
中英文字幕:跟骨骨折切开复位内固定术(Calcaneal Fracture Fixation )

2017-11-30 ViewMedica.com 颈肩腰腿痛专业治疗



Calcaneal Fracture Fixation 

(Open Reduction and Internal Fixation)



This procedure is used to correct a severe fracture of the calcaneus (the heel bone). During this procedure, the surgeon stabilizes the bone with hardware to allow the bone to heal properly.

  该手术用于治疗跟骨(脚后跟骨)的严重骨折。 在此手术中,外科医生用内固定材料稳定骨头,以使骨头正常愈合。


In preparation for the procedure, the patient is positioned and anesthesia is administered. The surgeon creates one or more incisions on the foot to access the fractured calcaneus.



The surgeon carefully realigns the fracture and inserts guide wires into the bone. Bone graft may be used to fill any spaces created by the fracture. Screws are then inserted to stabilize the fracture. The surgeon may choose from a variety of types of screws, along with rigid plates or wires.

  外科医生仔细地将骨折块复位并将导丝插入骨头。 可能使用骨移植来填充由骨折产生的空隙。 然后拧入螺钉以稳定骨折。 术者可以选择各种类型的螺钉,以及钢板或钢丝用于手术。

End of Procedure and Aftercare(手术结束及术后护理)

When the procedure is complete, the incisions are closed and the foot is bandaged and placed in a splint. The patient will not be allowed to bear weight on the foot for about six to twelve weeks. A walking brace or shoe may be required until the fracture has fully healed.

  手术完成后,关闭切口并包扎伤脚,置于夹板中。 术后6~12周患足避免负重。 在骨折完全愈合之前,可能需要行走支具或鞋。

(胡佰文    译)


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中英文字幕:腓骨肌腱撕裂(Peroneal Tendon Tears)

中英文字幕:距骨软骨损伤(Osteochondral Injuries of the Talus)

中英文字幕:莫顿神经瘤(Morton's neuroma)

中英文字幕:Lisfranc骨折脱位(Lisfranc(Midfoot) Fracture-Dislocation)

中英文字幕:琼斯骨折( Jones Fracture)

中英文字幕:高位踝关节扭伤(High Ankle Sprain (Syndesmosis Ligament Injury))

中英文字幕:锤状趾(Hammer Toe)

中英文字幕:拇趾僵硬(Hallux Rigidus (Stiff Big Toe))

中英文字幕:跟后滑囊炎(Haglund's Deformity(Retrocalcaneal Bursitis) )

中英文字幕:距骨骨折(Fracture of the Talus)

中英文字幕:跟骨骨折(Fracture of the Heel Bone (Calcaneus))

中英文字幕:糖尿病足(Diabetic Foot)


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中英文字幕:爪形趾(Claw Toe)

中英文字幕:慢性外踝痛(Chronic Lateral Ankle Pain)


中英文字幕:踝关节扭伤(Ankle Sprains)

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中英文字幕:跟腱损伤(Achilles Tendon Injuries)

中英文字幕:足部副舟骨(Accessory Navicular)


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