
中英文字幕:三关节融合术(Triple Arthrodesis)

2017-11-10 ViewMedica.com 颈肩腰腿痛专业治疗




Triple Arthrodesis



This surgical procedure is used to help relieve pain in the ankle joint and correct deformities in the hindfoot caused by injury, arthritis, or genetic defect. The procedure fuses the three main joints in the hindfoot that allow side-to-side movement - the calcaneo-cuboid, talonavicular, and subtalar joints.



The patient is positioned so that all sides of the foot are clearly visible to the surgeon. Anesthetic is administered and the area is cleaned and sterilized.


Accessing the Ankle Joint (显露关节)

An incision is made on the outside of the foot, just below the ankle. A second incision is made on the inside of the ankle. The joints are examined and all remaining cartilage between the bones of these joints is removed. If the hindfoot is misaligned, its position is corrected.


Fusing the Joint(融合关节)

Screws, staples, or plates are inserted to stabilize the bones of the joint. Bone graft is packed around the space between the bones if needed. Over time, these bones will fuse together.


End of Procedure and After Care(手术结束和术后护理)

The incision is closed with sutures or surgical staples. The ankle may be placed in a brace or half-cast, and a short hospital stay will be required. Weight should not be applied to the foot for at least six weeks after the surgery. A walking cast may then be used for at least another six weeks. Full recovery usually takes up to ten months.


(胡佰文    译)


骨科手术早知道017:三关节融合术(TRIPLE ARTHRODESIS)

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中英文字幕:拇趾僵硬(Hallux Rigidus (Stiff Big Toe))

中英文字幕:跟后滑囊炎(Haglund's Deformity(Retrocalcaneal Bursitis) )

中英文字幕:距骨骨折(Fracture of the Talus)

中英文字幕:跟骨骨折(Fracture of the Heel Bone (Calcaneus))

中英文字幕:糖尿病足(Diabetic Foot)


中英文字幕:马蹄内翻足(Clubfoot/Talipes Equinovarus)

中英文字幕:爪形趾(Claw Toe)

中英文字幕:慢性外踝痛(Chronic Lateral Ankle Pain)


中英文字幕:踝关节扭伤(Ankle Sprains)

中英文字幕:成人获得性平足(Adult Acquired Flatfoot)

中英文字幕:跟腱损伤(Achilles Tendon Injuries)

中英文字幕:足部副舟骨(Accessory Navicular)


