
《风景园林》2024-08刊首语 | 章明:关于设计研究

章明 风景园林杂志

全文刊登于《风景园林》2024年第8期 P8-9


About Design Research







The theoretical research on landscape architecture and the design practice of landscape architecture may seem like two parallel lines, which are looking at each other from the distance but find it difficult to support or complement the other side mutually. There are two main reasons: Firstly, design culture, scientific culture, and humanistic culture are three parallel categories of human knowledge with significant differences in terms of research object, methodology, and values. In essence, it is destined that the paradigms and methods commonly used in scientific or humanities studies can not be completely applied to do research in the field of design. Secondly, since design practice is subjective and artistic, it is difficult to directly transform the design outcomes into widely recognized achievements in academic circles. Therefore, the academic work of landscape architecture has to incorporate itself into other fields and adapt to the content, methods, and research methodology of other disciplines proactively. The results of such research will mostly only include the edges of the discipline and have weak correlation between the actual design practices.

The long-term separation between design and research, as well as between knowledge and practices, will result in the failure to establish autonomy in the field of landscape architecture design. The construction of methodology will directly affect the future development path of landscape architecture design. Therefore, seeking a research methodology that conforms to the cognitive characteristics of design and is logically adaptive has become an urgent problem to be solved for design research. 

Design research has begun to develop as an independent academic field since the 1960s, aiming to solve the above problems, as well as describe, explain, and even predict the entire process (including the germination of design inspiration to the presentation of final results, and also the indescribable yet crucial extensions and connotations in the design process) of design activities via systematic methods. 

Nowadays, there are three basic types of design research formed and widely recognized by the academic circles both at home and abroad. 1) Research about Design (RaD), including phenomenology research, epistemology research and behavioral research; 2) Research for Design (RfD). When the “Design” represents design products, RfD refers to the preliminary research that provides support for specific design projects; When the “Design” is used to describe design processes, it refers to the knowledge research which will promote the construction of the design process; 3) Research through Design (RtD). This kind of research takes design process as a tool for testing research hypotheses, or a tool for defining research questions and revising design proposals. However, for these three types of research, there are still numerous challenges in terms of further demonstrating the complete research paradigm and example content. 

As mentioned above, due to the lack of a core methodology and epistemological system directly related to design practice and scientific research, landscape architecture has to rely on the theoretical frameworks and methodology of other disciplines. Although it can promote interdisciplinary exchange and integration to a certain extent, it will also cause the research results staying at the edge of interdisciplinary fields, making it difficult to directly guide the design practice path of landscape architecture. Feasible solutions include: To construct theories by drawing experience from practice through design-researcher reflection; Or construct methodology and epistemology of design research based on the ontology of the research. Both solutions belong to RaD. The current problem is that theories constructed by drawing experience from practice are mostly scattered research by individual scholars, with little overall systematic framework, and lack continuous promotion in the later stage; However, in terms of methodology and epistemology formed based on design research ontology, due to the obscurity of language system, the academic discussion will often be limited to a small scope and hard to be widely accepted and adopted, thus facing the risk of becoming an interpretive perspective. Therefore, by launching this Design Research topic, we hope that more and more people will recognize and pay attention to this niche but important field, so as to gradually improve the current situation of the division between design and research. 

As a field that combines the essence of art and philosophy while deeply roots in science and technology, design is destined to constantly explore its own cognition and definition despite confusion. The research on landscape architecture design is at a crossroads full of challenges and opportunities. Both the empirical review of practical cases and the systematic discussion of theoretical systems are conducted to promote the establishment of design research paradigms through continuous exploration, construct an independent discourse system belonging to landscape architecture itself, and inject new vitality and wisdom into the discipline and even the broader design field.


Acquiring editor of the current issue: ZHANG Ming


July 20, 2024



微信编辑 刘芝若

微信校对 李清清

审核 曹娟







