral and emotional obligation for me to get the tens of millions of rural population out of poverty and to let them lead a decent life. Now the Party and the nation have been mobilized to make concerted effort for the victory of the decisive battle over poverty. To all those who still live in difficulty, we will let them know that we do care, and we will let them feel the warmth of heart, from ours to theirs. 



We will continue our efforts to act upon people’s expectations and turn their aspirations into reality.  


We will work with passion to improve their well-being, with efforts focusing on poverty alleviation and guaranteeing basic living conditions. We will provide assistance to all those in need of help, including poverty-stricken farmers and urban residents with difficulties, so that their basic living conditions are guaranteed and they feel the warmth of care being in this society.



We have advanced reforms with the fundamental purpose of making our nation stronger and more prosperous. We also aim to achieve a higher degree of impartiality and justice in society so that people can live a better life.


Life is always full of hopes. Success always belongs to those who keep forging ahead unswervingly. On our way forward, we will encounter various risks and challenges. We still need to complete a lot of tasks so that common people can live a happier life. We need to be modest and prudent and work hard together in writing a new chapter for the development of our great nation.


编  辑:于淑均

责任编辑:闫 威







