

2016-11-24 韩健勇 魏 鹏 颈肩腰腿痛专业治疗

Ankle Arthritis


A Patient’s Guide to Osteoarthritis of the Ankle




What can be done for the condition?


The treatment of OA of the ankle can be divided into the nonsurgical means to control the symptoms and the surgical procedures that are available to treat the condition. Surgery is usually not considered until it has become impossible to control the symptoms without it.


Nonsurgical Treatment


Treatment usually begins when the ankle first becomes painful. The pain may only occur at first with heavy use and may simply require the use of mild anti-inflammatory medications such as aspirin or ibuprofen. Reducing the activity or changing from occupations that require long periods of standing and walking may be necessary to help control the symptoms.


Newer medications such as glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate are being used by orthopedic surgeons more commonly today. These medications seem to be effective in reducing the pain of OA in all joints.


There are also new injectable medications that lubricate the arthritic joint. These medications have been studied mainly in the knee. It is unclear if they will help the . These injectable medications are not usually prescribed for this condition yet.


Rehabilitation services, such as physical therapy, play a critical role in the treatment plan for ankle joint arthritis. The main goal of therapy is to help you learn how to control symptoms and maximize the health of your ankle. You’ll learn ways to calm your pain and symptoms. You may use rest, heat, or topical rubs. Your therapist will work with you to improve flexibility, balance, and strength. Training is done to help you walk smoothly and without a limp, which may require that you use a walking aid such as a walker, crutches, or cane.


Modifying your shoe with a rocker sole may give some relief of symptoms. The rocker sole replaces your normal sole with a rounded one, allowing your foot to roll as you move through a step. This can help take stress off the ankle as you walk.


Braces that reduce the motion in the ankle can also be beneficial in reducing pain. Special braces that transfer some of the body weight to the knee can help protect the ankle. These braces are called  bearing braces. They are quite large and bulky and may not be well tolerated by some patients.



An injection of cortisone into the joint can give temporary relief from symptoms of OA. Cortisone is a powerful anti-inflammatory medication. When injected into the joint itself, cortisone can help relieve the pain. The pain relief is temporary and usually only lasts several weeks to months. There is a small risk of infection with any injection into a joint, and cortisone injections are no exception.




Eventually, it may be necessary to consider surgery for OA of the ankle. There are several different types of surgery that can be performed to help with your condition. Which procedure is recommended by your surgeon will be determined by many things. These include how much the degeneration in the ankle has progressed, how active you are, how old you are, and what other medical problems you have. Each type of procedure has risks and benefits that should be discussed with your surgeon. The choices for surgery are arthroscopic surgery to clean up the joint, fusion of the joint, or replacing the joint with an artificial ankle joint.


Arthroscopic Debridement


Sometimes when OA of the ankle occurs, loose pieces of cartilage and bone float around inside the ankle joint. These loose bodies can cause irritation in the joint, leading to inflammation. They can also get caught between the joint surfaces of the ankle. This can cause a sharp pain when it happens. The cartilage surfaces of the joint also become rough, with flaps of cartilage that peel off the surface, much like paint peeling off the ceiling. Bone spurs, or outgrowths, form around the joint and can grow larger over time. These bone spurs can rub against the soft tissues around the ankle joint when the ankle moves, again causing pain and swelling.


The arthroscope can help the doctor remove these loose bodies and bone spurs and smooth the cartilage surfaces of the ankle joint. The arthroscope is a special TV camera that is inserted through small incisions (one-quarter of an inch) around the ankle. Small surgical tools can also be inserted through these incisions to work in the ankle joint.


Related Document: A Patient’s Guide to Ankle Arthroscopy





When the ankle joint becomes so painful that it is difficult to walk, surgery may be suggested to fuse the ankle joint. An ankle fusion is sometimes also called an ankle arthrodesis. In this operation, the three bones that make up the ankle joint (the talus, the tibia, and the fibula) are allowed to grow together, or fuse, into one bone. Once this is done the ankle no longer is able to move, but with a successful fusion the pain is gone. Most people with a successful fusion of the ankle are able to walk without much trouble, and in some cases it is almost impossible to tell that the ankle is stiff. But it is very difficult to run because you lose the ability to push off with the toes. The foot can’t bend down.


