
FSR Volume 7 Number 3丨特刊:法医学人道领域应用

Forensic Sciences Research

Humanitarian applications of forensic science


本期特刊“法医学人道领域应用”的文章由FSR编委Oran Finegan博士和红十字国际委员会专家Derek Congram博士作为客座主编精选推荐。文章来自乌拉圭、墨西哥、美国、加拿大、意大利、塞浦路斯、乌干达、索马里兰、利比亚和尼泊尔等国家和地区,真实地反映了世界各地正将法医学越来越多地运用于非传统领域——鉴定跨越美墨边境过程中死亡的移民、在疫情爆发时期寻找失踪人员、飞机失事后积极聆听受害者家属的声音……总之,法医人道救援工作没有尽头,必须不断前行,正如两位特刊主编所倡议的:让我们利用科学来帮助有需要的人。


客座主编:Derek Congram


客座主编:Oran Finegan






Broadening the application of forensic science in an era of standardization



Improving witness interviewing for the investigation of disappeared persons due to armed conflict

通过改进证人面谈助推针对武装冲突失踪人员的调查工作Derek Congram, Maria Mikellide & Matthew Vennemeyer


Investigating missing persons who are presumed dead in conflict contexts almost always involves witness interviews. Interviews can be critical both to locating burial sites and to positively identifying bodies that are located. Despite the importance of interviews, the authors have found that investigators in these contexts seldom have formal training on interviewing. This article highlights three principal problems that the authors have experienced relative to interviewing as part of missing persons investigations in armed conflict contexts: that interviewing is not treated as a professional activity; the tendency to overvalue technical tools in the search for burial sites; and a lack of awareness about cultural and contextual factors that impact interviews. The article concludes with five recommendations on how to improve witness interviewing.



Research Article

Gaining community entry with survivors for forensic human rights and humanitarian intervention与幸存者一起进入社区推动法医人权和人道干预

Jaymelee Kim, Lucia Elgerud & Hugh Tuller


As forensic humanitarian and forensic human rights anthropology has continued to evolve, an ongoing concern in the field is meaningful engagement with survivors and the imperative to do no harm. For forensic anthropologists attempting to engage in grassroots forensic intervention, unaffiliated with an international investigation, means for effectively accessing and engaging communities has not been widely discussed. Here, forensic anthropologists draw on multiple, cross-cultural contexts to discuss methods and techniques for introducing forensic partnerships to communities. To do this, the scientist must consider their positionality as well as that of the stakeholders, develop effective local relationships, and consider a community-grounded approach. This paper argues that drawing on broader cultural anthropological training, ultimately informs one’s ability to gain entry into at-risk and vulnerable communities while minimizing harm. To illustrate this point, examples are drawn from Canada, Uganda, Cyprus, and Somaliland.



Case Reports

Humanitarian action in academic institutions: a case study in the ethical stewardship of unidentified forensic cases学术机构的人道行动:涉及不明身份人员的法医案件的伦理管理研究Justin Z. Goldstein, Mariah E. Moe, Emilie L. Wiedenmeyer, Petra M. Banks, Sophia R. Mavroudas & Michelle D. Hamilton


Forensic anthropologists are often responsible for the management of long-term unidentified individuals. Others have contextualised these decedents—many of whom likely belonged to socially, politically, and/or economically marginalised groups in life—as part of a larger identification crisis in the United States. However, there has been little discussion surrounding how this humanitarian crisis has manifested in academic institutions, where anthropologists often provide medicolegal consultation and act as long-term stewards of the unidentified. The Identification & Repatriation Initiative was created at the Forensic Anthropology Center at Texas State University (FACTS) to recognise and investigate unidentified human remains in long-term storage. Our paper outlines common challenges that were encountered during our initial reassessment of unidentified cases at FACTS, emphasising the detrimental impacts of inconsistent procedures, loss of context, and case fatigue. It is likely that other academic institutions face similar challenges, and by highlighting these issues we hope to help initiate a larger conversation concerning ethical stewardship of human remains in these settings. By incorporating humanitarian perspectives into forensic casework, anthropologists in academia can better advocate for the long-term unidentified.

