
人教PEP英语六年级上册Unit 2 达标测试卷(可下载)

点击关注☛ 小学语数 2023-02-13




第一卷 听力部分


一、1. It's snowy. We go by sled.

2. Please wear a helmet.

3. He goes to work by ferry every day.

4. It is in Germany.

5. Pay attention to the traffic lights.

二、1. Mrs Green is our English teacher.

2. My father goes to Hubei by train.

3. We usually go to school on foot.

4. You can go there by train.

5. Let's take a plane. It's fast.

三、1. Man: Stop, please. Pay attention to the traffic lights.

Woman: Oh, it's red now. Thank you.

2. Man: Excuse me, how can I get to Renmin Hospital?

Woman: You can take the No. 32 bus over there.

3. Man: How do you go to work?

Woman: I often go by subway.

4. Man: How do you get to Qingdao from Tianjin?

Woman: I go there by ship.

5. Man: I sometimes go to school by sled.

Woman: Oh, that's cool. But you must drive slowly.

四、 Hello, I'm Tom. I'm a boy. I live near my school. I usually go to school on foot. Sometimes I go by bike. My friend Jenny lives far from school. She usually goes to school by car. Sometimes she goes by bus. Danny always goes to school by bus. He never goes on foot. Sam usually goes by bike. Sometimes he goes by bus. Lucy always walks to school. She never goes by bike.




二、1. F2. T3. T4. F5. T

三、1. T2. F3. T4. T5. F

四、Tom: U;S;/;/Jenny: /;/;S;U

Danny: N;/;A;/Sam: /; U; S;/

Lucy: A;N;/;/

五、1. F2. T3. F4. T5. F

六、1. plane2. taxi3. bus4. slow5. train

七、1. B

2. A 点拨:on. . . side为固定搭配,香港与英国的交通规则是一样的,车辆需靠左行驶。

3. A 点拨:let's后跟动词原形,by为介词,不符合要求。home为副词,前面不需要使用介词to。

4. C5. B

6. A 点拨:在某个国家应用介词in,people on bikes指骑在自行车上的人们。

7. A8. C9. B10. B

八、1. Don't go at a red light.

2. How does he often get there?

3. He usually goes to the nature park on foot.

4. Does Amy come to school by bus?

5. How many traffic lights are there in every country?

九、1. B2. D3. C4. E5. A

十、(一)1. C2. A3. B4. C5. A

(二)1. T2. T3. F4. T5. F


I live near school. I often go to school on foot. I like walking with my friends together. My mother goes to work by bike. My father often goes to work by car. I like walking and riding a bike. I think they are good for our body. And they are good for our city.


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