Llinks invited to speak at DBS AR Financing Seminar
On 19 October 2018, Charles Chen, our Of Counsel attended the receivables financing seminar hosted by Baker & McKenzie for DBS Bank in Singapore, together with partners from Baker & McKenzie , J. Sagar Associates and Hadiputranto, Hadinoto & Partners The speakers shared with the participants on various financing structures and associated legal and practical risks and mitigants, as well as multiple financing and fraud issues, not only on the common legal issues but also country-specific topics in Singapore, India, Indonesia and China. The participants gave very positive feedback on the seminar.
Llinks has long been committed to banking and financial practice area, having abundance legal and practical experience in various financing businesses, including trade financing, syndicated loans, project financing, and M&A financing (including various cross-border transactions). We represent local and international banks, non-bank financial institutions, borrowers, sponsors, and export credit agencies. Our experience in working with diverse parties has enabled us to acquire a profound understanding of the various transactions in this area. Chambers, Legal 500, IFLR1000 and many other international legal rating agencies also have always been listed Llinks as the Chinese leading law firm in the practice area of banking and finance, project financing and so on.
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