Key points:· Forensic anthropologists at academic institutions are qualified to act as consultants on forensic casework when requested by jurisdictional authorities and are often responsible for the long-term management of unidentified human remains.· The long-term unidentified represent a vulnerable population, and academic institutions are not exempt from calls for humanitarian approaches to identification.· The Identification and Repatriation Initiative was created at the Forensic Anthropology Center at Texas State University to acknowledge and investigate unidentified human remains in long-term storage.· This paper considers possible ways for humanitarian action to be incorporated into academic settings and suggests anthropologists can better advocate for the unidentified through procedural standardisation, institutional and interagency collaboration and ethical stewardship.


法医人类学家经常负责管理涉及长期不明身份人员的案件。在美国,这类死者——其中许多人在生前可能属于社会、政治和/或经济上被边缘化的群体——则被归为更大的身份识别危机的一部分。然而,这一人道危机在学术机构中的体现却鲜有讨论,尽管学术机构中的人类学家经常要提供法医学咨询服务并长期管理这类身份不明案件。为了对长期存放的不明身份人类遗骸开展识别与调查,德克萨斯州立大学法医人类学中心(Forensic Anthropology Center at Texas State University,FACTS)提出了“鉴定与返还倡议”。本文概述了FACTS在初步开展重新评估身份不明案件时遇到的共同挑战,强调了程序不一致、背景缺失和调查疲劳引起的负面影响。鉴于其他学术机构可能也会面临类似的挑战,本文通过强调上述问题,希望能够在此背景下发起一场对遗体进行伦理型管理的更大讨论。通过将人道视角纳入法医案件工作,学术界的人类学家可以更好地为长期不明身份的人员发声。关键点· 学术机构的法医人类学家在司法部门的要求下承担法医案件顾问工作,并经常负责长期管理身份不明者的遗骸。· 长期身份不明者属于“弱势”群体,学术机构应遵循人道原则开展鉴定。· 德克萨斯州立大学法医人类学中心提出了“鉴定和返还倡议”,以调查和识别长期存放的不明身份者的遗骸。· 本文考虑将人道行动纳入学术环境的可行性,并建议人类学家通过程序标准化、机构间合作,以及伦理型管理来更好地为不明身份者发声。

A dental perspective on the successes and limitations of the disaster victim identification response to the Nepal earthquake


Samarika Dahal, Gopal Kumar Chaudhary, Mani Raj Maharjan & Eugen Dolma Walung


This article describes the forensic odontological analysis of the events of the 2015 Nepal earthquake. It identifies the problems encountered in the aftermath, lessons learned, and prospective future advances aimed at reducing the subjectivity in disaster victim identification (DVI). During a crisis, dental practitioners, particularly forensic odontologists, can make a substantial contribution to DVI, as highlighted in this article. It also promotes best practices in forensic dentistry that may be used by anyone in situations with few resources or people to deal with comparable scenarios.



Human rights and humanitarian forensic action: the experience in Uruguay人权和人道法医行动:乌拉圭的经验Hugo Rodríguez Almada, Frances Borches Duhalde & Victoria Iglesias Salaverría


Humanitarian Forensic Action (HFA) is considered a new field of Forensic Medicine and Forensic Sciences where the forensic science is applied to different humanitarian activities. In Uruguay, the HFA has been developed based on international documents and developed some methodologies appropriate to the particular features of the country. The Department of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences has devised and maintained several lines of action in response to demands from public institutions and other requests from victims, families, prosecutors and courts. In every instance, humanitarian forensic work contributes to the education and training of young forensic professionals.


人道法医行动(Humanitarian Forensic Action,HFA)被认为是法医学和法庭科学的一个新领域,法庭科学被应用于不同的人道活动。在乌拉圭,HFA是基于国际文件制定的,并施行了一系列适合该国特点的方法。法医学与法庭科学部门已经设计出若干条行动路线并加以维护,以满足公共机构的要求和受害者及其家属、检察官和法院的其他要求。人道法医工作在各种情况下都有助于针对年轻法医专业人员的教育和培训工作。


Letting go and saying goodbye: a Nepalese family’s decision, in the Ethiopian Airline crash ET-302放手与告别:埃塞俄比亚航空ET-302航班空难事故中一个尼泊尔家庭的决定



Forensic imaging: a powerful tool in modern forensic investigation法医学影像技术:现代法医调查的有力工具Min Zhang


Forensic imaging is a non-invasive examination process during the forensic investigation. It is mainly used in forensic pathology as an adjunct to the traditional autopsy. In the past two decades, forensic imaging has been vigorously developed by forensic experts from computed tomography (CT) to multiple augmented techniques through CT and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The application field of forensic imaging has also been broadened as its advantages are recognised by more forensic practitioners. In addition to the forensic pathology, this technique has been used in other forensic disciplines, including forensic anthropology, forensic odontology, forensic ballistics and wildlife forensics, etc. This article reviews the development of forensic imaging as the practice and research development in different forensic disciplines based on the relevant literature analysis.