Most people will need some changes made to their shoes following an ankle fusion. Because the ankle no longer moves, it is difficult to roll over the top of the foot when you take a step. For this reason, shoes are usually fitted with a rocker sole. This allows the shoe to roll instead of the foot. A special heel is sometimes built on the shoe to absorb some of the shock.


The ankle fusion is a good operation, especially for a young, active person. It is usually the preferred option for post-traumatic arthritis of the ankle. Once the ankle is successfully fused it can last a lifetime, and no other operations are expected later unless there are problems. But there are complications associated with the ankle fusion, and not all ankle fusions are successful.


Related Document: 





骨科手术早知道004:踝关节置换术(ANKLE REPLACEMENT) 

Because no one wants to lose the ability to move the ankle, much research has been done trying to perfect an artificial ankle replacement. Until now, the artificial ankle has not been nearly as successful as the artificial hip or knee.


The ankle is a difficult joint to replace for many reasons. The socket (usually called the mortise) is actually made up of two bones, the tibia and the fibula. These two bones move against one another slightly when we walk. This makes it difficult to get the artificial ankle socket to stay connected to the bone.


The biggest problem with the older artificial ankle designs is that they loosened after a relatively short time and began to cause pain. When using the newer artificial ankle designs, surgeons have tried to solve this problem by actually fusing the tibia and fibula together during the operation and placing screws across the two bones. This has dramatically increased the success rate for the artificial ankle replacements done today. Many surgeons are now beginning to use the artificial ankle for post-traumatic arthritis instead of doing a fusion. Patients are able to keep the motion in the ankle and avoid some of the problems associated with the ankle fusion.


Related Document: 




What should I expect following treatment?


Nonsurgical Rehabilitation


If you don’t need surgery, range-of-motion exercises for the ankle should be started as pain eases, followed by a program of strengthening. The program advances to include strength and balance exercises. You’ll be given tips on keeping your symptoms controlled. You will probably progress to a home program within four to six weeks.


In cases of advanced OA where surgery is called for, patients may also see a physical therapist before surgery to discuss exercises that will be used just after surgery and to begin practicing using crutches or a walker.


After Surgery


Your ankle will be bandaged with a well-padded dressing and a splint for support after surgery. Most patients are instructed not to place weight on their foot for a period of time after surgery. After , this period lasts about one week. After ankle joint replacement, patients usually avoid placing weight on their foot for up to 12 weeks.


Physical therapy sessions may be needed after surgery for up to two months. The first few treatments are used to help control the pain and swelling after surgery. Treatments include , ice, and soft tissue massage. Hands-on joint movements and stretching are used to improve range of motion and flexibility.


Therapists sometimes treat their patients in a pool. Exercising in a swimming pool puts less stress on the ankle joint, and the buoyancy lets you move and exercise easier. Once you’ve gotten your pool exercises down and the other parts of your rehab program advance, you may be instructed in an independent program.


Your therapist will also work with you to safely progress the amount of weight you are able to place on your foot. The goal will be to help you walk comfortably and with a smooth walking pattern. Some of the exercises you’ll do are to help strengthen and stabilize the muscles around the ankle joint. You’ll be given tips on ways to do your activities while avoiding extra strain on the ankle joint.


(韩健勇  译         魏鹏  校)


魏鹏, 宁波市第一医院/浙江大学宁波医院骨科中心副主任、手足及显微创伤外科主任,副主任医师,硕士生导师,宁波市领军和拔尖人才,国际矫形与创伤外科学会(SICOT)中国部显微外科学组委员、中国医疗保健国际交流促进会足踝外科学组委员,中华医学会骨科学分会足踝外科学组青年委员,中国生物材料学会脊髓与周围神经修复学组委员、宁波市医学会骨科学分会足踝学组组长(筹)、《中华显微外科杂志》、《中华临床医师杂志》、《现代实用医学杂志》等多家杂志特约编辑。原宁波六院手外科医疗及教学秘书、医疗组组长,宁波大学附属医院手足显微外科创建人、负责人。国内核心医学期刊发表科研论文30余篇,参编国家十二五规划高校教材2部,参编医学专著1部,参译医学2部,主持浙江省重中之重课题1项、宁波市自然科学基金2项、社会发展等科研项目2项,宁波大学校级课题2项。



