学习时间 | 习近平谈新发展理念(双语)
Chinese President Xi Jinping, also General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, took part in a deliberation with his fellow deputies from the delegation of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region at the Fourth Session of the 13th National People’s Congress (NPC) in Beijing on March 5. He stressed full and faithful comprehension and implementation of the new development philosophy. Edited excerpts of Xi’s speeches on new development philosophy since 2016 follow:Excerpts from Xi’s speech at a deliberation with his fellow deputies from the delegation of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region at the Fourth Session of the 13th NPC on March 5, 2021
Excerpts from Xi’s speech at a deliberation with his fellow deputies from the delegation of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region at the Fourth Session of the 13th NPC on March 5, 2021
Excerpts from Xi’s speech at a deliberation with his fellow deputies from the delegation of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region at the Fourth Session of the 13th NPC on March 5, 2021
Excerpts from Xi’s speech at a deliberation with his fellow deputies from the delegation of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region at the Fourth Session of the 13th NPC on March 5, 2021
Excerpts from Xi’s speech at a study session on implementing the decisions of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, attended by officials at the provincial/ministerial level on January 18, 2016
35. 学习时间| 脱贫摘帽不是终点,而是新生活、新奋斗的起点(双语)
34. 学习时间| 17+1大于18(双语)
33. 学习时间| 确保百姓过年安心、放心、舒心(双语)
32. 学习时间| 国际社会不能由一个或几个国家发号施令(双语)
31. 学习时间| 每个人都了不起!(双语)
26. 学习时间| 信任而不是猜忌,携手而不是挥拳,协商而不是谩骂(双语)
25. 学习时间| 对待侵略者,就得用他们听得懂的语言同他们对话(双语)
24. 学习时间| 深圳是中国特色社会主义在一张白纸上的精彩演绎(双语)
22. 学习时间| 疫情终将被人类战胜,胜利必将属于世界人民(双语)
20. 学习时间| 世上没有从天而降的英雄,只有挺身而出的凡人(双语)
19. 学习时间| 纵观人类社会发展史,世界经济开放则兴,封闭则衰(双语)
18. 学习时间| 保护好青藏高原生态就是对中华民族生存和发展的最大贡献 (双语)
17. 学习时间| 推动长三角一体化发展不断取得成效(双语)
15. 学习时间| 坚持开放包容,把亚投行打造成国际多边合作新典范(双语)
14. 学习时间| 保护好黑土地这一“耕地中的大熊猫”(双语)
13. 学习时间| 防汛救灾关系人民生命财产安全(双语)
12. 学习时间| 努力把疫情造成的损失补回来,争取全年经济发展好成绩(双语)
9. 学习时间| 中欧没有根本利害冲突,合作远大于竞争,共识远大于分歧(双语)
8. 学习时间| 新冠疫苗研发完成并投入使用后,愿率先惠及非洲国家(双语)
7. 学习时间| 脱贫、全面小康、现代化,一个民族也不能少(双语)
5. 学习时间| 人民军队始终是党和人民完全可以信赖的英雄军队(双语)
2. 学习时间| 保护人民生命安全和身体健康可以不惜一切代价”(双语)
1. 学习时间| 中国将提供20亿美元支持受疫情影响的国家(双语)