法医学影像技术是案件调查中的一种非侵入性检查过程。它主要被用于法医病理学,作为传统尸检的辅助手段。在过去的二十年里,法医学影像技术的发展得到了法医学专家的大力推动,包括从计算机断层扫描(computed tomography,CT)到通过CT和磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)的多种增强技术。随着法医影像技术的优势获得越来越多法医从业者的认可,法医影像技术的应用领域也得到了拓宽。除法医病理学外,该技术还被用于其他法医学科,包括法医人类学、法医牙科学、法医弹道学和法医野生动物学等。本文在相关文献分析的基础上,回顾了法医影像技术在不同法医学科中的实践和研究发展。

Research Articles

Demographic characteristics of convicted child sexual abusers in South of Sweden, between 2013 and 2018: a pilot study2013年至2018年期间瑞典南部儿童性虐待犯的人口统计学特征:一项初步研究Emelie Stiernströmer, Marie Väfors Fritz, Caroline Mellgren & Ardavan Khoshnood


This study evaluates variables concerning demographic characteristics for all adult male offenders convicted of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) aged 0—17 in Malmö, Sweden between 2013 and 2018. All convictions (n=18) based on court documents from the District Court, the Court of Appeals and information from the Swedish Tax Agency were reviewed. A total of 30 victims were identified. Frequency analyses show that the most common features were that of a single offender, averaging 25 years old, with a non-Swedish background and a high school degree. The predominately extrafamilial CSA (i.e. committed by an acquaintance to the family) occurred in a private setting and consisted of penetrative acts. Girls averaging 13years old were abused multiple times, under fear and pressure. Although assumptions based on these results are preliminary, they provide a clearer image of the typical circumstances under which CSA have occurred within this time frame and geographical location. This study is a first attempt to construct an overview of demographic characteristics of CSA. As more data is gathered from this region, more sophisticated analyses can be conducted, providing stronger generalizations. Information of this kind may be important for research, classification of offender profiling and in case linking.


本研究评估了2013年至2018年期间瑞典马尔默市所有被判犯有儿童(0—17岁)性虐待(Child Sexual Abuse,CSA)的成年男性罪犯的人口统计学特征变量。根据地区法院、上诉法院的法院文件和瑞典税务局的信息,对所有定罪案例进行了回顾(n=18),共确认了30名受害者。频率分析表明,最常见的犯罪特征是单独犯,平均年龄25岁,具有非瑞典背景和高中学历;大多数家庭以外的CAS(即由家庭成员的熟人实施)发生在私密环境中并伴有侵入行为;平均年龄为13岁的女童会在恐惧和压力下遭受多次虐待。虽然上述结果属于初步假设,但本研究描绘了这一时间范围和地理位置所发生的CSA案件的典型特征。本研究是首次尝试构建CSA的人口统计学特征概况。随着从该地区收集到更多的数据,可以进行更为复杂的分析,以提供更好的概述。此类信息对于关联案件、犯罪侧写的研究和分类非常重要。

Identification of a decedent in a 103-year-old homicide case using forensic anthropology and genetic genealogy
利用法医人类学和基因谱系鉴定一起103年前凶杀案中的死者Amy R. Michael, Samantha H. Blatt, Mariyam Isa, Anthony Redgrave & Douglas H. Ubelaker


Anthropologists are often the custodians of long-term unidentified human remains though their positions as curators of university or museum skeletal collections. Various factors decrease the solvability of these legacy cases including the passage of time, the loss of provenience for specific cases, and lack of documentation or case records. While anthropologists can contribute important information toward identification, it is often necessary to explore novel and cross-disciplinary strategies to resolve difficult cold cases.

