
CityReads│Against the Grain, Against the State

John Lanchester 城读 2020-09-12


Against the Grain: Hunter-Gatherers Live Better Than Farmers

A life of hunting and gathering had advantages over one farming and settlement.

John Lanchester,The Case Against Civilization: Did our hunter-gatherer ancestors have it better? https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/09/18/the-case-against-civilization


James C. Scott, 2017. Against the Grain: A Deep History of the Earliest States, Yale University Press.

Source: https://yalebooks.yale.edu/book/9780300182910/against-grain


The narrative s of human history has typically been told as one of the progress, of civilization and public order, and of increasing health and leisure. The sequence of progress from hunting and gathering to nomadism to agriculture (and from band to village to town to city) was settled doctrine. Each step is presumed to represent an epoch-making leap in mankind’s well-being: more leisure, better nutrition, longer life expectancy, and a settled life that promoted the household arts and the development of civilization.


Anatomically modern humans have been around for roughly two hundred thousand years. For most of that time, we lived as hunter-gatherers. Then, about twelve thousand years ago, came what is generally agreed to be the definitive before-and-after moment in our ascent to planetary dominance: the Neolithic Revolution. This was our adoption of, to use Scott’s word, a “package” of agricultural innovations, notably the domestication of animals such as the cow and the pig, and the transition from hunting and gathering to planting and cultivating crops. The most important of these crops have been the cereals—wheat, barley, rice, and maize—that remain the staples of humanity’s diet. Cereals allowed population growth and the birth of cities, and, hence, the development of states and the rise of complex societies.


Agriculture replaced the savage, wild, primitive, lawless, and violent world of hunter-gatherers and nomads. Fixed-field crops were the origin and guarantor of the settled life, of formal religion, of society and of government by laws. In virtually all early agricultural settings the superiority of farming was underwitten by an elaborate mythology recounting how a powerful god or goddess entrusted the sacred grain to a chosen people, which implies an assumption that sedentary life is superior to and more attractive than mobile forms of subsistence.


Is it?


In “Against the Grain: A Deep History of the Earliest States,” James C. Scott, a professor of political science at Yale, calls that narrative into question on the basis of the advances in archaeological and historical research over the past two decades and argues that the shift from hunting and foraging to agriculture—a shift that was slow, halting, reversible, and sometimes incomplete—carried at least as costs as benefits. He explains why humans abandon hunting and gathering for sedentary communities dependent on livestock and cereal grains, and governed by precursors of today’s states.

Scott is not the first to question the agricultural revolution. Jared Diamond called the Neolithic Revolution “the worst mistake in human history.”(Review of Guns, Germs, and Steel) Yuval Noah Harari considers the agricultural revolution is history’s biggest fraudCityReads│Sapiens: How We Got to Now?). The Agricultural Revolution left farmers with lives generally more difficult and less satisfying than those of foragers. Hunter-gatherers spent their time in more stimulating and varied ways, and were less in danger of starvation and disease. The Agricultural Revolution certainly enlarged the sum total of food at the disposal of humankind, but the extra food did not translate into a better diet or more leisure. Rather, it translated into population explosions and pampered elites. The average farmer worked harder than the average forager, and got a worse diet in return.


A diet based on cereals is poor in minerals and vitamins, hard to digest, and really bad for your teeth and gums. Studies of ancient skeletons indicate that the transition to agriculture brought about a plethora of ailments, such as slipped discs, arthritis and hernias. Wheat did not give people economic security. The life of a peasant is less secure than that of a hunter-gatherer. Farming societies have, until very recently, relied for the great bulk of their calories intake on a small variety of domesticated plants. In many areas, they relied on just a single staple, such as wheat, potatoes or rice. Should any disaster strike, peasants would suffer famine. Nor could wheat offer security against human violence. The new agriculture tasks demanded so much time that people were forced to settle permanently next to the wheat fields. To protect their fields, houses and granaries, farmers tended to fight the enemy instead of retreat. As a result, higher percentage of villagers died of violence.

The story told in “Against the Grain” looks the link between the grain and the earliest state formation. The first agrarian states, says James C. Scott, were born of accumulations of domestications: first fire, then plants, livestock, subjects of the state, captives, and finally women in the patriarchal family—all of which can be viewed as a way of gaining control over reproduction. Scott’s specialty is not early human history. His work has focused on a skeptical, peasant’s-eye view of state formation; the trajectory of his interests can be traced in the titles of his books, from “The Moral Economy of the Peasant” to “The Art of Not Being Governed.” His best-known book, “Seeing Like a State,” has become a touchstone for political scientists, and amounts to a blistering critique of central planning and “high modernism,” the idea that officials at the center of a state know better than the people they are governing.


Scott’s new book extends these ideas into the deep past, and draws on existing research to argue that ours is not a story of linear progress, that the time line is much more complicated, and that the causal sequences of the standard version are wrong. He focusses his account on Mesopotamia—roughly speaking, modern-day Iraq—because it is “the heartland of the first ‘pristine’ states in the world”. They were the first states to have written records, and they became a template for other states in the Near East and in Egypt, making them doubly relevant to later history.


