
学习时间 | 在危机中育新机、于变局中开新局(双语)

周报君 美洲观察 2022-07-19


President Xi Jinping stressed analyzing China’s economic situation from a comprehensive, dialectical and long-term perspective on May 23, urging efforts to foster new opportunities amid challenges and make new advances amid changes. Xi made the remarks when joining a joint panel discussion attended by national political advisors from the economic sector. Edited excerpts of Xi’s speeches in recent years on economic development follow:


China’s economy is in a pivotal stage for transforming the growth model, improving economic structure, and fostering new growth drivers.


China’s economy is still characterized by ample potential, strong resilience, large maneuver room and sufficient policy instruments.


China has the largest industrial system in the world with the most complete categories, strong production capabilities, complete supporting sectors, as well as over 100 million market entities and a talent pool of 170 million people. 


We should make steady progress in creating a new development pattern where domestic and foreign markets can boost each other, with domestic market as the mainstay.


More steps should be taken to maintain the security of industrial and supply chains, and to forestall and defuse major risks.


The fundamental role of agriculture should not be neglected or undermined at any time.


Unwavering efforts should be made to make economic globalization more open, inclusive and balanced so that its benefits are shared by all, and to build an open world economy.以上摘自2020年5月23日习近平看望参加政协会议的经济界委员并参加联组会时的讲话


Our emphasis on the need to consolidate and develop the public sector and our policy of encouraging, supporting and guiding the development of the private sector are not contradictory but inherently coherent.摘自2016 年3 月4 日习近平在参加全国政协十二届四次会议民建、工商联界委员联组会时的讲话


Our success in securing and improving the wellbeing of the people can increase social consumption and expand domestic demand; improving standards of living is in essence promoting development.摘自2015 年6 月16 日—18 日习近平在贵州调研时的讲话


To release the great potential and strengths of the Chinese economy, we must move faster in changing the growth model, restructuring the economy, and fostering new growth drivers. 摘自2015 年12 月18 日习近平在中央经济工作会议上的讲话


Economic globalization is superficially exemplified by an extensive flow of products, capital and information across the world, but behind such a flow is the propelling force of human resources and scientific and technological innovation.摘自2016 年5 月30 日习近平在全国科技创新大会、中国科学院第十八次院士大会和中国工程院第十三次院士大会、中国科学技术协会第九次全国代表大会上讲话

以上内容来自新华网和《习近平谈治国理政》(第二卷)Sources: Xinhua News Agency & Xi Jinping: The Governance of China (II)