In long cold cases, the postmortem interval, in particular, may be difficult to estimate leading to further challenges in achieving identification. Modern advances in radiocarbon bomb pulse dating, isotope analysis, and actualistic studies have contributed to positive identification of unidentified human remains in some legacy cases, but may not be available to all forensic practitioners and law enforcement from resource-poor agencies. Pooling resources, as well as collaborating with professionals outside of forensic anthropology, is a useful strategy to pursue when anthropological methods are exhausted.The case study presented here demonstrates a collaborative approach between forensic anthropologists, forensic genetic genealogists, and law enforcement in a century-old homicide. The dismembered and mummified parts of a male body were recovered in a remote cave in 1979 and again in 1991. Despite forensic anthropologists creating and updating the biological profile over the decades from recovery to present, no identification was made until the application of forensic genetic genealogy (FGG) to the case in 2019. New interpretations of bone microstructure and trauma analysis are presented for the case, alongside the historical documentation and “proof of life” evidence used by the genealogy team. A review of the FGG methods underscores the challenges in this case (e.g. significant endogamy, multiple aliases used by the victim) and the steps taken toward resolution. Ultimately, a combined anthropology and genealogy approach resulted in a confirmed identity for a man who was murdered in 1916.

Key points· Forensic scientists should leverage a collaborative, interdisciplinary approach toward human identification.· When combined with forensic anthropology methods, forensic genetic genealogy is a valuable tool linking biological and cultural-historical aspects of identity.· Forensic anthropologists should review challenging cases in their labs as new methods are introduced and new resources become available.



对于历时已久的冷门案件,尤其是死后时间间隔无法估计的遗骸,其个人身份往往难以识别。现代放射性碳弹脉冲测年法、同位素分析和实际研究的进步,有助于在一些遗留案件中对不明身份的遗体进行有效鉴定,但并非所有法医从业者和资源匮乏机构的执法人员都能获得这些方法。当人类学方法用尽时,集中资源以及与法医人类学以外的专业人员合作是一种有效策略。本案例研究介绍了法医人类学家、法医遗传谱学家和执法部门为破获一起一百多年前发生的凶杀案而采用的合作模式。一具被肢解和部分木乃伊化的男性尸体躯干及四肢分别于1979年和1991年在一个偏僻的洞穴中被发现。尽管法医人类学家在1979年至今的几十年里建立并更新了整个生物学体系,但直至2019年,法医人类学家将法医遗传谱学(forensic genetic genealogy,FGG)应用于此案,才有了鉴定结果。谱系研究小组除了将历史文献和“生活证明”作为证据外,还对该案的骨骼微观结构和创伤分析进行了新的解释。本研究通过对FGG方法的回顾体现了本案的挑战性(例如,严重的内部通婚、受害者曾使用多个化名),以及为解决这些问题所采取的措施。最终,人类学和基因谱学相结合的方法为这名1916年被谋杀的男子验明了正身。关键点· 法医学家应该利用协作、跨学科的方法进行个体识别。· 当与法医人类学方法相结合时,法医遗传谱学是一个有价值的工具,能够将生物学和文化历史两方面的个人身份联系起来。· 随着新方法的引入和新资源的出现,法医人类学家应在其实验室中重启具有挑战性的案件。

Missing and murdered indigenous women and girls in Canada: a new population affinity assessment technique to aid in identification using 3D technology失踪和被杀的加拿大原住民妇女和女童:利用三维技术辅助识别种群亲缘关系的新评估方法Elisabeth Cuerrier-Richer


As of 2015, 204 cases of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls (MMIWG) remained unsolved in Canada, making it a major concern for Canadian Indigenous communities, who are still pressing for the resolution of these cases. In forensic anthropology, the assessment of population affinity can be useful to help identify victims. Population affinity, previously referred to as ancestry, is evaluated based on morphological analyses, which examine the size and shape of skeletal features, and metric analyses, which utilise skeletal measurements. However, morphological analyses strongly depend on an anthropologist’s experience with human variation, which makes the analyses particularly challenging to reproduce and standardise. The purpose of this study is to improve the rigour of morphological analyses by using 3D technology to quantify relevant cranial nonmetric population affinity traits. As there is currently little morphological data available for the Canadian Indigenous population, this research aims to develop a new technique that could aid in the identification of MMIWG. The study comprised a total of 87 adult female crania, including 24 of Canadian Inuit origin, 50 of European descent and 13 of African descent. The samples were imaged using photogrammetry, then analysed using a 3D shape analysis in 3DS Max. Results show that this method is satisfactory in correctly evaluating population affinity with an accuracy of 87.36% (jackknifed: 80.46%) and an average repeatability of 97%. Unfortunately, the small Canadian Indigenous sample size impacted the applicability of the results and further research will be required before the technique can be used to aid in the identification of MMIWG in Canada.