The big news to emerge from recent archeological research concerns the time lag between “sedentism,” or living in settled communities, and the adoption of agriculture. Previous scholarship held that the invention of agriculture made sedentism possible. The evidence shows that this isn’t true: there’s an enormous gap—four thousand years—separating the “two key domestications,” of animals and cereals, from the first agrarian economies based on them. Our ancestors evidently took a good, hard look at the possibility of agriculture before deciding to adopt this new way of life. They were able to think it over for so long because the life they lived was remarkably abundant. Mesopotamia was a wetland territory, as its name (“between the rivers”) suggests. In the Neolithic period, Mesopotamia was a delta wetland, where the sea came many miles inland from its current shore.


This was a generous landscape for humans, offering fish and the animals that preyed on them, fertile soil left behind by regular flooding, migratory birds, and migratory prey travelling near river routes. The first settled communities were established here because the land offered such a diverse web of food sources. The archeology shows, then, that the “Neolithic package” of domestication and agriculture did not lead to settled communities, the ancestors of our modern towns and cities and states. Those communities had been around for thousands of years, living in the bountiful conditions of the wetlands, before humanity committed to intensive agriculture. Reliance on a single, densely planted cereal crop was much riskier, and it’s no wonder people took a few millennia to make the change.


So why did our ancestors switch from this complex web of food supplies to the concentrated production of single crops? We don’t know, although Scott speculates that climatic stress may have been involved. Two things, however, are clear. The first is that, for thousands of years, the agricultural revolution was, for most of the people living through it, a disaster. The fossil record shows that life for agriculturalists was harder than it had been for hunter-gatherers. Their bones show evidence of dietary stress: they were shorter, they were sicker, their mortality rates were higher. Living in close proximity to domesticated animals led to diseases that crossed the species barrier, wreaking havoc in the densely settled communities. Scott calls them not towns but “late-Neolithic multispecies resettlement camps.”


The other conclusion is that there is a crucial, direct link between the cultivation of cereal crops and the birth of the first states. It’s not that cereal grains were humankind’s only staples; it’s just that they were the only ones that encouraged the formation of states. Virtually all classical states were based on grain, including millets. “History records no cassava states, no sago, yam, taro, plantain, breadfruit or sweet potato states,” he writes. What was so special about grains? Grain, unlike other crops, is easy to tax. Some crops (potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava) are buried and so can be hidden from the tax collector, and, even if discovered, they must be dug up individually and laboriously. Other crops (notably, legumes) ripen at different intervals, or yield harvests throughout a growing season rather than along a fixed trajectory of unripe to ripe—in other words, the taxman can’t come once and get his proper due. Only grains are, “visible, divisible, assessable, storable, transportable, and rationable ”. Other crops have some of these advantages, but only cereal grains have them all, and so grain became “the main food starch, the unit of taxation in kind, and the basis for a hegemonic agrarian calendar.” The taxman can come, assess the fields, set a level of tax, then come back and make sure he’s got his share of the harvest.


It was the ability to tax and to extract a surplus from the produce of agriculture that, in Scott’s account, led to the birth of the state, and also to the creation of complex societies with hierarchies, division of labor, specialist jobs (soldier, priest, servant, administrator), and an élite presiding over them. Because the new states required huge amounts of manual work to irrigate the cereal crops, they also required forms of forced labor, including slavery; because the easiest way to find slaves was to capture them, the states had a new propensity for waging war.


War, slavery, rule by élites—all were made easier by another new technology of control: writing. “It is virtually impossible to conceive of even the earliest states without a systematic technology of numerical record keeping,” Scott maintains. All the good things we associate with writing—its use for culture and entertainment and communication and collective memory—were some distance in the future. For half a thousand years after its invention, in Mesopotamia, writing was used exclusively for bookkeeping: “the massive effort through a system of notation to make a society, its manpower, and its production legible to its rulers and temple officials, and to extract grain and labor from it.” Early tablets consist of “lists, lists and lists,” Scott says, and the subjects of that record-keeping are, in order of frequency, “barley (as rations and taxes), war captives, male and female slaves.” Walter Benjamin, the great German Jewish cultural critic said that “there is no document of civilization which is not at the same time a document of barbarism.”


The question of what it was like to live outside the settled culture of a state is therefore an important one for the over-all assessment of human history. Otherwise, human history would become a straightforward story of progress: most of us were miserable most of the time, we developed civilization, everything got better. If most of us weren’t miserable most of the time, the arrival of civilization is a more ambiguous event. In one column of the ledger, we would have the development of a complex material culture permitting the glories of modern science and medicine and the accumulated wonders of art. In the other column, we would have the less good stuff, such as plague, war, slavery, social stratification, rule by mercilessly appropriating élites.

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