
Have a Job Interview? Here is how you get the Job!

2017-08-16 IiB Jeff InternsInBeijing
Ace your Job Interview
Finally, you made it and got an interview for your dream job! Congrats! Well now you need to accomplish the task and pass the interview.
How to make sure you are the one and get the job? Let us see the 4 most important points:

First Impression
Body Language
Classical Questions

For easier reading we shortened the article, for full article click on "read more" at the bottom of this post

Find out who will interview you and research about this person on LinkedIn (most HR have an account there) To know who will do it see the name or the email address in the interview invitation email.
Clean your online presenceMake sure there are no inappropriate pictures or comments on Facebook, LinkedIn or anywhere else.
3 more tips in the full article

First Impression
Within the first 7 seconds recruiters make their first impression, make it count!
Greet everyone by entering the lobby you never know who will influence the HR team.
Dress to impress, better overdress than under-dress.

3 more tips in full article

Body Language

This is the most important and most underestimated part of the interview!

The decision to employ you or not is made by 55% based on your body language, 38% by your voice tone and only by 7% of what you actually say! SURPRISED? 
In case you failed before in an interview, that might be the reason.Some great tips for body language are provided in this picture.

The most important part of the Body Language is the mirroring of your interviewer. Read the full article to know how this is done.
Classical Questions
Most interviews start with the classical question:
Tell me a bit about yourself.
Since you are absolutely aware that this question will be asked you need to prepare for it!
Prepare the answer according to the 2-3 most important requirements and skills in the job description. Show where and why you used this skills before and how you use your skills to increase the company’s value. Add why you fit into the vision and mission of the company.
A good answer to this question will be crucial.
The full article also looks at questions like: What is your weakness?How did you manage a difficult situation?Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
These questions come up at every interview and need to be answered differently but with the same approach. Once you know how you wont be scared of such questions anymore and answer them confidently. 
At last don't forget to ask good questions at the end of the interview. 

Don't ask things you should know already from the job description or basic company knowledge like, who is the CEO?

Ask smart questions like:

I am very interested in this position and would like to know what the next steps after this interview are.

This question shows interest in the job, motivation and proves you really want to work with them

For Full Article click "Read more" at the bottom
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