Key Points· MMIWG are over-represented as victims of violence and homicide in Canada.· Population affinity provides biogeographic data to help search national databases.· Cranial morphological variation can be quantified in 3D accurately and precisely.


截至2015年,加拿大仍有204起涉及失踪和被杀原住民妇女和女童(missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls,MMIWG)案件悬而未决,这已成为加拿大原住民社区主要关注的问题,他们仍在迫切要求解决这些案件。在法医人类学中,对种群亲缘关系的评估可以帮助识别受害者。种群亲缘关系,曾被称为祖先关系,是根据形态学分析和计量学分析来评估的,前者检查骨骼大小和形状等特征,后者则对骨骼进行测量。然而,形态学分析在很大程度上取决于人类学家对人体变异的经验,这使得分析的可重复性和标准化极具挑战。本研究旨在通过使用三维技术来量化相关的颅骨非计量种群亲缘性状,以提高形态学分析的准确性。由于目前几乎没有加拿大原住民人口的形态学数据,本研究旨在开发一种新的技术,以帮助识别MMIWG。研究共收集到87个成年女性的颅骨,其中24例为加拿大因纽特人,50例为欧洲人后裔,13例为非洲人后裔。使用摄影测量法对样本进行成像,然后使用3DS Max的三维形状分析法进行分析。结果表明,这种方法在正确评估种群亲缘关系方面令人满意,准确率为87.36%(刀切法后准确率估计值为80.46%),平均重复率为97%。本研究关于加拿大原住民的样本量较小,影响到结果的适用性。因此,在该技术用于帮助识别加拿大的MMIWG之前,还需要进一步的研究。

关键点· 加拿大的暴力和凶杀案受害者中原住民妇女和女童人数众多。· 种群亲缘关系提供生物地理学数据,有助于国家级数据库的检索。· 3D技术可以精确量化颅骨形态学变化。

Next generation sequencing of Y-STRs in father-son pairs and comparison with traditional capillary electrophoresis父子配对Y-STR的下一代测序以及与传统毛细管电泳的比较Steffi Bredemeyer, Lutz Roewer & Sascha Willuweit


To evaluate the promising advantages of massively parallel sequencing (MPS) in our casework, we analysed a total of 33 Y-chromosomal short tandem repeats (Y-STRs) with traditional capillary electrophoresis (CE) and 25 Y-STRs using the newer MPS technology. We studied the outcome of both technologies in 64 father-son pairs using stock and custom-designed kits. Current MPS technology confirmed the 13 mutational events observed with CE and improved our understanding of the complex nature of STR mutations. By detecting isometric sequence variants between unrelated males, we show that sequencing Y-STRs using MPS can boost discrimination power.


为了评估大规模平行测序(massively parallel sequencing,MPS)在检案工作中的潜在优势,本研究应用传统毛细管电泳(capillary electrophoresis,CE)分析了33个Y染色体短串联重复序列(Y-STR),并使用较新的MPS技术分析了25个Y-STR。使用现有的和定制设计的试剂盒在64对父子对中研究了这两种技术的结果。目前的MPS技术证实了CE观察到的13个突变事件,并提高了对STR突变复杂性质的理解。通过检测无血缘关系的男性之间的等距序列变异,结果表明使用MPS对Y-STRs进行测序可提高识别能力。

Is it possible to use the HCR-20 V2 to assess the risk of violent recidivism of French offenders?应用HCR-20 V2评估法国的暴力犯再犯风险的可行性Ingrid Bertsch, Robert Courtois, Elodie Gallard, Christian Réveillère & Thierry H. Pham

