
How to Find what you're Looking for in Chengdu

ChengduExpat 2019-11-29


Having difficulties trying to find what you are looking looking for in Chengdu? 

Our Mini-Program can be used to find almost everything from restaurants, bars, events, jobs, news, useful info and more. The ChengduExpat+ Mini-Program really has it all at your fingertips.

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Extract the QR code above, or click below

Handy Search Function 

The best feature of our Mini-Program is the "Search" function.

Whatever you are looking for, just like Baidu or Google, just type in the search bar at the top and you will be able to see all the content related to your keywords. 

"Star" our Mini-Program For Easy Access

Once you have opened our Mini-Program once, you are able to "star" it which is a way to access it faster the next time you need it by just swiping down from your chats menu in WeChat as shown below.

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Please feel free to type them below.

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