Purkait’s triangle revisited: role in sex and ancestry estimation重新评估Purkait三角法在性别和种族判断中的作用MennattAllah Hassan Attia, Mohamed Hassan Attia, Yasmin Tarek Farghaly, Bassam Ahmed El-Sayed Abulnoor, Sotiris K. Manolis, Ruma Purkait & Douglas H. Ubelaker

Automatic detection of teeth and dental treatment patterns on dental panoramic radiographs using deep neural networks利用深度神经网络自动检测牙科全景射线照片上的牙齿和牙科治疗模式Hye-Ran Choi, Thomhert Suprapto Siadari, Jo-Eun Kim, Kyung-Hoe Huh, Won-Jin Yi, Sam-Sun Lee & Min-Suk Heo

Exploring technologies to better link physical evidence and digital information for disaster victim identification基于物证和数字信息对灾难受害者个体识别的技术探索Hye-Ran Choi, Thomhert Suprapto Siadari, Jo-Eun Kim, Kyung-Hoe Huh, Won-Jin Yi, Sam-Sun Lee & Min-Suk Heo

Multi-locus identification of Psilocybe cubensis by high-resolution melting (HRM)应用高分辨率熔解法(high-resolution melting,HRM)对古巴光盖菇(Psilocybe cubensis)的多焦点鉴定David Lovell, Kellie Vella, Diego Muñoz, Matt McKague, Margot Brereton & Peter Ellis

Population genetics and forensic efficiency of 30 InDel markers in four Chinese ethnic groups residing in Sichuan30个InDel在四川省四个少数民族的群体遗传学和法医学应用Fei Wang, Guanglin He, Zheng Wang, Mengge Wang, Jing Liu, Xing Zou, Shouyu Wang, Mengyuan Song, Ziwei Ye, Mingkun Xie & Yiping Hou

MiR-711 and miR-183-3p as potential markers for vital reaction of burned skinMiR-711和miR-183-3p作为烧伤皮肤生活反应潜在标记物的研究Kaikai Zhang, Ming Cheng, Jingtao Xu, Lijian Chen, Jiahao Li, Qiangguo Li, Xiaoli Xie & Qi Wang

Genetic polymorphisms of 44 Y chromosomal genetic markers in the Inner Mongolia Han population and its genetic relationship analysis with other reference populations内蒙古汉族人群44个Y染色体遗传标记的遗传多态性及与其他参考人群的遗传关系分析Xiaoye Jin, Guohui Xing, Chunhua Yang, Xingru Zhang, Wei Cui, Chong Chen & Bofeng Zhu

Preliminary study on the mechanisms of ankle injuries under falling and impact conditions based on the THUMS model 基于THUMS模型的坠落和冲击条件下的踝关节损伤机制的初步研究Zhengdong Li, Jianhua Zhang, Jinming Wang, Ping Huang, Donghua Zou & Yijiu Chen

Trauma outcomes in nonfatal road traffic accidents: a Portuguese medico-legal approach非致命道路交通事故的创伤结果:葡萄牙的法医学经验Flávia Cunha-Diniz, Tiago Taveira-Gomes, José Manuel Teixeira & Teresa Magalhães

Use of deep learning in forensic sex estimation of virtual pelvic models from the Han population深度学习在汉族人群虚拟骨盆模型性别鉴定中的应用Yongjie Cao, Yonggang Ma, Xiaotong Yang, Jian Xiong, Yahui Wang, Jianhua Zhang, Zhiqiang Qin, Yijiu Chen, Duarte Nuno Vieira, Feng Chen, Ji Zhang & Ping Huang

Optimum conditions and application of one-step fluorescent cyanoacrylate fuming method for fingermark development based on PolyCyano UV基于聚氰基紫外一步荧光氰基丙烯酸酯烟化法指纹显影的最佳条件及应用Kang Li, Shuo Li & Jun Yang

Case Reports
Autopsy results from a COVID-19 patient treated in a tropical area, and a review of the epidemiological history
Jie Cai, Bo Wang, Tao Song, Peng Zhang, Ren Long, Xiaoran Liu, Jianqiang Deng & Jianhua Chen

The outcome of the forensic triage preceding Disaster Victim Identification in the downing of flight MH17

【摘要翻译:曹永杰 田甜

Forensic Sciences Research

Sponsor: Academy of Forensic Science

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